A death wish?

The lunch lady was still stunned. what the hell was that thing? and this kid killed it without hesitation he's dangerous. "I'll think about it, Jackson was it? my name is Carol nice to meet you kid." she said with her hand out which Jackson shook.

"Let's go introduce you to the rest of the group."Jackson said with a wave signaling carol to follow. following the boy to the open and empty cafeteria to see a boy and girl sitting at a table chatting away.

"Hay guys guess what the lunch lady is still here, her name is Carol and she hasn't seen much of what's happening out there so you guys should let her know what you have saw." Jackson introduced and and explained her situation.

Carol was confused about what Jackson said "hasn't seen much? I almost die a second ago" she thought to herself, but before she could say anything the only girl in there group Lori started telling her everything that she has seen. Even the part we're Jackson saved her and the class. Carol was now terrified of this boy Jackson how can he kill so easily.

"Now that you know what we know think twice about leaving this place especially with out telling anyone alright?" He said this while staring directly into carols eyes sending a chill down her spine.

"Don't worry I won't leave without telling you. So how long do you think it will take the military to come." She asked trying to change the topic.

Jackson started laughing but he new she was serious. "They probably won't be coming because what's happing here is happening all over the world, so don't expect them to come rush to the rescue us, they got a lot on there plate at the moment."

This made the hole group look at Jackson in silents. "Was he serious are we doomed?" This is what the girls were thinking, Fred and Jackson however were thinking of a safe place to call home. Jackson decided to speak again.

"That being said I think we should leave and find a place to defend and hold up for a while or we clear out the school and claim this place."

"but know if we save everyone left in the school they will be expecting us to give them everything because they're adults and teachers, they don't expect us to be able to talk or fight back, so if we save the school I'm the leader and if any has a problem with that they can try and stop me so what will it be leave or stay what do you say?" He asked casually like he was talking about math or his day.

Carol was thinking "this kid is getting scarier by the minute but if he had that much confidence in being a leader so be it."

Fred was the first to speak "you of all people Jackson should know the more mouths to feed the harder it will be to get food in the long run. so if we take the school,save everyone we should take a small group and leave the rest here to do what they will, while we find a better place with more food." He explained throughly.

Jackson had a menacing smile on his face. "That is exactly what I was thinking, you have a good head on your shoulders Fred" he complained losing his smile returning to normal.

Fred wasn't ready for a complement from Jackson and he appreciate the recognition. Lori was next to speak, "where would we go after?"

Jackson spoke up once again, "we probably can cross out food stores and malls maybe a Home Depot or a gun store. first we need weapons so that's why I suggested these places."

"Why can't we go to food stores or the mall wouldn't those be the best places to hold out for long periods of time?" Lori asked confused.

"That's exactly right, that's why everyone and there moms will be there and can you imagine how manny people were out getting groceries or at the mall. those places are probably the most populated with the dead." He explained like this was fact not just speculation.

Everyone was silent even Jackson, he was happy he didn't have to explain everything so after a moment of silence Carol spoke.

"I'm not going to lie to you kids, I don't want to be here for another second so if you kids clear out the school, I'll take you and your crew in my mini van it can fit 10 people including the passenger seat what do you say? I'm not good with gore so I can't help you with those thing I'll just get in the way." She suggested with a bashful look towards the end.

"Excellent we have a plan, alright everyone is staying here and I'm going to do everything myself." Jackson boldly stated with a smirk.

"What why are you going alone? is It because we will be in the way?" Fred was hurt a little he just wanted to be by Jackson's side and help him to his best ability.

"Not you Fred but these two, you heard Carol right? she's not a fighter and I haven't seen Lori even attempt to attack one. You are the only one that can protect them, that's why I'm leaving you here to protect them." Jackson explained getting Fred to look up.

Jackson began waking closer to Fred when close enough where no one would hear him he whispered in Fred's ear, "don't let them kill you, your strong, live even if it means running." Then he started walking to the door they came in. Fred was a little shocked we're the girls really that unreliable?

The two girls had no complaints on what Jackson said because he was right but they did think it was weird that Jackson whispered something in Fred's ear but didn't ask what he said.

Jackson arriving at the door he turned around to say, "there will be people coming to the cafeteria for safety so let them in. if you can stop them from eating or taking food, but I don't expect much so don't worry if they do and I'll be back with ur class be ready to open up." He stated swinging the door open before walking out it.

The three nodded as closed the door behind Jackson. Fred spoke up, "I think we each should sit next to a door and wait for someone to come." The girls thought is was better sitting doing nothing in a group so they split up one at each main door.

Jackson's was now In the hallway of corpses heading back to the stairs he came from, he was cut off by a group of 14 zombies stumbling toward him growling loudly and hungry.

With his 6in makeshift spear in hand he had no fear lucky for him the zombie were walking one behind the other. so with quick strikes with his spear to the head to all the zombies, dispatching them quickly but he was now covered in blood, that didn't stop him from going up the staircase.

Jackson's first period class room was the second class room on the right so he didn't have to go far, arriving at the door it was quite inside he tried opening it but it was locked.

He knocked on the door and announced himself, "it's Jackson anyone still alive in there." Jessica quickly opened the door and pulled Jackson into the class room. Jackson was not ready to be pulled so he was forced in the class room

"Why did you pull me in like that mrs.Jessica?" He asked confused about he suddenly action.

"I told you to stop with the mrs and the reason why I pulled you into the class room is that there was a group of those things...in..that...hallway." She just realized that Jackson was covered in blood.

