On the road again

Dearing the past week everyone was training vigorously, giving it 100% of their effort because they knew it would save their life's. they couldn't grow immense muscle mass in a week but they gained something more valuable, muscle memory and they now have that in spades.

The past week they sparred for 8 hours a day split into two 4 hours sparring sessions giving everyone enough time to rest between sessions.

Jackson was teaching them how to get out of different type of choke holds and how to reverse a situation back onto the opponent.

Everyone was a relatively quick learner not having anything to do all day will motivate you when it matters. Everyone couldn't help but be bord out of their minds not having a phone or the internet, only thing to do was small talk, besides Jackson and Tom of course neither of them were big on technology, Jackson had his martial arts to focus on and Tom had his guns. so they weren't missing technology but the outside world.

On the 8th day Jackson woke up as the sun raised like he usually does, leaving jasmine to sleep as long as she needs while he makes the last meal for the group. Which was the last bit of eggs,bacon, pancakes and waffles that he saved just for this occasion.

After 15 minutes the food was done and everyone was slowly making their way down stairs, everyone used to how early Jackson had breakfast ready.

"Good morning Jackson" one after the other everyone greeted Jackson as he gave them a plate of food. Jasmine was always last to get her food so she could eat with Jackson and Clementine. Everyone got closer as the week past, everyone had time to reflect on the past couple days making them realize how truly lucky they were to have this time to prepare for the apocalypse.

In the past week Jackson was teaching everyone anything and everything he could to help them progress into martial arts. what he didn't expect was how close he would get with every one. Jackson was many things in the past week a chef, a teacher, a leader to some even a brother.

But to clementine Jackson was becoming more and more like a father figure helping her with everyday life with the rest of the group. The children couldn't train as long as the adults but it didn't stop them from training as hard as they possibly could, they learned simple throws and what's the easiest way to get away from someone holding them hostage.

After everyone was done eating they usually grouped around Jackson so he could tell them what they were doing that day.

"What's on the todo list today Jackson?" Fred asked sitting next to him with Lori following sitting Jasmine.

"Are we trained even a little today?" Lori asked emphasizing how little leaving a gap between her index finger and thumb. "Nope not even a little" Jackson answered shrugging off their question as everyone walked over.

As everyone grouped around Jackson he stood up

"Now that everyone is here I'll tell you what's going to happen, first is haircuts to anyone with hair going past their shoulders, secondly is packing anything of value and lastly one last shower before we leave and see how harsh the outside world has gotten. Question?" He explained counting each step on his fingers, looking around already seeing people raise their hands, so he pointed at the first person to raise their hand watch was carol.

"Why hair cuts?" She asked looking confused but before Jackson could answer Tom spoke first

"Your hair is going to act like velcro to anyone or anything trying to grabbing it." Hearing Tom speak up Carol grabbed her hair feeling all the knots in it making her sigh.

"Since I see no more hands raised, dose anyone actually know how to cut hair so nobody has to wing it?" Jackson asked looking around to see felicity raise her hand "I cut my grandchildren hair" she said with a warm smile.

"Alright everyone that needs a haircut line up to the side, everyone else pack everything you may need then wait for everyone else to be done with their haircuts then you can shower." He finished sitting down with a sigh.

Everyone started moving toward their room or to the side with felicity. Mainly the woman were the ones that needed hair cuts while the man packed everything they needed.

After Clementine and Jasmine got there haircut and took a shower they grouped back up with Jackson. "Are we really not training today?" Clementine asked Jackson who was already packed waiting for everyone in the main eating area.

"Nope not even a little, By the way nice haircut lady's." Jackson answered nonchalantly as Clementine and Jasmine sat next to him smiling from the compliment.

(Jasmine had long red hair now it shoulder length, Clementine didn't have to much past her shoulders so it was just trim. everyone that got a haircut was basically the same beside Carol who had short curly hair that got shorted)

At this point everyone was done showering and packing and everyone was grouping back up with Jackson.

"Everyone looks good to go. the plan is we're going to scavenge the city, since we're on the outskirts of the city we have to work our way in toward the big stores and houses and if you don't know what that means, it means there will be more of the dead walking around then not so we have to be quiet and quick. Any questions?" He explained looking around the room to see Tom's hand raise his hand standing.

