Chapter 26 - Heavenly Tribulation

'Here it comes.' Feng Mien felt the energy ball up into his meridians, clearing all the blockages. The spiritual energy freely flowed through his body strengthening it as it went on.

The swirling spiritual energy in his naval finally settled down to form a small, round, red crystal.

'Spiritual core!!! Wow, this is the best!' he happily started absorbing more energy trying to change the shape of his core. At first it was the size of a mung bean but as time went on, it solely grew to the size of a peach pit.

The energy cheerfully rotated around his body and went straight to his navel, forming a new layer of the core.

Suddenly he heard a loud thunder in the sky. His eyes snapped open in surprise. The once clear sky had turned grey, with fluffy black clouds as far as his eyes could meet. 'Why is the weather like this? It looks ominous,'

Hs heart started to pound loudly in his chest. Somehow he could feel the fear other person he was connected to. He gripped his chest and groaned loudly. "What is up with this guy? Why is his heart pounding so fast... never mind, I will deal with him later?,"

He closed his eyes and fully immersed his five senses in cultivation. This way he won't be able to feel the other person he was connected to.

Unknown to him, that wretched human slowly stalked towards him with a knife at hand. The man stepped so close, yet the monster was not moving at all, sitting prone in the same position. 'ha-ha, I knew my time will come. You bitch, you hurt my roots. I will make sure to torture you so much that you will regret the day you were born.'

He placed small incense neatly by and ran away.

Slowly Mian breathed in this scent, but his body was so immersed in cultivation that he was not able to sense it at all. Soon his body started to become lax.

Feng Mian opened his heavy eyes. "What's..... what's going on.... why...."

"ha-ha, you monster, are you regretting you hurt me now!" the human walked up to him from behind et bush. His crotch was still bleeding profusely. "I got you now. Wait until I make you mine, pretty boy." he squatted down and patted his cheeks.

Feng Mian growled loudly, but his body was getting weaker. 'Fuck I really should have set up a barrier before starting!!' since he was disturbed when he was mid breakthrough, the spiritual energy inside of him was revolting and moving against the flow.

Blinding ache came from his core. It started revolving in the opposite direction of the blood flow and started to crack. "No... no, I just formed my core, darn it. Fuck you, I never should have spared you," a huge flame ball shot out of his hand towards the stupid human.

  "What? Are you paying with me," the man kicked him hard.

Mein grumbled and threw another flame ball to the sky.

The guy dodged easily and held his sword tightly. "That's all you've got. Wah, I was expecting more from a monster like you. Tell me, will you cry when I take you in bed. Oh, that would be a sight to see,"

Feng mian smirked. "Who said that you were the target?"

The sky crackled, and huge thunder boldly stoked down to the cliff. The unexpected human was holding a steel sword, which pulled the lighting bolt straight towards him.


Hearing this blood-curdling scream, Wren sat up straight. "I told you something was wrong!! Hachin, let's get out of here. At least let's go into the forest for now. That place looks to be troublesome." he glanced at the high cliff in front of them.

His friends did not reply at all. "Hachin?" he gently shook him.

Hachin softly panted on the ground, holding his tummy. "It aches.... aches...."

"Maybe you have some kind of internal wound." Wren did not know what to do, his mediated supply has been lost in the sea and now they were stranded in a forest filled with beasts. "Wait.. I'll go find you some herbs. I will find you. It will get better soon." He hurriedly looked around. Just near the cliff he saw a jade, red plant that was shimmering slightly in the thunder.

"Blood jade stem!! That's it!! Hachin look that herd can sure any kind of injury!!"

Hachin was not in the situation to oven talk to him. He tightly griped his hand. "It's too risky. It looks like its about to rain and the sky is lit by thunder.... don't go,"

"No, no, it will be fine! I will get back safely, don't worry." Wren let go of his hand.

"Don't Wren don't go. WREN!!!"

But the pink oyster had already run up the cliff and started climbing it.

Hachin saw this through his hazy vision. "Wren... come back...." his eyes started drooping over. He held onto his consciousness through all the pain. 'When will this end?'

Just as his eyes closed, he saw a dark shadow right above him. A pair of warm hand gently held him below his knees and on his waist and lifted him. Suddenly he was pulled into a warm chest.

Through his blurry eyes he was not able to see much, but he saw the man mumbling something. He placed his hand on his chest and felt his steady heartbeat.

"Wren..." with a small smile he let go of his consciousness and fell back into a deep slumber.

Hua Ro glanced down at him, barely holding back his anger. "So that guy is called Wren, huh? Did he abandon you so soon? You really shouldn't trust anyone, my dear oyster," he whispered and gently kissed his trebling lashes.

In a distance he saw a man climbing onto the cliff with difficulty. 'Is that him? Should I just kill him?' a huge ice shard froze on his arms.

He very much wanted to aim it at this man and shoot him down, but sensing at the weak little fellow's condition, he held back his urge to kill.

'If I hurt him now, this little creature will get sad. It's not good for the child,'

He swiftly changed back into a roc and flew away into the distant sky.

High up in the sky, he glanced at the man who was his mate was in love with and scoffed. Only his long pink hair was seen, but he was not able to see his face at all. 'I'll wait until the child is born to deal with him.'

He swiftly flew towards his island.

Qu Wren, on the other hand, was struggling immensely. The sky had turned dark, and it started drizzling a little. The walls of the cliff became slippery and brittle to touch. He had to make sure to check his footing every time before he even climbed up a step.

Rain drizzled down his face, reducing his vision. He was not able to clearly see what was up ahead. 'I have to get there soon. Hachin.... Hachin can't hold on.' he bit his lips and climbed even faster than before, leaving caution to the wind.

  The rain picked up, and the lightning loudly clashed on the cliff top.

The sudden sound left him so surprised that he lost his grip a little. He slipped and slid down a few slopes before he got hold of a protruding rock.

"gasp gasp.... that was scary," he wiped his eyes and glanced up at the blood jade stem. It was very close to the cliff top.

With renewed passion, he climbed up high. He slightly touched his pounding heart. 'I need to get to it right now! My heart is saying I need to!'

On the cliff top, Feng Mian pushed off the charred body away from him with difficulty. Those two fire balls he threw was all the energy he could muster. Right after, his eyes started to close on its own. "Nope... my cultivation...." he checked his body. The core inside was cracked and even more on the verge of shattering. 'If this goes on I might... lose all of my meridians.'

Meridians and veins are the base of cultivation.

During foundation stage, a cultivator job is to strengthen their veins and meridians but now his core was revolving in the other direction so fast that is tearing though his body.

Lying prone on the ground, He peered at the thundering sky. Unlike normal white thunder cloud a cluster of golden and purple thunder clouds raging in between them. 'Don't tell me... why are tribulation clouds hovering around here?! I am barely in my core cultivation ah!!! Let me be!!'

His servant warning rang in his brain right then. 'I guess I really should have listened to Mu Zheng... being greedy comes with a cause....'

For a heavenly best like him, cultivating and breakthrough always comes with a certain risk. Back when he breakthrough to soul formation stage he had to face these tribulation clouds. The golden lightening bolt fell down and helped him cleanse his body with fire. After hundred golden thunders a single purple thunder fell again, cleansing his soul.

This time though.... a lot of purple thunder still hovers in the sky. 'Why is this happening? Is the heaven not aware that I lost my cultivation? Why are they sending over such a heavy lightening on me?'

The thunder rumbled loudly, as if replying to his desperate plea.


A huge purple thunder fell down right onto him.

"Shit!!" without any hesitation he jumped down the cliff.