"We don't have much time, I cleared out a path to the cafeteria it's safe there, I'm going to save the school so I don't have time to baby sit all of you right now so stay, don't stay, I don't care follow me if you want to live." He stated looking at the class his his stone cold expression covered in blood making him look strong and menacing.

Half the class got up and went to Jackson while the other half waited for Jessica to walk to Jackson side. now with a group of 16 students and a teacher.

"Alright people I'm not going to lie to you, you will see body's that have been ripped apart. But if you can push through this you will be safe. Stay in a tight group and follow me if there's any zombie along the way don't panic and please don't scream you will just be bring more down on us. so are you ready?" Jackson explained thoroughly.

The hole class either nodded or replied with a "yes sir".

Jackson lead the whole class down the staircase into the hallway of gore, the entire class couldn't look at the corpses without feeling nauseous and the smell wasn't helping.

Arriving at the cafeteria doors Jackson asked any body alive in there. Then the door opened like it was the password or something. The whole class rushed into the clean cafeteria with a sigh of relief.

"Thank you once again Jackson, if it wasn't for you we probably would dead by now." Jessica thanked with a smile.

Jackson said nothing back, leaving through a different door leading to the front of the school.

The reason for this was he planned on taking on the biggest challenge first closing the front gate!

Heading through this door he could already see 15 zombies in the hallway but all that did was bring a smile to his face.

"I wanted to play some more and this seems like the perfect playground." charging in to stab the closest zombie through the eye into the brain and with his free hand he grabbed a female zombie by the hair and tossing head first into a wall.

Not slowing down he removed he's spear from the zombies head to strike another right between the eyes, while grabbing yet another zombie by the head but this guy was bald so it took more effort to toss him head first into the wall.

With four down and 11 to go he wanted to practice taking multiple zombies on at once, with his quick thinking he performed a leg sweep on one zombie while grabbing a whole different zombie by the head throwing him at the wall simultaneously stomping on the zombies head while plunging his spear into another zombies head. "another three down" he chuckled to himself.

Before Jackson could continue his killing spree, a group of 3 teachers two with pointed broom sticks were male teachers while the female teacher had a gun behind the two.

They seen this boy with 7 corpses around him and fighting another 8 with nothing but a pointed 2/6. The female was first to start shooting but after killing one shot the kid started yelling at her, "stop fucking shooting your bring more of them." She immediately stopped shooting with a confused look on her face.

Jackson started avoiding the zombies ducking and dodging all their attempts on grabbing him moving pasting them like they weren't even there passing the group of teachers going out the front door.

"After you guys finish those things head to the cafeteria there's other people there." He stated not looking back.

The group of teachers was stunned for a second they have never seen anybody move so smoothly through a group of zombies. But they didn't have time to think about that the male teachers quickly dispatched the group of 8 zombies and quickly moved to the cafeteria with a couple knocks on the door it opened to a group of 17 people with one person at each main door.

The group arrived at Fred's door so he greeted the group. "Welcome take a seat where ever you like we are expecting more to come so please make room for everyone."

Hearing this kid they couldn't believe his cheery attitude. The female spoke up, "why are you cheery in this situation a lot of people are dead and more will follow and how do you know more people will show up?" She asked with a scowl.

Fred couldn't help but chuckle at there comments. "The reason why I'm so "cheery" it's because there's no point in being in a State of panic 24 seven and the reason why I know more people will arrive simple.

"There's a man out there I'm sure you seen him on the way through, he is a monster in human skin and that man said he will save this place so he will." Fred said with a smile. This kid scared the group "why did he have so much faith in one man?"

Jackson arrived at the front gate and luckily for him the gate was a automated padlock so the second the gate closed the gate it was locked shut.

Now with the school locked down Jackson went on a killing spree running down every hallway taking on every zombie he could find, killing them with a stab to the brain or stomping there brains in or throwing them at walls. when his spear broke he realized that stomping and throwing was the best way to take out the hordes.

After 2 hours of killing Jackson looked like he took a bath in blood there wasn't a single spot on him that wasn't drenched in blood. Jackson was tired but that didn't stop him from making his way to the principals office clearing it out and announcing to the school.

"My name is Jackson Bruce I have single handedly killed all the zombies in every hallway of the school, even closing the front gate making the school safe every survivor make your way to the cafeteria we'll be waiting."

When Jackson arrived at the cafeteria there was only one person there to greet him, while everyone else stayed far away. That one person of course was Fred.

"Wow you really did it, good job Jackson look how manny people you saved" he said pointed to the group of 50 or more "and you did it all by yourself I have to say I'm impressed."

"Thanks Fred can you ask Carol to see me in the back." he asked while walking to the back not taking no for a answer.

But Fred was more then happy to help, sprinting over to Carol to tell her what Jackson said. Carol would be lying if she said she wasn't nervous this kid practically kill over half the school by himself "what dose he want with me?" she thought to her self.

Arriving at the back of the cafeteria to walk in on a shirtless Jackson she couldn't help but look at his body because it looked like it was carved from stone.


I hope your rested up. if you don't mind I would like you to cook a meal for me and everyone before I let everyone know what I'm going to do.

Carol couldn't help but sigh in relief, "such a easy task will be done in the hour" she said with confidence.

"Good now I'm going to take a nap please wake me when the food is done." He didn't wait for a reply sitting down leaning against the wall instantaneously falling asleep.