Conclusive Evidence

It was Errit's turn.

The Old Man beside him had failed, his chances to challenge the testing procedure were revoke and he was removed from the building. Another paper made its way onto the projection unit. They started to evaluate his work.

"Why did you write this part." Pointing to a section of the page, he fingered against the projection to the words 'Foolishly used as..' then waited for a response.

"Because Mirror Mud is better used for an active camouflage for hidden weapons. Only a fool would only hide their wielded weapon. Smearing it on your body creates a much better defensive quality as well, your visible target area will shrink dramatically but once you're struck your opponents weapon would carry the mud. I didn't say that it was useless to coat a weapon, but your weapon strikes things. The Mirror mud smears easily but clings well. If it was more stable, it would be used in reflection rays but as it is now there is little use for it in combat. Concealed weapons will also scatter the material when thrown or used." Errit defended the first page as they discussed his report. On the reverse side he had written 'Mirror mud didn't bake when under heat, it was much like mercury in that it remained in a liquid state at almost all times.'

The Writs for each item had to be good, and most of the information contained in the writs found its way into the primary archives. When spellbooks were updated or replaced, new information would be accumulated and added in. Such findings as the ones presented by the new recruits had interesting components and observations to them; dismissal was impossible in some cases. Errit's words made sense and it annoyed the instructor. He got a commission for each person he removed from the active market.

"Pull up the next page, we will come to our decision on that one later." The instructor had one of the administers change the sheet.

Up next was a medium height plant with large leaves, red berry-like beads hung below small red popcorn flowers. Errit had written 'Desolace Ginseng, grown in the sand, it hates the water. They survive on the liquefied remains of insect life, they tend to be thinner than other species of ginseng. Useful as an aphrodisiac, its said to help with dysfunction. It also has an abundance of vitality when discussing larger specimens. Once they reach the thickness of a finger they start to produce berries for reproduction, but they are not berries. Wildlife scatter the seeds during attempts to harvest or consume the raw plant. The plants grow in thickets near each other under normal conditions and give off a bitter smell when burned.'

"This one, that's quite a statement. Accurate albeit dramatically stated." The administer flipped to the next few pages, each was a fine example of how to do a writ for the item in question. His next appraisal was for a strange wandering vine. It had small hooks on its runners and liked small dark places.

'Raskovnik, the thieving plant, its vines have a compulsion to seek out dark spaces. When near a buildings, they will creep inside, unlocking everything in their way. Raskovnik always seek a dark place to hide, keeping one on your person will aide in the entry into hidden spaces, but don't be surprised if it enjoys hiding inside of you. The Lock Picking menace of Shiyan, they are not tolerant to high heat and will dry, brittle and crack when exposed to the air or heat for extended periods. Dark moist environments are best, but the Raskovnik will decide for itself if the space is dark enough. The Vine also has the tendency to barricade itself inside of small spaces, unwilling to go out into the light. Thought to be a lower form of Treant, they are rare because of poachers.' Errit gave more information than they had asked once more.

He felt accomplished in his report but the administers were not thrilled. They asked, "Where is your evidence?" Errit wondered for a moment then he took it out.

"This is what you're asking right. Evidence supporting my findings and appraisal. Watch this." Errit held the vine up to light, it cringed and withdrew. Then, he put it near the torch, it pulled away again. "Does anyone have a lock box?" Errit was asking anyone in the room.

"That will not be necessary, you've made your point. Lets move onto the next page." The Instructor seemed very agitated, he had seen Errit in the library for the past week but only for one week. Some of the reports he had written down were too detailed and unorthodox findings. Suspicion crept across his eyes and they placed another page onto the projector.

'Clute spores, a De-evolution parasite, hosts lose control and revert to a more primal, lesser species while infected. One spore is enough to start the assimilation process. Clute Spores are easily beaten back by fire when airborn; highly dangerous, burn on sight. Do not cultivate, inform anyone nearby of a sighting. The bodies of its victims should be incinerated to prevent further spread.' It was the last page. Errit was glad they hadn't read out his Phoenix Lord Feather explanation. He wasn't sure what sort of reactions he would get from the room.

They moved onto the next tester, Errit was forced to sit quietly while the others were evaluated. Next in line was a Frost magic user, her body was covered in a cool vapor. Her answers were clean and not at all misleading. She went completely unchallenged during evaluation. At the end, she was smiling and proud of herself.

The Final Three after her had some issues, two of them dropped out by the time that the second appraisal note came across the imager. The last one standing was an Elven man, he wore a flowery tunic and smelled like a bed of flowers. When the wind blew, sometimes pollen spread. It made the frost mage sneeze during his evaluation. He didn't get any questions wrong but his answers were short. Still, they allowed him to stay.

"Onto the next phase, we'll bring out one item. You have five minutes. If you can't name the item or give any details on it, then you're not fit to be an appraiser." The Instructor opened a door and a cart was wheeled in.

A lid was taken from a dish that exposed a small glass bottle. It smoldered, sweating pink and orange. "Your time starts now." The instructor flipped a sand timer.

Errit started writing. 'Pink and Orange sweat, the bottle holds a corruptive aura. I can't smell it with the cap still shut, but the platter it sits on must be protecting the cart. The Metal it sits on is smoking from a catalyst, its corroding at a slow pace. Probably an Acid.' Errit stopped and raised his hand. he thought maybe he could ask a question. "Can you shake the bottle and move its contents. I can't tell if they are sticky, oily or running."

"Don't speak again, and yes. Since it was brought up." The administer gave him a dirty look and shook the cart slightly. There was little movement in the Bottle.

'Okay, little.' Errit laughed inside at the attitudes of the evaluators. He kept writing. 'The absence of movement during a shake demonstration shows that it's a thick fluid. If have to guess its Gympie-Gympie Paste or a hybrid poison that uses it as its base solution. Should be considered extremely toxic, sticky and acidic. Do not handle the goo, Considered liquid pain, the Gympie-Gympie sap can kill from over stimulation.'

Errit finished writing. Looking around the room, he wasn't the first to finish. The Frost mage and Elf had been done for about a minute each, they tapped their fingers in anticipation of the end.

Sitting attentively, each of them waited for their evaluation to be finalized. The Instructor and Administers exited the room to discuss among themselves. Each of the participants were nervous, but they all felt like they would succeed.