Chapter 88 - Academy of beasts

"The academy of Rele? I've never heard of that academy before," Wren glanced down at his lover.

Feng sighed loudly. "Because it's not nearby. It's almost fifteen days' travel from this place. It's the beast academy to train when you are a young beast. They started accepting new students the next month. If we can get you in, you can learn and grow as you want to,"

"Wait a bit. Isn't there any other academy near us? I can join that,'

Feng shook his head. "if you want to be strong you have to go there. It's a heavy competitive academy. They have competitions every month. Through that you can even have good experience in real-life fighting or did I mention before if you win the inter academy completion they will send you as an exchange student to the second upper realm,"

Wren was really tempted by this offer. "But why aren't you joining me?"