Uncle Tom

Authors note: sorry guys forgot to describe what Carol looks like, Carol is 24 5.4ft tall with black hair with drown eyes and her cup size of c.


"I honestly don't think we should go, we don't even know if he's there and I bet his house is locked up tight." Mark said breaking the silence in the van.

Jasmine felt like she had to give the group more information about her uncle, "my uncle has a fenced in yard, the gate is at least 6ft tall and like I said before he's from the military so he has military grade weapons. I also know we're he keeps a back up key just in case if emergency's." She announced with her chest puffed out in pride for remembering so much from her childhood.

"That sounds like a solid plan if I've ever heard one unless you have a better plan in mind mark?" He asked back casually.

"I'll be honest I do not have a better plan. but I do have a plan if you still want to here it." He assured getting everyone's attention.

"This interested Jackson, so what's this plan mark I always like having a back up plans just in case jasmines plan fails." Jackson stated gesturing him to continue.

"I live in a hotel not far from here and it only has two doors but there made of metal I highly doubt one of those dead basters can get in." Mark answered back with confidence.

"That dose sound like a good place but you said no dead can get in right? That means that no dead can get out so we would have to clear out every room." Jack answer in a calm tone making sure it didn't sound like he disliked his plan.

Before anyone else could speak the van stopped making everyone look out the front window to see a ocean of cars blocking the road some were crashed others on fire.

"Alright people this is we're the van is useless, believe it or not we were lucky to get this far on the main roads. But we're not getting out yet, we have sharpening to do."

"All the weapons are dull we have to sharpen the screwdrivers to a point and mark Jake make sure you sharpen your weapons as best as possible. I will now demonstrate how do use the sharpening stone to anyone who doesn't know how to use one." Jackson announced so everyone could hear.

Everyone was scared and didn't want to leave the safety of the van but regardless they followed Jackson's demonstration. Everyone slowly learned how to use the stone after 5 minutes of ear piercing scraping a zombie stumbled up to Jackson's window.

"This is fully expected don't be scared this is good he's no longer hiding, we're going to keep doing this for another 15 minutes sharpen your weapons best as possible patients it's key, focus. "Jackson tried encouraging the group also making sure nobody panics.

15 minutes of sharpening later there was 9 zombies surrounding the van. Fortunately all the screwdrivers had points making them look like giant ice picks. Marks axes were sharp same as jakes pickaxe they were ready physically but not mentally Jackson saw this and designed to try encourage the group.

"Alright people I'm not going to tell you it's going to be easy from here on out, matter of fact it's going to get worse. but if you have the courage you can pull through anything and if you follow me I'll try my best to keep everyone safe."

Everyone in the group looked at Jackson's hoping he was right. Jasmine was the only one to speak out of the group, "my uncles house is probably 10 minutes by foot from here following the main road."She announce giving the group a little more hope.

"Here's the plan we clear out the zombies here of course then we get into a single file line with me the leader with Carol behind me followed by Fred,jasmine,Jake,Jessica and mark protecting the rear. But before all that who wants to pack the food in there bag and mine it's all the way in the back when that's packed we can leave." Jackson thoroughly explained.

Mark was the one to volunteer carrying the food with Jackson we everything prepared Jackson made the first move on the dead out side.

Opening his door knocking over the zombie on the other side while stabbing another through the head. when removing his screwdriver from the zombies head it was as smooth like cutting butter with a hot knife just like he expected. Making him smile choosing the right weapon.

Fred decided he was going to be useful. He had his screwdrivers in hand as he opened the back door opposite side of Jackson killing two zombies at the same time. but Fred wasn't the only one done sitting around mark leaped out the open van door drawing 3 zombies his way.

Mark wasn't skilled with weapons but he wasn't stupid so instead of a head on strike to the zombies head,he decided to chop off the top part of the zombies head so his weapon wouldn't get stuck but this caused blood to fly everywhere making mark jump away from the blood shower.

Fred taking full advantage of zombies with there backs turned he finished off the other two zombies following mark. when mark and Fred turned to look at the remaining zombies to see Jackson already finished killing the remaining 3 zombies.

"get into formation. we can't be out here when the sun goes down. I'll be harder to see zombies sneaking up." Jackson stated making everyone move.

The group agreed with Jackson following him onto the sidewalk to make there way through the city.

The group was in a tight single file line almost touching each other back, walking on the sidewalk occasionally walking over a dead body or climbing over cars. but every time they got to a body Jackson stabbed it in the head even if it wasn't moving nobody complained but they still didn't like the way he did it without batting an eye.

Fred felt like he could trust Jackson even more because of his actions. Fred had a feeling Jackson was a zombie move fan as well or how would he know so much.

He makes sure the dead is dead also he already had a weapon in mind when we went to Home Depot so he must have thought about being in a zombie apocalypse before. Fred's thoughts were cut off by a random woman screaming.

Aaaaaaaaahhhhh HELP ME PLEASE HELP ANYONE!!! The woman begged to anyone that could hear her voice.

