Chapter 165 - The contract

"w-what is this..... what's going on....shit we have to leave right ow," he hurriedly reached for his mate but to his surprise, his hand touched his place white skin.

The wounds had ..... disappeared.

They were gone.

"H-how.... how did  this..." his eyes finally fell on the small baby who crawled back onto his mother's chest. "you... you healed him.."

Healing powers like this are super rare. Only a few with spiritual roots in their body can successfully heal someone in Mu Zheng's state.

He leaned over and gently held his mate's small wrist. His spiritual energy entered his body and surveyed around. Mu Zheng's core was intact and was restored back to its original state.

When the electric attack charged through his body, his core was shattered but now it was.. it was back in one piece.

"You did this..."

The kid glanced up at him with difficulty. He was just a newborn and he was not able to hold his neck up at all but he was trying.