Just another day

Jackson didn't get much sleep that night after he let in the new people into the bunker. Jackson promised he would keep a eye on them, but the only one he felt like he needed to keep a eye on was Zeke.

He caught zeke wondering around looking at the walls and his people even the mechanism to water the plants.

When Jackson saw Zeke attempt to touch The watering mechanism he slowly got up without being noticed walking over to Zeke without him noticing.

"You really shouldn't touch stuff that isn't yours" Jackson said in a cold deep voice scaring zeke so much he practically jumped out his skin.

"I...I'm sorry I was curious that's all, I wasn't going to brake it or anything." He replied to Jackson with is knees shaking.

"If your not a engineer I wouldn't touch that, Tom would be the one on your ass not me." Jackson stated pointing to Tom in the corner.

"I am a mechanic with my brother. He's built stuff like this before it's very well made." Zeke complemented looking at the mechanism.

"A mechanic huh that's going to be a useful skill to have now. Anyways I recommend you get some sleep and please don't touch the watering system again." Jackson asked while walking away not needing or wanting a answer.

Zeke felt like the world just lifted of his shoulders. He was terrified of Jackson not just because his menacing appearance, it was his voice that could extinguish a flam with nothing but a word.

Zack has always protected his little brother. but Zack witnessing Zeke get caught red handed. He didn't move from his spot hoping his brother would weasel his way through the conversation like always has. But he didn't want to help his brother hearing Jackson's deep menacing voice.

When Jackson went back to his spot Zeke went over to his brother and laid down trying to go to sleep.

"He's a lot scarier when you have to talk to him face to face huh?" Zack asked in a serious tone still with his eyes closed.

"Yah that guy is definitely dangerous, his voice made me stop in my tracks it was like a demons voice." Zeke replied with honesty surprising his brother.

"So you actually have a idea what's going on, I would have never guessed. It always feels like you don't want to understand but that guy it's hard not to see the truth, huh?" Zack asked still in his sleeping position.

"Yah I usually rely on you when I get into a jam but I seen the way you act around Jackson, Like your scared to say something wrong and now I understand why now." Zeke shot back.

Zack didn't reply back. All he thought about was finally he didn't have to clean up after his brother.

The next morning everyone slept in, sleeping till the afternoon and when they woke up they didn't get up remembering the day before. But Jackson was a different story he was up every time he heard a slightest sound luckily it wasn't often.

When everyone decided to get up they all had to use the bathroom so everyone walked down the long tunnel with Jackson's group in front with Tom leading the way with Jackson at the back separating the groups.

When arriving at the ladder after 30 minutes of speed walking, Tom made sure the cost was clear before letting everyone up. When everyone was on the surface they could see the city or what was left of one.

But looking around it was nothing but trees they were in a forest. The groups slit up with all the girls going one direction and the boys going another.

The girls felt safe since Jackson told them he would come running If he heard a gun shot or someone screaming plus jasmine had a gun with the right training making both groups feel better.

The boys on the other had felt like the safest people in the world because of Jackson, they thought he was a monster that would scar away the beasts.

When walking into the woods there was a zombie, while everyone else grabbed for a weapon Jackson just walked up to the zombie grabbing the zombie by the head and slammed it into a tree making the tree movie a little on impact then he kept walking.

This was a impressive display of Jackson strength and bravery. All the boys were impressed by Jackson even Tom, Tom remembering what Jasmine told him what happened at the school spoke up, "so is that how you cleared out the school?" He asked with concern

"Yah give or take." Jackson replied with a shrug.

Zack and his group understood why Jackson was the leader now and not Tom giving his age. "So what happens at the school if you don't mind me asking?" Zack asked with nervousness in his voice.

"Jackson here has impressive skills when everything was going down he was still at school. I personally think his school was one of the first places that got infected the quickest. He saved everyone that wasn't infected and killed all the infected in the school barehanded." Tom answered zack's question calmly without showing any emotion.

"Wait you mean he's killed a school filled with those things?!" Zeke blurted out

"393 is how manny I killed in that at school that's how my cloths got this way" Jackson spoke up from the front surprising everyone.

Zack,zeke,Eric look at each other in shock, "how did you kill so manny," Zack blurted out this time.

"Exactly how you seen him kill that zombie a few seconds ago." Tom replied.

The group couldn't believe the number Jackson said much less how he killed them all. Slamming them into the walls and floor? Not possible they thought but didn't voice there thoughts.

