Chapter 16 - Finding Bunsi

Standing out the door, Hachin finally let out a deep breath he was holding. "How did brother Diago even find out? We weren't even loud." He mumbled as he swam back to his house. It was dark out and their plan had to wait until morning. Since Wren was detained to his room, all the responsibility came onto his shoulders.

He patted his cheeks, feeling the familiar tingle of his kiss. "I am definitely saving Wren. After which he will fall desperately in love with me and we will raise the baby together. He-he," he strode into his house confidently.

On the way to his room, he saw the familiar scroll lying carelessly on his kitchen counter. He picked up the blue tagged scroll and opened it.

It only said few words of congratulation and how he had progressed into Qi cultivation stage.

Hachin was quite confused by this. He felt the energy inside his body. It had not changed much since the time he began his cultivation. "Then how did I advance? Am I that powerful?"

But he did not have the time to ponder over this. He tossed the scroll carelessly over the counter and went back to his bed.

The next morning he woke up early, took care of his morning routine and got dressed in the most pristine outfit he could find. In order to meet the lieutenant, he had to literally charm his way inside the barracks.

Wren's brother might help, but he worried that he would expose their plan to Diago.

Sighing, he tied his long white hair up into a small bun and inserted the red jewelled pin inside. It was the exact same pin that Wren has brought before he could. The jewel was not completely red but it has slight pink tones to it that remained him of Wren's hair.

He glanced at his reflection and smirked. "Good think I stole it from him. Just like that, I'm also going to steal his heart." he confidently walked out of the house and swam over to the reefs. The security here is the tightest because their territory border coincides with the shark clan.

Standing I the corner he observed the situation. Wren's brother Ren seemed to be talking seriously with two older looking men. "How will I find which one is his lieutenant Bunsi," he bit his lips and waited patiently.

Suddenly, he felt a soft pat on his back. "Hachin, what brings you here," a soft voice whispered near his ear.

Hachin rolled his eyes because he knew who exactly the owner of the voice was. "Rais," he said and glanced back.

"hi..... You didn't contact me after that day. Is it because I was being too forward? I assure you I didn't expect the situation to blow up so fast."

Seeing this guy's expectant eyes, Hachin mentally wanted to bang his head. 'My idiot past self. Why did you even talk to this bastard? Why?' he mentally scolded himself.

This incident this guy spoke of happened just a few months ago. It was the time he was trying to forget Wren and move on. He desperately wanted to find love, so he started hanging out with a few of the warriors. This one in particulate stuck on.

At first he looked sweet and caring, but as time went on, he kept forcing him to be physical. Once, this guy even kissed him by force. Hachin absolutely hated it. From then on, he avoided this bastard whenever he could.

'Darn I am unlucky. Why did I have to meet this bastard?' Hachin sighed.

Rais kept rambling on, but Hachin was too concerned about brother Ren.

"Hey! Do you know Bunsi?" he whispered stopping his banter mid sentence.

"Yeah, I do? What do you want with him?"

"I need a help from him," Hachin anxiously said.

The guy who was acting innocent changed his face immediately. A cruel smile resurfaced on his face. "Oh, so he is my replacement, huh? You have chosen him as your mate!"

'What is he talking about? That guy is twice my age!' Hachin frowned. "Look, I am just searching for him to ask for a favour."

But the guy kept stepping closer threateningly.

After a few steps, Hachin's back hit the huge coral behind him. "Rais.... what are you doing?"

"Making sure that you will be mine," the bastard charged at him.

Hachin already expected this move. He swiftly moved to the side and kicked him straight in the balls.

"agh!!" the annoying guy groaned loudly, holding his family jewels.

Hachin kicked him even more. "Next time you see me, I will make sure that you will not even have balls. So stay away, got it?"

The guys moaned and nodded.

Hachin smirked and adjusted his shirt. "I was feeling anxious now my tight nerves have loosened up thanks to you." he kicked him again and swam towards brother Ren.