Chapter 128 - Tickle torture

Wren sleepily reached out to the bedside next to him searching for that familiar warm body. bu to his surprise his hands only touched the cold sheets.

He sat up immediately. "Feng...." he glanced around. The room was empty and his mate was nowhere to be seen. "Feng!" he shouted.

Inside he was panicking thinking of various possibilities that could have happened. After last morning's debacle, he did not tell Feng about Helios just to keep him from worrying too much.

But now he feared that Helios might have used the same trick with someone else and his Feng might have followed after them.

He hurriedly ran out in just his pants.

Just grabbing the door he felt another force pull it from another side.

He let go of the knob and Feng opened it. "Oh you're awake. I thought you would be..."

Wren pulled him into a tight hug. "Where were you?!"