After all the boys use in y the bathroom they all went back to the bunker to see the woman weren't done yet then they heard a high pitch scream in the distance.

Jackson didn't hesitate for a second charging at full speed out running past everyone else like a speeding bullet. Zack was a track and field star in high school but compared to Jackson he might as well be a child trying to chase a adult.

Jackson ran as fast as his legs could make him he arrived at the group of girls in seconds to see jasmine holding a older man at gun point.

"Is everyone alright, is anyone hurt?" He asked while walking up to jasmine who held her gun while shaking.

"This fucking creep was spying on us while we used to bathroom." She said clearly discussed by the man.

Jackson didn't like this one bit, but he kept his cool "so do you have a good excuse buddy? Because if you don't I'm going to have to kick your ass."

"I...I didn't see anything I just got here and she started pointing a gun at me" he said clearly nervous.

Jackson was thinking on what he should do with this guy he looked strong and he had a feeling this guy was a fat lier, "why don't me and you take a walk?"

The man didn't have time to respond because he saw Jackson walking towards him. The man didn't like the calmness of this boy walking over to him.

the man was 6.4ft with a body that would make most people fear him but Jackson was walking over without fear giving the man dangerous vibes.

The man swung his arm out trying to strike Jackson in the face, but to his surprise Jackson ducked under his punch countering with a uppercut, lifting the man off the ground cracking some of his teeth.

"You guys go back to the bunker you don't need to see this." Jackson demanded in a deeper voice, then his normal one with a wave of his had making the girls follow the order.

"The man now getting off the floor to see Jackson standing there with a demonic smile making the man get into a fighting stance."

"It looks like you know a thing or two let's see if it can save your life." Jackson said in the same deep ice cold tone.

The man was scared but he had years of martial arts training he had faith in his ability to take Jackson on.

Changing straight at Jackson with a straight jab to his face but it was a faint for his real attack was a sweeping kick. Landing the attack he felt like he was successfully turning the tide but to his surprise Jackson didn't move a inch and his leg was in al lot much pain.

"What the fuck did you do what happened to my leg." The man shouted at Jackson in anger.

"I didn't do shit your just to weak to injure me. It's quite pathetic honesty" Jackson mocked him.

The man was getting more frustrated by Jackson's words so he changed in at full speed. Trying to slam his fist into his face but to the mans surprise Jackson was to quick, Jackson dogged the attack countering with a punch to the mans stomach. Forcing the man on his knees screaming and grasping for breath.

The sound of the mans screaming and yelling drawled a few zombies over, but Jackson thought this was the easiest way to take out the trash. Walking over to the man to kick him in the face making him fall his side then Jackson crushed the mans leg with a hard stomp marking the man scream from the pain bringing more zombies out of the woods.

Jackson didn't say a word turning around to see Zack watching him, "did you enjoy the show" Jackson asked with the same smile and cold voice he had fighting the man.

Zack was terrified of Jackson even more then before, he couldn't believe Jackson was able to break the mans leg and leave him to be eaten alive with out batting a eye and even smiled while he did it.

"I...I... don't know how to answer that," he said while trembling with fear of what Jackson might do to him.

Jackson walked over to Zack and placing his left hand on his shoulder, "you don't have to, remember this if you want to my enemy. But also remember that if your my ally I would be there just like I was for the girls. We have to go, let's go." He said in a calmer voice letting go of Zack's shoulder.

Zack was still trembling with fear but seeing the dead rip into the man snapped him out of his trance to catch up with Jackson.

Zack was visibly sweating when returning to his group they wanted to ask but when they got closer to Zack they could still see him shaking.

"Alright everyone in the bunker." Jackson announced.

The group was split up the same way as last time with Tom leading Jackson's group with him in the back. then it was Zack's group who had a greater distance then before. Jackson noticing this stopped and walked up to Zack.

"you probably want to tell your people what you seen, go ahead I don't care, hell I'll tell them myself if you want me to." He said casually like he talking about something casual.

"You really wouldn't mind?" He asked nervously and confused.

"No. I do not regret my actions. I did what I thought was right, so tell your group whatever you want but if I find out your telling lies we will have a problem." Jackson said as he smiled then turn and walk away.

