Chapter 172 - Desperate for touch

The travel took around thirty days. Initially, Feng had worried that their child would not be able to handle the journey. After all, they were travelling at the sped of light but Bai Wren surprisingly took it well. He was not fussy. Except when it was potty time. He still wailed loudly as if someone had pinched him.

That kid really hates anyone wiping his butt.

as he was tending their child, there was a small sound behind him. He glanced back worriedly.

Wren puked out his stomach's contents in a small bowl nearby. "I can't… why is this so hard..."

The other child on the ship really hates this journey. Wren puked almost after every meal. He was the kid here that needed constant attention.

Wren had lost over ten pounds in those days. His cheek fat had disappeared and his cheeks bones were poking out and. He looked much more handsome than before.

But Feng was worried.