Chapter 143 - The couples....

Camilla hopped over to Xu Da Ping. "hello my dear brother. I see you are not dead~"

"Oh it's you," he did not even look up at her. he was busy typing Flora's hands and her legs together. "You guys stumbled upon this weird place too? It's a bummer you didn't go crazy. I would have taken the chance to beat the shit out of you."

"Such a meanie. If you went crazy I would oh so kindly killed you," she squatted down and gently held Flora's hand. "is she going to be okay?/"

"She will." he tied a cloth over her nose. "Wren, you found the flower yet?!"

"Still searching!! Give me some time it's not that easy to find," Wren was climbing all over the canyon's walls like a little lizard.

"What is he doing?" Camilla glanced behind. "And what is that on your face? Is that a flower? You look like a dork,"