Chapter 11 - Pregnant?!

The doctor hurriedly handed over some dried up medicine. "Take this after dinner and after breakfast. As for your complete health report.... come collect it by tomorrow. You to Hachin, don't forget this," he sternly said and literally ran out of the clinic.

Qu Wren sniffed slightly. "He ran away.... do you think that something is really wrong with us? I mean the doctor acts weird. Even my family is acting weird with me...." he mumbled.

Right after he got his fire fever, everyone in his family started treating him like a delicate flower. Even his uncouth brother Diago was being so soft and kind to him. "It's super suspicious... do you think we are dying? Is that why Diago is being nice?"

Hachin slapped him in the back of his head. "Don't talk about dying, you, idiot. You think people can die after puking a few times, huh?"

"But I've heard rumors. The elders are all acting suspiciously respectful too. Don't tell me you didn't suspect anything." Wren glanced at him.

Hachin did not reply but thinking back, he too experienced the exact same things that Wren was saying. The elders were surprisingly very, very respectful to him. They even bowed in a ceremony that only juniors do. "Nothing is wrong with us. Stop over thinking things. Let's go home." he lifted Wren gently off the chair.

Qu Wren was surprisingly heavy. He immediately placed him on the table nearby. "You got fat..."

"No! I did not!! You got thin!!" Wren shouted with his face bright red as a coral. "I am totally not fat. See," he lifted his shirt halfway up to show off his newly formed six packs. "How can you call this fat?!"

"Have some decency we are in a clinic for goodnes's sake," he pulled Wren's shirt down with a bright flushed cheeks.

"What? I was just lifting my shirt. It's not like I am dancing naked here," Qu Wren grumbled. He jumped down from the table and leaned close to Hachin. "You are red. Is your fever back?" he gently touched his forehead.

Hachin flinched back. "No, Stop touching me suddenly like this," he mumbled, cupping his cheeks.

Seeing this reaction, Qu Wren was sure that his mother was right. Hachin always seems to shy away from physical contact lately. Smirking, he jumped up close to him. "Hey do you hate my touches or does it make you heart flutter?"

"W—what are you talking about? Flutter my ass, Wren you crazy bastard, stop talking nonsense," he shouted all of a sudden and swam out of the clinic as fast as he could.

"Wait for me, ah!!" Smirking Wren followed after him. He caught up with him and swam alongside. "My brother got a new batch of dried squid from up the surface. Why don't you come over to my house?"

"I don't want it,"

"Come on, my mum is probably waiting for with a feast prepared. Do you want the food to go to waste," he blinked at him innocently.

Hachin peered at him hesitantly. "I—I..."

"Its decided then, let's go," Wren who was tired till now swam with renewed passion, pulling the stunned Hachin behind him.

The next day, like usually Qu Wren ran over to Hachin's house. "Do you have the dried squid my mum gave me?"

Hachin glanced at him, confusedly. "I thought you gave it to me as a gift."

"My mum gave you all of it, leaving not even a piece behind," he pouted with a sad look. "I wanted to eat them last night..."

Yesterday after hearing that he had been sick, his mother almost fainted. His brothers were worried and enraged that he had been eating too much junk food. So his whole packet of dried squid was gifted to Hachin.

"Here." Hachin handed him the whole pack. "Eat in moderation or you might get sick again,"

"Yep~" Qu Wren happily chewed it while Hachin was getting ready. "Hachin~ can we go swim to the reef after this. It's the season when the sea horses come out and mate. I want to see them spit out children," he mumbled while chewing the hard piece of squid.

"No, we have to go to the doctor's remember. Today we will get our health report,"

"Aww, but can't we do that later," Qu Wren rolled around in the bed with a pout.

Hachin glanced back with his brows raised "if you whine again I will take back all the squids,"

"They are mine," the pink-haired man hugged the small parcel tight to his chest.

Rolling his eyes, Hachin went over to his closet, "we have to see the doctor after which we can go to the reef,"

"Really!" Wren shot up with a dazzling smile on his face. "Hachin you are the best~"

Blushing, Hachin nodded.

"Let's go," Hachin said, wearing his white hair up in a bun.

They came early, and the clinic was not that crowded. Hachin and Wren directly walked in.

The little assistant, who was cleaning up the shelves, glanced back with his eyes wide open,. "You both, I was told you both would be here."

"Where is the doctor?" Hachin said with a slight frown.

"The doctor is still not back, but he handed me your report, wait a second." he shuffled through the few scrolls. "Hachin is blue and Wren is red." he gently touched the colourful tags hanging on each of the scrolls. The tags had names on them. While the report inside is just a health analysis. "ah found it." As he was pulling out one, the whole shelf collapsed.

"Careful!" Wren rushed to him and pulled him back before the huge shelf collapsed loudly. many scrolls rolled here and there on the floor, forming a small pile.

"Oh lord, I screwed up.... my boss is going to fire me...." he started crying loudly.

"Don't cry, we can help you out." Qu Wren lifted him up and helped wipe his tears away.

Seeing this, Hachin pouted a little. 'Why is he gentle to everyone... hump, idiot, stupid idiot!'

Qu Wren pulled the heavy shelf up with ease and started arranging the scrolls on it. The little assistant ran over and helped a swell.

As he was cleaning, Wren noticed a small blue tag that was lying there without a scroll attached. 'Hmmm, I think this snapped when it fell.' he glanced around and saw a scroll without a tag and attached it to it.

Similarly Hachin found a broken tag as well. Without thinking about it, he attached it to the scroll next to it.

"See good as brand new." Qu Wren proudly peered at the cleaned up shelves.

"Thank you so much!!!" the assistant bowed low. "Oh, I forgot you both are here for your reports, right."

He took out the blue and red tagged scroll from the shelf. "The first page has your health analysis and the next one will have the prescriptions. Please do purchase the herbs necessary on the counter in the front," he happily said to him.

Taking the red tagged scroll, Qu Wren happily opened it. But soon his smile bent into a frown.

"What is it?" Hachin curiously peered over.

Bright red words stood out.

"Wren is....Pregnant!! how.....?"