Keep it

The Dragon Lady was staring at the pages of her book, minding her own business. There were books to be returned to their shelves, as the librarian she was stuck with the extra duty of returning them but often times they just sat in the cart.

Fumbling through them, Errit found a book that didn't seem like it belonged. 'Basic Alchemy Principles and Practices, a Compendium of notes by Grand Master Harris.' He started flipping through its pages, it read like a cookbook that was written by a crazed foodie. Turning its pages, he started to salivate. Many of the descriptions about the tastes and gastronomy left his stomach growling and appearing to have a mind of its own.

He turned the book back to the front page and started reading. After completely finishing the first couple of pages, he noticed something different about the book. It didn't have the warning from the Emperor or the Aura that seemed so threatening attached to it.

Errit was cautious about the nature of the books, the threat seemed pretty legit. Thinking it over, he started to ask the Dragon Lady about the notebook.

"Must not be one of ours, Keep it." She waved her hand away and winked.

Errit wasn't sure what to expect when he would finally decide to leave, he studied the book intently while he waited for the suns to set. After an hour, he had read most of the book's notes on the first few recipes. There were some bizarre effects. When looking at the auras of the foods in the book, there was a familiarity with some of the herbs he had in his possession. Cross-referencing the page with the list of needed ingredients, he saw it. "Persephone's anemone, night flights larkspur, mickle seed and Izapa wine."

The Potion, a True Form Potion. Errit wondered if he would or even could regain his former appearance. He felt like he had been a handsome man, his new figure, despite its strength, lacked the chiseled good looks he was use to seeing when he looked down.

Errit scanned the room, intent on finding something interesting and different. he had spent the better part of a week going over some of the appraiser handbook and guides. flipping his way through the books on the shelves he started to notice a few more books that didn't have the aura, he pocketed them quietly for later. One of the was something that looked like a love story, the other about the Vampire War.

He had the Persephone's Anemone, a field of them appeared while he slept. The other ingredients had never crossed his path or reading, he didn't know anything about them. Considering where he was, Errit grabbed a book about herbs specifically and started looking for the listed ingredients.

'Izapa wine, Microbrewed in Greensong. Its flavor and effects help regain the sense of your former self, a path of reflection, it helps ease the troubled soul. Easy to find when in season, the Company brews thousands of gallons during Promise Day.' He read the passage and wondered what promise day was.

Setting the book down, he found another entitled 'Promise Day' and brought it to the table. 'On the year 31743, The Esper Emperor returned from Earth, a Distant Planet from his former life. Nearly 20 Million people were saved from a catastrophe stricken world.. Promise day celebrates the fated arrival on Shiyan and the liberation of the Humans from a dying, petty planet.' Errit stopped for a moment. His eyes stayed glued to the pages as the explanations about his past were revealed.

'The Emperor and his clan returned to collect the families of those long lost, on his departure, his younger brother went missing, he resurfaced thousands of years into Earth's past, stuck, unable to conjure the forces to return. And thus, he waited and learned. Sticking to the shadows, he saw wars and plagues take the peoples of the world. The Priesthood was formed after a messiah of their own fragile faiths was tortured and executed in public. He had enough of his wait and started to help cleanse the world of evil, maintaining his anonymity throughout history he stayed true until his brother's faithful return actually came to pass.' The book was detailed to an extent that he wondered if it was written by first hand accounts.

'After the debut appearance of the Emperor, he had shocked their world. The villages and Cities, nations and armies of the world grew weary, they attacked. Zao Ho, the Prince of the Zao Clan defended the Jungle City by summoning a mighty storm and sinking the enemy fleet while it charged its attacks from a great distance.' Errit stopped again, his hands trembled. He was angry, his fists started to dent the sides of the book as he gripped it tighter to finish the passages.

"..." Errit calmed himself, preparing to hear about world domination. 'Jealous of the drawing influence that the Priesthood was having on its populations, several world leaders of Earth conspired together to murder millions. A Great bomb brought fire and sharp winds to tear the land to pieces, making it unlivable. The tragic loss of life got the attention of everyone on the Earth, their own people were slaughtered by those in charge. Huddled masses crowded the barriers of the Jungle City and its protectors. Years they had waited for the Esper Emperor's return, a promise made by the Prince. Then, one day, a great tower appeared. The Tower of the Emperor. It grew to fit the people of the Jungle City, the refugees from the dying lands. The Esper Emperor saw what was promised, what was done, and what he had to do. His final act during his time on Earth was to name those responsible and unleash the four behemoths upon their conspirators, the nation of China was razed, burned and twisted in the campaign to rescue some of the captured families of the Espers. The World wept in horror, his great power showed the trivial nature of their threats.' The rest of the passage was about the number of people from each nation, their religious beliefs and personal information that they disclosed during the last census done by the Emperor 20 years ago.

"So what happened to the Emperor?" Errit felt even more puzzled than he did when he was starting to read the first passage. 'Maybe I should just keep reading.'

The Detailed history for the first 20 years of the Zao Empire were written in a few novel sized books, records, names of heroes and lost loved ones. The Emperor had lived up to every promise he'd ever made and it consumed Errit with fury. 'Why did I have to die?' The question came around again and again like a revolving door.

"It changes nothing." Errit stowed his resolve through words, he didn't want to waver. Zao Clan was not claiming responsibility, he would have to meet a survivor and see more to ever believe what was written. History was written by the victors. There was just one small problem with searching for eye witnesses, 40 years had passed in his absence.