Zack stopped in his tracks making everyone bump into him after waiting 10 minutes to have a good gap between Jackson's group, "I have something to tell you guys it's about what Jackson did when he went to save the girls." Zack announced with a serious tone. Making everyone look at him

"When I was following behind Jackson he was at least 5x faster then me, so I had to catch up. but when I got there I seen Jackson standing in front of a man at least 4 inches taller with a body built more then Jackson himself."

"I thought I had to help him fight this man but when I approached Jackson the man swung at him but he dogged it like it was nothing uppercutting the man a foot into the air making him fall to the ground."

"But the man got back up into a fighting stance Jackson just stood there taunting the man. The man tried a faint jab at Jackson but his real attack was a leg sweep he successfully landed his kick but Jackson didn't move a muscle and the man was screaming in pain."

"His screams drawled the dead out of the woods that's when Jackson kicked the man in the face and when the man was on the ground Jackson's stomped on his leg crushing it."

"I could hear the bones breaking even from 5ft away, then he turned around and what I saw will haunt my dreams at night. It was Jackson's demon like smile, a smile that made me freeze in place and his voice sounded like it came from satan himself."

"he told me something when I was stuck there in fear, this is what happens to my enemy's and if your my ally I will be there for you like I was for the girls. he said this while walking away like it was something he just brushed it off like it was nothing."

Zack's group was stunned there were living under the same roof as a murderer,"so he just killed the guy for no reason?" Zeke asked while holding his daughters hand.

But before Zack could respond ema zeke's daughter spoke up. "That guy was spying on us through the bushes he was a total creep."

(Ema is 4.9ft with green hair like her father age 11)

Zack wasn't aware of that but zeke cut off his thoughts." So your telling me he killed a peeping Tom? I don't see to much harm in that, but the way he did it was a bit harsh." He said clearly in anger.

Zack felt the same he probably would have killed the guy to if he tried doing anything to his niece, "I think we should make a decision quickly. we should decide on leaving or joining Jackson group?" Zack asked looking at everyone he could.

The group was stunned at Zack's question,"why should we join his group." Felicity asked

"Well the guy is strong, when we went to use the bathroom Jackson grabbed a dead one by the head and slammed it head first into a tree killing it immediately." Zack explained himself.

"That guy Tom also told us a story about how Jackson killed 393 of them by himself at his school all in the same way." Zeke added.

Felicity was stunned, "is he really able to kill that manny?" She asked not believing them.

"If it wasn't Jackson who confirmed the story to be true I wouldn't believe it myself." Zack confirmed s

"That man is dangerous, do you really think we can trust that man with are life's?" Felicity asked with a worried tone and expression.

"His group follows his orders like he's there commanding officer. That's how we got let in group if you didn't know. I over heard Tom talking another kid named Fred about it." Zack answered.

"Can we really trust the guy though? if it's true he got all those people out of a school infested with the infected, why wouldn't they trust the guy with their life's." Zeke asked back.

"We don't have another place to go right now why don't we join there group it would keep us safe right?" Ema asked looking up at Zeke.

"We don't know how to join this guys group, what happens if we have to go through initiation or some bullshit." Zeke asked looking at Zack hoping her would have a better answer.

"Why don't we just ask the boy" felicity asked in the middle of the conversation.

"I guess that's were we start." Zack agreed walking down the tunnel with his group following.

Jackson group was quite walking down the tunnel so he tried braking the ice, "so is everyone alright?" He asked making everyone turn to him.

Jasmine who was closest was the first to answer, "just creeped out a little that's all. I'll be fine when we get back into the bunker and smoke a joint." She said with a bright smile.

Clementine squeezed through jasmine to get closer to Jackson, "what happened to that guy who was spying on was?" She asked looking like she already new the answer not making eye contact with Jackson.

"You probably don't want to know the answer, let's just say we will never see him again."Jackson answered in a soft manner while patting her head.

"Yah your probably right, but I need to know what happened." She asked back with tears building in her eyes.

Jackson sighed as he went to one knee, "it looks like you already know the answer. I have to get rid of a threat, that could of come back to bite us if I let him live."

"I'll explain a little better if I let that man lived he could come back with more people and try to find us and take everything we own probably even are life's." He explained getting her to understand.

Clementine stoped crying, "so you did it to protect everyone?"

Jackson smiled at clementine, "of course I don't want to kill people. like Zack's group there good people, I won't harm them unless they do something wrong." He answered her while standing back up to continue down the tunnel.

(Thank you for reading and support)