Chapter 70 - Home

"No, I am not coming back!" Wren steadily stood there.

Diago just glanced back at him with his eyes narrowed. "So I have to resort to violence then,"

Feng Mian wings perked up at this. "Chirp!" 'No violence. Don't hurt him!!!'

Wren bit his lips, glancing intently at his brother. "come at me. I will win this time,"

"You are so confident, baby bro." Diago chuckled. "Looks like you let power get to your head," suddenly his figure disappeared.

A hand shot up from under Wren and caught his ankle

Wren stumbled back onto his ass. The soft sand cushioned his fall, yet still his fall hurts his tail bone.

Diago got on top f him with a dagger made out of water. "Don't you see the difference?"

Wren chuckled. "Do you not see.." he slightly nudged the dagger he had placed on his brother's stomach.

Diago smiled widely. "You have improved. Good, good," he got up and helped him stand. "But this is not enough to survive in the human world. This town is just the small closed society but when you reach the bigger cities, you will be at a disadvantage."

"I am powerful.."

"No, human cultivators are more powerful. Do you know why?"

Qu Wren obediently shook his head.

"They have the strength in numbers. If ten core cultivators come at you, you will be just ashes now," Diago whispered, patting him with the back of his hand. "Why don't we come down with me... we can train you enough and after that you can... go explore,"

Wren frowned slightly. "What about my mate?" 

"We'll go by my previous idea. I can drain the water from our house and that can survive there. Besides, that is an underage baby. It's better to wait for it to grow up,"

Qu Wren glanced at Feng Mian with a small pout. He was pretty sure that the little birdie was a phoenix, but he was not too sure of it. After that event at that man's house, the red haired from of his little birdie did not appear at all.

"Can we check what is wrong with him? He seems to have problems shifting." he held Feng Mian out to Diago.

Diago peered at him. "He is a kid Wren. He is not going to shift anytime soon,"

"But he can... I've seen him..." he whispered to himself softly.

"hmm now let's get going..." Diago gripped his hands and pulled him towards the sea.

Qu Wren picked up his bag and followed after. "Wait, a bit!" he glanced at Han Su and Moroko, who remained silent till now. "I'll get going to take good care of yourselves. I'll come visit if I have the time."

"Yes, mister Wren. Please be safe and happy," Han Su smile softly.

Moroko cried silently, "I will miss you..."

"I'll miss you too, little kid," Wren waved.

Diago paused with a weird look in his eyes. He let go of Wren and ran to Moroko. "Little human what is your name?"

Moroko did not even look at him properly. He busily wiped at his tears. "Moroko..."'

"Oh.. How old are you?"

"Eight..." he glanced up with tears still in his eyes. His sight was too blurry so he was not able to see much of his features. "Is mister Wren your brother.. I'm indebted to him..."

Diago glanced back at his little bro. "Yes he is my brother. Little human, listen," he squatted down and held out the small jade pendant he always wore. "Hold on to this, okay. When you are of age, just come to the sea and call out my name. I'll come to you,"

Moroko and Han Su confusedly looked at him.

But Wren understood what was going on. "Ohhh.... I see...."

Moroko nodded hesitantly. "But what is your name?"

"Diago. Remember, it well." he whispered patting his cheeks.


Diago ran back to his little brother happily.

"Is he?" Wren glanced at him expectantly.

"Yes.. He is my mate. I didn't think I will find him so fast. He is still too young," Diago mumbled, throwing worried glances at Moroko. "Let's get going."

Feng Mian looked at the two oysters.

'Now that kid is connected to Diago, he would not chase after Wren. Hehe...'

'Oh, my god is this fate. Wren saved that kid and now that kid is his brother's mate..... maybe this is what destiny is,'

His situation with Wren was even more bizarre. Who would have guessed that a single drop of his blood would connect them both in a lifelong bond? 

All of this began with that.

Without that accident, he would not have found his mate.

'All accidents happen for a purpose, ah...' Feng Mian nuzzled against Wren's skin.

Qu Wren gently caressed his little head. "Little birdie... let's go home,"
