Chapter 78 - Experiments

Wren gently laid him on the bed, pushing the sheet away. His hands gently caressed his flat tummy all the way over to his wet paants. "Why were you wearing pants to bathe?"

"I just wanted to..." Feng whispered holding his hands tightly. "I felt it… i felt your eyes linger on me so intently... I did not have the courage to take it off...."

Wren blushed red. "You knew?"

"Yeah I did, now come here," he hugged his waist and dragged him down on top of him.

Wren just chuckled, cupping his face softly. Looking into his smiling eyes he could not even get out a word... "Feng.... I...I Love You so much.. But I don't know what to do... what do I do...." he gently gripped his shoulders, letting his nails dig into his skin.

All of a sudden Feng rolled over, pushing him under. "Little baby, I'll show you how it's done.." he pulled off Wren's wet shirt and then slowly his small hands descended to his pants. "How much do you know about mating Wren?"