Chapter 121 - Mates

The skies were clear... the turbulence was getting much better. Mu Zheng smiled brightly. He could see the distant land of Rene getting closer minute by minute.

Their journey took almost a month to reach. Their spirit ship was much smaller in scale and it was not that fast.

"How long till we reach Rene?" Hachin walked out of the room with a small smile.

"Just a few minutes. We will get off in the nearby forest and stash the ship. We might have to do some walking. I hope you are okay with it,"

"Sure I'm more than okay," he came close holding his slightly bulging tummy.

Hachin was almost seven months pregnant. To protect the child, he had to draw an enchantment on his stomach.

"How is the kid?"'

"She's asleep now. She had taken a liking to kick and punching nowadays," he said, fondly caressing his stomach.

My Zheng chuckled softly. "Kids are like that..."