Chapter 4 - Search For The White Haired Boy

On the other hand, the giant Roc flew back to the spot he had a fight just then. His eyes fogged up with his own blood as he peered down into the deep dark ocean. "Maybe he is a Mer....I have to find out." with his huge strong wigs outstretched, he glided over to a small green island in the middle of the ocean.

Its soft green jade rocks hid a secretive creature inside it.

As he flew over, the small mermaids all scattered jumping into the safety of the ocean, leaving behind the stronger and older protecting the island.

"What do you want!" a loud female voice shouted.

Hua Ro changed back to his human form and casually strode past many Mers holding tridents in their hand. "I am here to get information." His brown eyes watched each of their movements with a smirk. His long black braided hair swished behind him as he slowly strode closer to a well-protected cave.

"Why are you here again, we already gave you our catch," the white-haired female mermaid replied immediately. She ran to him at high speed, dragging her huge green tail behind her. Without any hesitation, she held the sharp trident right on his jugular. "Get lost now,"

"Matilda, I'm here to get information on a young man." he said with a casual smirk. "He had white hair and ruby red eyes."

"We have no such youngster," the sharp trident slightly scratched his neck, yet still he remained calm.

"You do know what happens when you lie to me, right? Squeak before I lose my patience," Hua Ro growled. His nose slowly turned into a sharp beak and his nails sharpened into talons. "I don't have all day,"

"Shut up and get lost!!"

His fleeting patience snapped at last. His hands froze over into shark ice shards. He screeched loudly and charged at her. But another trident joined, slapping his shoulders hard. He slid back two steps, steadying from the sudden attack.

"Hua, I thought we had a deal. We don't bother you and you the same. Why are you here again?" a black haired woman stepped forward from inside the cave.

"I said I am here to get information, so you better tell Me." his eyes turned golden and his pupils shrug as if he was watching a prey.

The black-haired young woman sighed. "Describe him,"

"Jia!! What are you doing he is our enemy!!"

"Enemy, we can't defeat," the black haired woman calmly whispered. "Tell me, Roc, I will see if we can find the one you described,"

Hua Ro calmed down a little. "White haired, red ruby eyes. I saw him just miles east from here in your waters,"

"There are a lot of beasts here. We don't regulate who comes and goes. Besides, it might have also been a human."

"Not a chance. I think he was there to drench in the heavenly rain," The Roc firmly denied.

The black-haired woman slightly frowned. "Then..... He might be a fish clan or the oyster clan. The oyster clan has the tradition to let out the youngling to the surface to witness the heavenly rain. I think you might have seen one of them,"

"Oyster huh?" getting his answer Hua Ro did not waste his time with idle chats. He ran to the edge of the huge green rock and jumped, morphing into a huge eagle like creature mid air.

Watching him flyaway, the black-haired Mer let out a deep breath.

"Jia... I'm so frustrated. Why do you have to give in to every one of his demands?" the white-haired Mer, Matilda, shouted, clenching her fists tightly.

"When did I?" Jia glanced at her with her brows raised.

"You.... you just gave away the oyster clan youngster's information..." Matilda stuttered.

"Did I now... that stupid Roc. He doesn't know that all oyster beasts have white hair and ruby red eyes. Let him suffer a little," Jia said with a chuckle.

This Roc had only been sighted in these twenty years or so, before these skies were held firmly by the Phoenix clan, the Feng's. But this Roc had migrated from the west trying to occupy this area. It ate all their fish and even terrorises them to give up their catch.

"But still, the oyster clan are our allies... how can you," Matilda whispered in disbelief.

"Don't worry, the oysters rarely surface. They live so deep that even the heavenly phoenix can't swim so deep..... But if the Roc tries to invade their territory, it will be our cue to kill him. Water is our strength after all," she smilingly said and walked back into her cave. The white-haired Mer followed after her silently. "Tell the warriors to prepare for attack; the moment he dives deep we shall take him on,"

Thousand of Mer's armed with tridents jumped into the waters and swam swiftly to the east.