The Farewell

  Kenzo watched from his room the parade and the Queen's appearance. She's wearing a black hat that has a net to cover her face. She's also wearing a black trench coat dress that has a pearl brooch in the shape of the Great Grievania's National Flower. She's standing on Grand King Edgar's right while on her left is Prince Philip. The camera focused on the Queen's face, and he noticed that she didn't look well. Her eyes were swollen, and she looked thinner. 

"Your soup, your majesty." Liv entered and placed the soup on his table. 

  Kenzo ignored it as Liv stood by his side waiting for his critique regarding the food. 

  Count Travis was with his fiancee just a few lines away from the Queen. He kept looking over the Queen. 

  Behind the Queen is Princess Kaisley with her husband wearing a dress that would cover her stomach from the media and then, Duchess Stacey with Duke Maverick. Stacey is holding her infant.