Chapter 64 - Eruption

The next morning, Hachin woke up by a sudden wave of heat. Thinking that it was normal, he rolled over and hugged Hua Ro.

The roc woke up from his touch. He glanced around at the smoky cave in horror.

"Hachin, wake up!!" Hua Ro shook him awake urgently.

"Wh—hat? What is it?" he woke up in a dazed state. The whole cave was blurry as if it was filled with smoke. "What's going on?"

"Get up. We have to move." Hua Ro gently helped him sit up.

Hachin tried to jump down from the rock bed but he stopped him.

"Don't the floor is too hot. Just wait a bit. I'll carry you out," Hua Ro ran around the cave packing up precious belongings.

"Hua, what is going on? Why are we moving? Like why is this place so hot!!" he wiped the drops of sweat from his forehand.

"This volcano is going to burst," he said with a sad look on his face. "I would have to take you to the land of the phoenix. He must be recuperating so we can live there for now."

"Wait, wait, and wait. Can I just go back home? I don't have to come with you," Hachin stated the obvious fact.

"You can't," Hua Ro glanced at him and weirdly at his tummy.

Hachin frowned. "Hua Ro, I want to go home. Please let me go. I miss my home... just..."

The beast ran to him and hugged him tight. "I'm sorry I can't leave you alone. It's too dangerous. Too many know about you now. I can't risk that. I'm sorry I can't,"

"You can. I will be safe underwater with my clan. They will not let anyone hurt me. Please.... I don't wish to live above the surface.." he sobbed loudly. All along, he missed the feeling of water on his skin. "I just want to go home..."

Hua Ro's face scrunched up painfully. He gently lifted him off the rock. "If you... if you want to leave me. You can, but only after the child is born. I give you complete freedom. We can raise it together if you want.."

"Wait, what do you mean by child?" Hachin tightly gripped the lapels of his shirt.

He just gave him a heartbroken look. "I know you hate me, but denying the existence of our child is... cruel,"

"What child Hua. I don't even know what you are talking about. For once, can we have a proper conversation? You have to explain what this child stuff you are talking about," he wiggled around in his arms.

Hua Ro carefully hugged him close. His hands roamed his body and finally stopped near his naval. "here... our child resides in here."

"What now?" Hachin gently touched his tummy. It was flabby and slightly bulging. 'That is just food..... He is misunderstanding everything? Or am I wrong?'

Suddenly, there was a huge explosion behind them. The cave shook.

Hua Ro swiftly ran out with him in his arms.

"Hey the Mers. We can't leave the!!!" Hachin shouted along pinching his neck.

"okay...." the beast ran back into the cave. "Hachin, hold on to me tightly,"

Hachin clung to him with his legs like that of a monkey.

With the free hand, Hua Ro picked up the huge rock bowl from the floor and rushed out. The volcano behind them was bursting out hot lave everywhere.

"Stay low. Hide your face." Hua Ro splashed his body with water to protect him from heat and tightly hugged him close.

They both ran to the shores. The place was much better, but still, they were not out of the blast range.

Hua Ro gently placed him down and carelessly placed the bowl on the sand. He placed his hands on the shield. A weird sign activated, and the shield disappeared instantly.

Hachin gasped. 'I am free'.. he peered at the open ocean, feeling the breeze. 'I can escape.'

He glanced at Hua Ro. The beast was looking at him with a sad look, as if waiting for him to leave.

Hachin froze. 'Do I want to....'

Hua Ro finger's wound gently with his. It was loose. It would be so easy to just flick his hands away and run, but...

Something stopped him.

Hachin's ruby red eyed peered into his brown ones. 'He... he looks so sad.. And lonely... he is just like me. All alone in this world.'

His heart hurt so much at the thought of leaving him.

He squatted down and picked up the bowl with difficulty. "Help me out,"

The roc ran to his side and lifted the bowl with ease. They both lifted it into the waves and placed it in.

Hachin carefully picked out each of them and let them free into the water. As soon as the salty water touched the fins, they changed into beautiful Mers; they body grew proportionally and their shape shifted to that of beautiful mermaids and mermen.

The Mers swiftly swam away freely.

Hachin watched them with envy. One of them paused and glanced at her intently.

"Come with us," the black-haired Mer held out her hand.

Hachin glanced at her with a smile. "It's okay... just when you see my friend, wren tell him that I'm doing good and tell him not to search for me. I will come to him when it's time," he glanced at Hua Ro and held out his hand. "Weren't you going to take me somewhere?"

The beast froze for a second. With trembling hands, he took his hands. He gently kissed his fingertips. "Yes... Hachin," his whole face relaxed, and he smiled dazzlingly.

Hachin gripped his hands tight. "you were saying something about a child?"

"I'll tell you all about it in our new home," Hua Ro picked him up and placed him over his shoulders. His body shifted into that of a huge brown bird and he soared into the sky.

The black-haired Mer watched them with an unknown look in her eyes. 'The roc seems to have changes. He has gone soft. That's a good thing. I hope he won't cause us any trouble.'

She glanced at the abandoned Mer Island. Her mate was still missing. She most likely would be there. She swam as swiftly as she could and climbed up the rocky terrain.

"Matilda!! Matilda!!" she rushed into the caves. It was abandoned, but there were traces of blood. It looked like she was here recently. "Did she swim out with that injury? Oh, my darling.."

She noticed few human footprints as well.

"No..... no.... the Humans, they must have kidnapped her!!"