Chapter 29 - Trapping Mechanism?!

Hachin stopped at the edge of the small beach and glanced around. He tried stepping into the gushing waves, but something was stopping him. 'Weird, what is this,' he held his hands out gently to feeling around. A cool wall came into contact with his kin. "Ice..... huh? What is this?" he moved further from that spot and tried again.

But he was not able to step into the ocean.

The invisible ice wall was stopping him from leaving.

"What the fuck is this? Is this a magic shield? Darn it," he ran to the other side of the island though the scotching hot lava mountain but even at this end he met with that invisible wall. "No, no, this can't be happening..."

He ran around like a headless chicken to all sides of the small volcanic island trying to get off of it, but nothing worked. The ice shield covered the entirety of the island.

His heart started to pound louder in fear. He tightly clutched his pants and ran back to the familiar cave.

"You!! Come out!!" he shouted.

"I'm called Hua Ro," the man lazily said as he walked out. His dark tanned skin stretched out at each of his steps, making him look like a dangerous predator.

Hachin stepped back involuntarily. "What is this place? Why can't I leave?"

"Oh, you found out. That is the island's trapping mechanism," he said carelessly, and sat down on a huge rock in front of him. "It only allows people in, not out."

"Huh! There is no such thing! You..... You must have something to do with this. Come and break the shield." He grabbed his arm and pulled him. Surprisingly this man was very heavy and he was not able to pull him up at all. "Get up already!!"

"Nope, it's a waste of time anyway." he yawned and fiddled with his long dark braid. "There is no way out of this island,"

"Liar!! You are not being truthful at all. I bet you are the one who made that shield. Come disable it!!" Hachin put all his weight into his feet and pulled at him.

The man remained unmoved, like a huge boulder.

"God darn it!! Get up, man. Why do you weigh so much?" he grumbled and slapped his arms a bit.

Hua Ro slightly smirked.

"Are you laughing at me? Oh, I knew it. You sly fox, you kidnapped me, didn't you?" Hachin let go of him and stepped back in shock.

Hua Ro just shrugged.

"Don't just shrug at least affirm my conviction," Hachin stomped on the ground with a pout.

"You washed up here. End of story," He lied through his teeth.

"Ah ha? Really? If so, where is my friend then, huh? I came here with my friend. Where is he? Is he here too?" Hachin sceptically peered at him, noticing even the minute change in expression on his face. But the stoic man just yawned again and stood up.

"I don't have time to deal with you."

"Wait!! Disable the shield you bastard!"

Hua Ro suddenly turned back with a glare. "I hate it when people cuss." A cold mist wafted out of him, freezing everything close to him.

Hachin froze over, feeling the overwhelming energy emitting from this dangerous man. "I—I have every right to cuss. This is my mouth...."

All of a sudden, the man moved swiftly close and gripped his chin tightly. His narrowed eyes gleamed down into his wide opened ones. "With such a pretty mouth, dirty words should not be spilled," he whispered, gently caressing his lips.

Hachin held his breath in panic. "H—hey! Step back. You... you bas...."

The man glared at him intently.

"You basket!!" Hachin pushed him off and ran the other way. His heart was pounding abnormally fast, and there was a cold feeling in his stomach. Rather than being uncomfortable, it felt very soothing and calming.

He gently touched his belly and glanced back at the small silhouette of the man who was watching from the distance. "This man is dangerous."

With tears in his eyes, Hachin longingly glance at the shimmering blue ocean. "Wren..... I'm scared.... I think I am caught by a beast."