Chapter 93 - The city of Rene

A small chirping sound woke Feng up. he tiredly rubbed his eyes, peering in the direction of the annoying call.

It was a small blue bird. It sat on the windows and was softly chirping at them.

'hmm how did you get on..' their ship was traveling at the speed of light. It was not possible for a little bird to hop onto the window's edge unless.....

He sat up and shook Wren awake. "we're here!"

Wren groaned loudly. "no food.."

"yah, get up.." he patted his face.

Wren just mumbled something and turned away from him.

Feng sighed. his back was aching badly, so were the other parts of his body. glancing down he saw the state of the lovemaking had left him. There were so many pink bruises left all over his chest till his thighs. even his poor nipples were not spared.

They were bitten and there were small tooth marks imprinted on them.

"goodness.... this man really." He glanced at Wren.