Chapter 96 - The dwarven elf

The chilling wind became too intense. Wren swiftly wrapped his shoulders with a huge blanket and hugged Feng tightly to his body.

"Can we make a fire here? Maybe we should," Wren whispered softly.

He was hidden in the corner of the road between two huge buildings. The cold draft was not so bad as outside.

He could make out small snowflakes fluttering down.

"My mum used to say our Mer rivers used to be cold and frigid as well a few thousand years ago. We used to move over to the Mer river whenever seasons became favorable. But in just a few thousand years something changed. The temperature became stable. So the southern clan separated and became a small clan of its own."

Feng poked his head out. "I's because I moved in. It was too cold... so made the climate a bit hotter,"

Wren blinked. It all made sense now. Feng was a fire-born bird and his overwhelming fire energy must have made it degrees hotter.