"What's the end game Jackson?" He asked knowing he would get a straight answer from Jackson. "but some people in the room need to hear it from Jackson" Tom thought.

"End game?" He looked around in confusion "there's no end game, end game is when we're all dead. What I'm trying to do is keep everyone here alive and help them evolve into the new world, to help everyone survive the new world." He announced looking around at everyone's smiling faces.

"Now does anyone else have anything to say? this would be the time, we have to be quiet out there whispers is all that's aloud when we leave this building." He announced seeing clementine walk toward him.

"Are we coming back?" She asked looking up at Jackson making him smile "probably not, but you never know what will happen. we can only have a really good guess. We're heading out, are you ready?" He asked making clementine a give him a nod.

"We're heading out" Jackson announced moving toward the front door, that they covered with a blanket because everyone got sick of looking at the zombies.

Looking through the blankets to see that all the zombie were gone. "Looks like those gun shots a couple day ago made the horde move, the cost is clear for now, follow behind me keep the children and felicity in the middle, let's move!" Jackson ordered pushing out the front door into the field with his gun and screwdriver in hand with everyone following.

After making sure the everything was clear they started walking down a alleyway beside the restaurant making there way deeper into the city, Walking slowly making sure not to step on glass or trip over something. After 5 minutes of walking through the alleys they stumbled across a manhole cover.

"I hope your not thinking about it, Jackson?" Jasmine asked looking at him with a eyebrow raised. Jackson turn to her "I mean it would be easer to get around, but we did leave the only working shower so it's out of the question."

Everyone sighed in relief not having to go into the sewers as Jackson started leading the way through the alley, walking around a corner to see a couple of zombies eating a corpse that was leaning against the wall. "Jasmine handle the one on the right I got the left one." Jackson whispered looking over his shoulder to see Jasmine giving him a smile with a nod.

As they walked over to the zombies Jackson stepped on a piece of glass making the zombies turn to them. It didn't change the plan however Jackson kicked the zombies in the chest making it slam into the wall before finishing it with a kick to the head, while Jasmine broke the zombie knee making it fall into her screwdriver.

Jackson cleaned the blood off his foot with the zombies clothes and Jasmine did the same with her screwdriver before they kept walking through the alley. Everyone looked at the dead zombies as they walked by, especially the zombie's head that looked like a watermelon exploded.

After another 10 minutes of walking they made it to the end of the alley leading to a main road, that had a wall on the other side of the street leading into a housing development with broken buildings looking like tanks blew them up. Jackson looked down both sides of the street, besides crashed cars, trash and corpses the streets were clear, making Jackson question where the zombies went.

"We're going to jump the wall to the housing development. It's going to be safer then walking the streets. Tom is going to be hopping over first to make sure the cost is clear" Jackson whispered to Jasmine making her tell the person behind her then so on.

Tom walked up to the front, so they rushed across the street to the wall and Jackson boosted Tom over and waited for the go ahead before boosting everyone over one by one. The process of getting everyone over the wall took 10 minutes total.

Everyone followed close behind the other with their weapons ready for anything, As they walked down the desolate streets they looked through the broken buildings to see nothing but rubble and trash so they kept walking.

After another 20 minute of walking cautiously they found houses that weren't destroyed but had broken widows and it also looked ransacked. Leaving the house walking through the neighborhood they started hearing gun shots from the street over from them.

"We're going to need to move everyone try and keep the same speed." He announced to everyone not worrying about being to loud. Everyone followed behind Jackson, Zeke was carrying Ema and Zack had Clementine on his back, while the group was practically sprinting away from the gun shots.

After running for a few blocks away from the gun shots, they found a two story house that still had the windows intact. Entering the building it was trashed broken glass everything with all the furniture flipped over and there was blood in some places looking like someone was dragged…

"What a mess" Fred muttered knowing they would have to clean it up. "Don't touch anything we need to leave we can find a different house" Jackson ordered in a calm cold tone making everyone's hair stand on end, as everyone started walking out the house they heard doors opening and slamming shut upstairs, so they started running down the street not looking back.

The only one that looked back was Jackson and what he saw was a man, wearing a man's head like a necklace, buck-naked only wearing black boots with a bold head. Jackson started sprinting toward the front of the group counting everyone along the way to the front making sure everyone was accounted for, as he made it to the front he seen another intact house in the distance so he lead the way to it.

