Chapter 157 - Family and home

Hachin gently patted the baby. He was sleeping like a little angel sucking his thumb. He gently removed his thumb from his mouth and closed his mouth. His black hair was shiny and slightly curly. He resembled his father a lot. "he is so adorable... he did not open his eyes though. he will surely have your black eyes." he whispered.

Hua Ro softly kissed his cheeks. "Hmm.. I want his eyes to look like yours. Pink like a pearl,"

Hachin slightly blushed. "Ping eyes and black hair really will look pretty on him. Do you think he will be aquatic like me or he might have wings? He could fly with you. You guys can fly around all day. Isn't that great?"

Hua Ro weirdly glanced his way.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Hachin..." Hua sat up. "I promised you something on the first day I met you. I give you a choice... after the birth of our child; you have full freedom to leave me. That's what your elders and I agreed with and..."