Chapter 180 - Childish play

Bai Wren silently sat on the small swing his uncle had built for him, shaking his leg. Today was the same as any day. The water was cold, and the ice was shining like diamonds. He had nothing much to do.

His scalding red eyes fell on the young oyster kids who were paying around cheerfully. They were the two-year-old school of oysters.

The oyster clan separated them by their age to make it easy to train them.

He once again took a look. Their white hair almost made them look so identical to each other. Some of them tripped and fell on the icy ocean floor and some of them floated around happily giggling.

They were the same age, but the difference in their intelligence level was…. Astounding.

Looking at all this Bai Wren sighed. "why did I have to be so intelligent,"

"Bai~ Bai~" a small voice called out to him/ he glanced to his left to see a small squid.

Startled he fell off his swing landing on his butt.