Jackson couldn't see the woman she must have been in between the cars so he asked his crew, "we could help this random woman but as you can hear this bitch is drawing every zombie her way so if we go over there we could very well die trying to help. so what will it be we go on are way or we help, raise your hand if you want to help."

Nobody in the group raised their hand they all just stared at Jackson hoping he would save her but to there surprised Jackson kept walking once he realized they didn't raise there hand. But what they couldn't see was Jackson's evil smile.

The group of two adults and five 18 year olds felt guilty not even trying to help the girl but after a minute of walking away from the girl the streets were quiet once again. She died.

jasmine cried softly trying not to be noticed. Mark felt ashamed not even attempting to help, but he knew that it would mean his death. Jake felt the same as mark but Jake wasn't strong like mark he was the nerd always getting picked on why should he help a stranger.

Jessica felt like breaking down but as one of the adults she kept herself together by sheer willpower. But Carol on the other had was crying but not out loud keeping her voice down.

Lastly Fred he didn't like leaving people to die slowly but he didn't have a choice he knew the new world is a unforgiving one.

The group was making good progress to jasmine uncles house. when jasmine announced that his house was around the corner. All the sudden Jackson stopped making everyone bump into him.

Everyone looked forward to see what made Jackson stop it was a little girl 8 years old with a teddy bear in one arm and a kitchen knife in the other pointing at Jackson.

Jackson just smiled at the little girl and before he could ask what she wanted she spoke, "I'm sorry I thought you were one of those monsters c..can you help me?" She asked with tears running down her face.

"I'm sorry you must have seen a lot, of course we can help you" He said while keeping the same heart warming smile.

The girl started crying harder with her head down so Jackson walked a little closer. The little girl dropped the knife on the ground and jumped at Jackson forcing him to catch her.

"We need to leave right now, we don't have much time left before the sun goes down." Jackson ordered his crew.

Running round the corner to see a 7ft high gate with barbed wire on top. The group kept running and when they got closer spotlights turned on lighting up the opening gate.

Jasmine's Uncle Tom POV

Seeing a group of kids running up to the gate I was debating on opening it then I saw a little girl being carried in one of the young boys arms and it reminded me of when I was in the war shooting down civilians under the commanding officers command. "I CANT not again no more children need to die." He said to himself opening the gate and turning on the spotlights.

With the group inside the gate Jackson put the girl on the ground for her to hold onto his hand tightly he asked her for her name and she mumbled out, "Clementine" Jackson replied, "I'm Jackson behind me is Carol,jasmine,Jessica,Fred,Jake,mark." They waved when Jackson said there name.

"Welcome to my home my name is Tom I'm sure you have been through a lot why don't you come inside." Tom announced to the group in a calm tone.

Jasmine was the first to walk up and ask, "you probably don't remember me it's been along time but I'm glad your safe Uncle Tom."

"You're right it's been along time,but how could I ever forget my only niece I'm surprised you remembered you haven't been here since you were a little girl." He said keeping his emotions in check.

"I'm glad you remember me I've always had good memories here I'm glad everything here is safe. Speaking of safe me and my friends would like to stay here if you wouldn't mind." She shyly asked.

Tom began to laugh, "of course you can stay you think I would let you in to kick you out. you have to tell me how you kids made it this far. the apocalypse happened so fast you had to be at school how did you make it out?" He asked in a worried voice.

Jasmine felt like the weight of the world was off her shoulders so she began to speak casually, as she told her story from the second she woke up, all the way to the very moment they walked through the gates. She told her story as they entered Toms house.

Tom was dumb founded his only niece should be dead 100% but this boy Jackson was able to kill and keep count of manny zombies he's killed, 393 that's almost my kill count when I was in the war this kid is dangerous, but he doesn't look the type to be able to handle that manny and jasmine said he left with a sharped 2/6 there's no way right? He thought still not being able to believe the story.

"So it seem like it's you I need to thank Jackson thank you for saving my niece. But I would like to hear your side of the story, Jackson do you mind telling me?" He asked while setting on the couch signaling everybody else to do the same.

(Tom's house was a 3 bedroom 2 bathroom with a 7ft tall gate surrounding his 2 acre yard. The living room had a U shaped couch with a giant tv mounted on the wall with a open kitchen behind the couch)

"I'm no story teller and I know what you want, you want me to tell you how I could kill so manny zombies by myself no?" Jackson asked with a calm ice cold expression. While he sit opposite of Tom with the little girl sitting next to him still holding his hand.

Everyone in the group was staring at Jackson,they wanted to know but no one had the courage to ask and they were a little afraid of the answer.

Jackson answer made Tom smile, "this boy he's not just strong but smart. he read me like a book huh?" Tom thought to himself.

"That's exactly right, do you mind telling me how did you killed a army of the undead?" He asked with a smile that scared some in the room including jasmine.

"Well after 75 ish zombies my sharpened 2x6 broke, so I had to resort to my hands grabbing them by head slamming them into wall or the ground some I squeezed there head till it exploded. Which I can tell you was not the best call that's how my clothes got stained red." He answered casually like it was no big dead.

Jackson's words left everyone in the room with there moth open from shock at his barbaric answer. But all he could do was smile at their reaction.