Getting to the front door Jackson tried opening it but it was locked, "Fred,Lori and mark go around the back and see if there's a way in, while I clime the building." He ordered, muttering the last part. Everyone watched Jackson scale the side of the house with ease. Jackson checked every window to see if it would open but every thing was locked.

(The front door opens)"What are you guys looking at, hurry up and get in here" Fred said waving them in with a smile. Everyone pushed into the building beside Jasmine "The doors open, hop down!" She shouted up to Jackson. "Go upstairs and open a window for me, I'm taking a looking around." He answered back peeking over the ledge looking down on jasmine.

Jasmine walked into the house to see it a lot cleaner then expected, she ran straight up stairs to the first room with a window, opening it, walking out onto the roof to see Jackson laying down waiting for her.

"What are you doing? I thought you were scouting the area." She asked sitting next to him, "I was, I seen that every house a couple streets over were the only ones vandalized, while every

thing else is brand new and there's also the military has a base a couple miles out." He answered nonchalantly.

Jasmine immediately stood up looking in every direction before Jackson stood up pointing at a crossroad in the distance (5 miles out) between a couple skyscrapers. Jasmine used her hand as a shield from the sun while looking into the distance to see a military vehicle speed by, only able to see it for a second before it disappeared behind buildings.

"That's the 3rd one that past, their spaced out 2 or 3 miles from each other." Jackson added walking toward the window with Jasmine following, "Are we going to go?" She asked trying to hide her excitement.

Jackson didn't answer as he crawled into the window helping Jasmine behind him as Fred walked into the room. "Was up guys,see anything?" He asked with with a smile. "You'll have to see when we get down stairs." Jackson said with a cheeky smile.

Fred gave Jackson a thumbs up "roger roger, let's go down stairs everyone's waiting." Jackson and Jasmine followed Fred down stairs to see everyone grouped up in the living room sitting on a L shaped couch or on a recliner.

"Tom can I ask you a couple of questions?" Jackson asked sitting down on one of manny recliners with Jasmine sitting on the arm rest.

"Since the world has gone to shit, I'll tell you whatever you want to know." He answered back with a smile. "Whats the protocol for this type of situation." Tom leaned back on the couch as he sighed "in case of a viral outbreak we would have to contain the area then… cleanse it if possible. In case of a world wide outbreak we try and save as manny life's as possible.

Everyone in the room was staring Tom so he continued "some of you might underestimate the word (cleanse) it mean to make something really clean, in this case cleanse means burning everything contaminated." He answered nonchalantly but everyone's mouth was open at this point in disbelief.

"I have another question incase of world wide casualty's, power outages and communication failure what's the protocol?" Jackson asked making everyone turn at him then back at Tom.

"The commanding officer will have to take charge of his or her troops and try and save as manny civilians as possible, then If possible make a base of operations for the time being." He answered keeping his nonchalant attitude.

"I didn't ask these questions to tern Tom into the bad guy, matter of fact it show you how far the military would go to keep everyone in check. Also I kinda know where a military base is." Jackson added making everyone stand with excitement asking a million questions at the same time making it uncompromisable.

There were 4 people not standing Tom,Fred,Jasmine and Jackson. Everyone had questions but Jackson just sat there looking like a stone with jasmine leaning on him. When everyone realize Jackson wasn't going to answer them everyone sat down calming them selfs.

Jackson noticed Fred looking down at the ground almost like he was thinking really hard about something then Jackson realized Fred was staring to sweat. "Fred you have something to add?" Jackson asked making everyone look at Fred who looked up hearing his name.

"I ahh don't know about the military their super strict and they have a don't take shit policy, which means when they don't like something or someone they disappear real quick." Fred explained like a weight was lifted from his shoulders.

Everyone was starting to get less and less excited about the military being so close to them.

"I have another thing or two to add about the military" Tom said standing getting everyone attention. "The military is a scary place where some evil shit goes down, but it's what I call a necessary evil." He added sitting back down turning to Jackson with everyone else.

"A necessary evil is the perfect term for the military. My guess was all those gun shots came from a military compound and they killed every zombie that came close." Jackson explained with a calm cold attitude making everyone nervous.

"So what are we going to do?" Lori asked leaning back on the couch. "What we should be asking is how famous is Tom in the military." Jackson said with a smile making everyone turn back to Tom.

