
Mesmerized by the selection in front of him, Errit didn't know where to begin. He grabbed the first Herbalism book and sat down. 'There don't seem to be guards present.' He scanned the room and then the cover of the book. It was printed, and printed well.

The Cover was green, it looked like leaves were actually growing from its cover and it gave off a sweet scent that was inviting. He looked inside at the first chapter and then he dropped the book onto the table and winced.

'In formal declaration from the Emperor, this book will never leave these walls. Anyone who takes it will be struck dead on the library doorsteps. This is not a threat but a warning, do not leave the library with its property. Check your belongs before you leave and be sure, spacial rings will not save you from your fate.'

"Fuck." Errit had thought about maybe buying the book, perhaps even take it and leave. Stealing it was out of the question. 'He can't possibly be that powerful.' Errit looked around the room again, sure that he would spot a guard. There were several orbs that hovered around in the room, likely some sort of security device meant to observe.

Errit picked the book up and continued. It read like an encyclopedia but images sometimes leapt from the pages.

'Chamomile Species' Easy to find, it suppresses hidden effects on the body and can be used in treating radiation burns. It eases the soul.' A holographic like phantom image of the plant came into his view, then.. a button appeared. "What the hell is this?" Errit whispered to himself and read the cue on the button's surface. "Buy more information?" Errit turned the page.

'Daisy [Echinacea]' easy to find, it suppresses fever, infections. Helps aid in deep wound closing and breathing. Anti Allergen. Another button Appeared after the image played, "Buy more information?" Errit nearly leapt out of his seat, he couldn't make heads or tails out of the reasoning behind a purchase price for information. He got up and went to look for anyone that looked like they worked in the library.

There were very few people in the library, all of them were nose deep, reading. There was a countertop with a puppet at its seat. 'Puppet?' Errit wanted to laugh but he had seen a lot of strange things. Standing in front of the puppet and asking it questions didn't seem to strange at the moment. He asked, "How do I pay?"


In a building, far on the other side of town, as a depository. a line of people stood waiting to have their finds appraised and exchanged. The Alchemy Department of each city collected goods, then sold them for contribution points. Anyone could bring up items or materials and exchange them, there was quite the market outside of the building as people tried exchanging between each other, trying to compete with the City organizers for materials.

Most of such exchanges were considered illegal trade, undercutting the Sect was strictly prohibited; but a market for such things would always develop. Passing through a bunch of stalls, Errit noticed a bulletin board. He stopped to look at it,

'Appraisal, 20 contribution points.'

'Ghost Hunt Team, Looking for Fire User, prefer flier'

'Treasure recovery team, pays 50 contribution points a day'

A few of the messages left on the board showed interest, one of which read, 'Looking for gardener, must have experience with plants; Pays 30 cp per day.' Errit snatched the flier, he would check into it later. For now, all he had was the contents of his storage ring.

A Human, a Man behind the counter looked at Errit, Errits eyes were the only feature he could make out behind the mask. "What brings you here?"

Errit explained his situation. "I don't have any contribution points, I'm new. How do I earn them." he felt like he already knew the answer. 'work, i bet its work' Errit cringed while the man looked him over, he was thankful for the mask hiding his expressions.

"You can do a lot of things, contribution points are constantly changing hands. We use these tabulators, here. You're new, so just fill this out and then come back." The Man at the counter handed Errit a clipboard and paper. 'Clipboard, Paper, Pen? What the crap, paperwork?' Errit sat down on the steps and filled it out.

When he was done he passed it over and received the stone. "Thanks, now.. how do I earn?" The question was struggling to take form, but it did.

"You can turn materials into the repository, or.. you can earn them like your parents would have on Earth, and get a job." He laughed and swung back on his chair.

Errit felt a sense of awkwardness, opened his hand and pulled out an herb that he had hundreds of, it was an onion that smelled like a foot. "How much for this?"

The smell knocked the man off his chair. Tidying up his clothing, he stood and looked closer. "Don't know, but appraisers are pretty cheap. We have an in-house appraiser but he charges 5% on top of the handling fees." His face curled a little at he smell, choosing not to touch it himself.

"Don't you have reference material?" Errit seemed a bit confused.

"Look, I don't make the rules, I just follow them. If you want our appraiser, its 5%. Any items that are unappraised won't be bought." The Man crossed his arms and Errit nodded in agreement.

"Go get them, go get your appraiser. Why are you even here if you can't handle items.. go.. hurry up." Errit started treating the man like a secretary, it was easier. It didn't seem like the man had any idea what he was doing other than sitting there, waiting.

The Man shook his head, walked off and up a staircase. There were posters on the wall, some of them were propoganda, the others were charts that showed how much each appraiser had earned, like a quarterly bonus chart.

Errit watched him go up the stairs and disappear, then he jumped the counter and read the names on the list. From top to bottom they were listed by rank. ''Orescre, Silvy, Broketooth, Ramm, Julius Crocker, Tabitha Monroe, Marcus, Reddinton, Barree, Gabriel." 'Just ten.' He leapt back over the counter and started wondering why they would have only ten. When the man came back, he brought another man along with him.

"Hello, My name is Gabriel, I will be your appraiser today." He pointed to a room on the side and they both entered. "So, what brings you here. Show me what you've got." His attitude was extravagant, like a vagrant high on drugs. He rubbed his hands together.

'This fucking guy. I better just show him the cheap shit.' Errit pulled the Onion out and set it down.

"This is it?" Gabriel looked over the Onion. He turned it over and checked the bottom and the roots still attached. Then, he nodded. "This will do, how much did you want for it?"

Errit nearly jumped over the table to beat the shit out of Gabriel but held his temper. "What is the standard rate for this?"

"I can give you 100 contribution points for it, no more." Gabriel tried to hide his greed, but it dripped off of him.

Errit felt like he needed a shower, he agreed to the trade and they transferred the contribution points to his tally. "When is another appraiser coming here?"

"Is something wrong? Well, here is your 90 CP, don't forget to pay the doorman on your way out for the handling fees." He turned to leave.

"Hold it right there. You're only allowed to take 5%, you took 10% and then tell me to go pay someone else. Go fuck yourself, give me my CP." Errit stomped his foot, it cracked a tile. 'Shit' "Sorry about the tile."

"Sorry? Do you have any idea how much that costs? Those are imported, only 40 CP each." He stuck his hand out expecting to get paid.

Errit was losing his temper, the tattoos on his arms started to move, a wall of green chain surrounded them both. "Give me what I'm owed. Pray that I forget this happened afterward." Errit grabbed the mans' collar and brought him closer to the grinding edge of the chain wall. "Well?" He stuck his hand out and saw the transfer of contribution points happening.

"And what about for my troubles." Errit saw an opportunity but wouldn't push it.

"Che." Clicking his tongue Gabriel gave Errit 900 points more. "There, now you have your full amount, happy.. now let me go." Errit threw him down and pulled the chains back slowly.

As the cocoon of chains unwrapped, Gabriel ran up the stairs with Onion.

"that motherfucker.. " Errit spoke under his breath, looked at the chart and wondered when the next appraiser would be in. he turned and walked outside, then back to market. He had seen what looked like a Steak and he wanted it.