Chapter 116 - A pink blob

Meng Lei walked him over to a private training hall attached to his own room. It was spacious and filled with ample spiritual energy. 

"This is water spiritual energy. Feng is a fire spiritual energy cultivator. It will be bad for his health."

"Oh we can change that," he pointed to the beautifully painted floor. There was a huge enchantment painted there in glittering white paint. "I'll have it repainted with a fire enchantment."

Wren glanced at him. "Thank you for all the help. I'm sorry I might seem demanding. It's just because I have been betrayed before because I was too naïve..."

Meng Lei frowned. "who was it, master? Who hurt you?.."

"Some guy named Helios. He impersonated one of you guys and approached me.. he was after a book I had,"

"The book of alchemy that mistress left behind. He was after that? Helios is a very powerful person. Did he hurt you master,"

"no, he was trying to cheat me. That's all."