"I was a 4 star General in the military and when I served I had the nick name (the peace keeper) so if theres anyone there a higher rank then I was, they would have to be protecting the president right now. if he's still alive." Tom answered making everyone realize that Tom was more then what they first realized.

"Excellent, then we have nothing to worry about. You tell them that everyone here stays with you and we should be fine for the most part." Jackson assured making everyone sit down sighing.

"So when are we leaving?" Jasmine asked standing up stretching. "We're going to rest for 15 minutes while we loot the place." Jackson answered standing up walking toward the kitchen with Clementine and Jasmine following. Everyone else started exploring the house taking whatever they wanted but there wasn't much besides blankets and furniture.

Jackson,Jasmine and Clementine were looking for the kitchen knives but they couldn't be found anywhere, Till Jackson found the knife block on the ground in a corner,empty.

"What do you think happen" Clementine asked picking up the knife block inspecting it with Jackson. "There's no blood and this side of the corner of the block is dented like it was thrown with force, it looks like someone's going around collecting knifes." Jackson explained, examining the rest of the kitchen realizing that every piece of metal was taken as well,but didn't say anything.

Jackson's little group walked around for a bit before going back into the living room, Jackson and Jasmine sat on the couch while Clementine played with her teddy bear making weird noises.

"What do you think the military is going to be like?" Jasmine asked in a low tone leaning against Jackson.

Jackson put his arm around her letting her cuddle up against him "I've been to military camps before it's nothing special, but times have changed and people tend to turn into animals in time like these, so I couldn't tell you what to expect."

Everyone started to enter the living room one by one taking a seat relaxing before they had to move out.

As they hit the 15 minute marker Jackson stood up

"That's 15 minutes exactly, everyone ready to move?" Everyone looked at Jackson like he was a mad man. "You can't be serious" Zeke said, standing.

"Nope. I have a internal clock" Jackson answered walking to the front door with everyone following.

As Jackson was about to tell everyone the plan Clementine pushed to the front. "I don't want to be in the middle anymore Jackson, let me be upfront with you and Jasmine please." She asked looking up with puppy dog eyes.

Jackson patted Clementine on the head "That was already part of my plan anyways. but you have to stay behind me with Jasmine." Clementine immediately started smiling and nodded her head.

"Everyone listen very carefully" Jackson announced making everyone straighten up looking directly at him, everyone used to him saying the same thing before training.

"There will be no stopping till nightfall. Also while we're looting we're quick,quiet and in and out. One last thing, if I ever raise my hand everyone need to be on full alert with weapons at the ready.Everyone ready?" Everyone gave a nod or a verbal response.

"Let's move" Jackson announced pushing out the door walking down the street toward the housing development wall in distance. Running through housing development it was quite, but Jackson had a feeling that their were still people lurking around.

Getting to the wall in 10 minutes after leaving the house Jackson boosted Tom over the wall waiting for his response, but Tom climbed back over the wall looking like he was trying to hold in vomit.

"We can't go that way without something blocking your nose, the military left the bodies." Tom explained sliding down the wall taking deep breath's.

Jackson let out a sigh before putting his backpack on the ground looking through it "everyone grab something to tie around your head to block your nose. we have to find food and a place to make camp before nightfall we have half the day to find it." Everyone immediately started grabbing shirts and out of their backpacks handing them to Fred.

Jackson walked over to Fred to see him putting the shirts around their head only leaving a slot for the eyes, making them look like their wearing ninja masks. "That won't be enough to block the smell, tie a shirt around your dead blocking your nose then put that on it should work perfectly." Jackson advised making everyone nod doing so.

Jackson put a shirt around his face, blocking half of it while Jasmine walked over wearing the full ninja face mask. "So how do I look?" She asked, muffed by the mask. "Beautiful as always. Can you breathe in that thing?" He asked looking at everyone getting their ninja mask.

"Thanks and yah, but not through my nose that good" she said laughing a little while everyone walked over with their own ninja mask.

"Looks like my group of ninjas are ready. The plan is that the children go last so everyone can block the gore. We also going to carry the children past the gore at least. Let's go." He explained getting ready to boost everyone over.

(To all my readers hoping this novel is based on a real place sorry but it's not, I hope I can paint a good enough picture for everyone to understand.

I also want to thank Daoist787143 and flame13 for the power stones. Thank you for reading)