Chapter 131 - Tickle torture

"Talk," Wren nudged the man's thigh with his sword. The old man Helios just looked away, refusing to mumble a word. "Xu Da Ping, do you have a hungry goat or a hungry rat?"

"Oh I love it. Yes we have it. I'll bring it to you." he hurriedly stood up. "Wait won't my mate think I'm being too violent."

"Just tell him it's for me. He'll understand."

Xu Da Ping just stood there frozen. "I don't understand. It's okay if you do it but it's not okay if I do it....."

"You're his mate, I'm not. Get the point,"

The man radiantly smirked. "Well you're right. I'm his mate, of course. He would care more about my business. I will get you that goat. As for that rat. I will hunt down if I could,"

"Get one as soon as you can. oh and bring salt,"

Xu Da Ping just searched through one of the shelves in the dungeons and handed him the huge bag of salt.

"Why do you have salt in here?"