Chapter 20

The next morning Jackson woke up with Jasmine still in his arms, so he gently laid her down, on the way out he seen a note sitting on the bed they don't use.

The note read "Clementine wanted to spend the night with Ema and a couple other kids hope you don't mind. we where to scared to wake you sincerely Jessica." Jackson chuckled at the letter before leaving the tent walking toward the back of the Walmart.

Jackson walked into the tent with the soldiers greeting him "good morning sir" they said in unison resisting the reflex to salute. "good morning, open it." He said back casually.

"Yes sir" the soldier immediately responded opening the door, Jackson walked straight to the back room where he met Rick, to surprisingly see him there, cleaning a sword.

Jackson knocked on the window making Ricks head shoot his direction before Rick sighed walking over to the door "what do you need?"

"I like to take a mental inventory of everything I can, just in case it comes in handy one day." Jackson said walking into the room looking around at the different blades Rick had laying around.

"This is everything I could find from the junk pile I also organized the tools." Rick added walking over to a giant red toolbox, opening the door to see wrenches and socks all organized from biggest to smallest.

Jackson whistled "looks like someone was busy. Do you have any ice picks left? Or maybe 5 to 6 inch, screwdrivers?" Rick looked toward Jackson with a eyebrow raised "what for?"

"The children will be the foundation of the new world. it's up to the people raising them to make them strong and grow without fear and able to survive the outside world." Rick was confused for a moment before his eyes opened wide "your going to send the children out their?"

Jackson facial expression didn't change even a little bit answering "this is a good place we have here, but it won't last forever. One day we'll have to leave and I rather have them able to protect themselves then running away screaming."

Rick didn't know what to think he just opened another drawer showing every type of screwdriver and a couple ice picks on the side. "This is everything I could find, their might be a case or two left of the screwdrivers if I look hard enough but this should be everything."

Jackson smiled a little "this should be enough I only planed on giving the children the ice picks." Rick walked back over to where he was sitting as Jackson picked out a few ice picks putting them in his pocket."Thanks Rick let me know if theirs anything you need." Jackson said walking out the room with a wave.

Jackson walked over toward the pile of cans and pasta, seeing baskets piled to the side. He grabbed one, putting pasta and a couple caned foods into it before heading back to his tent. Along the way back to his tent he seen David leaving his tent, that was poisoned across the way from his.

David jogged over with a wave "good morning master do you already have breakfast planed out?" Jackson turned to David with a smile "good morning David yes I do have breakfast planed." He answered showing the basket of food.

David looked inside the basket "nothing fancy today?" What David seen was a basket full of regular chatter pasta packs with a couple different vegetables, in can's. "That's the idea, yesterday they filled their stomachs but today I made just enough to hold them over till dinner. Expect the soldiers I'm adding some meat to help them out."

David smiled "just a little bit of motivation huh?" Jackson smile grew before chucking a little "you got the right idea, you mind putting this over by the stove and grabbing a few things for me?" David grabbed the basket "what do you need?"

"Carrots, potatoes, butter and 3 slabs of steak" David smiled "roger that, I'll wake Breckin to help."

Jackson walked into his tent to see Jasmine sitting up stretching her arms into the air before standing, up looking at Jackson with a smile. Jackson walked toward her with a smile of his own "Good morning beautiful, how'd you sleep?"

Jasmine walked up, pushing herself against him wrapping her arms around his neck with a more seductive smile making Jackson lean down kissing her. "I haven't slept that good since the apocalypse started." She said as she letting go looking up at Jackson with a smile.

"Same. I didn't even notice Jessica coming into our tent last night." He said tossing the crumpled piece of paper letting Jasmine read it.

Jasmine chuckled at the letter "they see you as a sleeping giant, yet your always first to wake up and usually, one of the lasts to go to bed." Jackson shrugged his shoulders "want to help me with breakfast? It's nothing special."

Jasmine grabbed his hand turning him around, leaning him out the tent "I don't mind, what's on the menu today?" She asked as she pulled Jackson along "chatter Mac n cheese with some vegetables and seasoned meats."

Jasmine turned to him "nothing special huh, I bet it's going to be delicious regardless." She declared leading the way with more speed then before.

As they approached the stove you could already see the elderly woman that helped Jackson the previous day cooking breakfast waiting on them.

"Good morning leader" the black haired one said with a smile and a short salute, while the other one smiled while also saluting.

Jackson and Jasmine couldn't help but chuckle a bit "good morning how are you two" Jackson asked walking past them poring water into a pot, then putting it on the stove turning it on.

"Good! very good, me and my sister would like to help you again if you would let us." The black haired one asked with her sister behind her nodding.

"Of course I need all of these chopped up like last time." Jackson said pointing past the elderly woman at David and Breckin. The elderly woman sprung into action grabbing the ingredients from Dave and Breckin, immediately chopping them up with ease.

Jackson got to work poring and mixing stuff inside the pot as Jasmine ran back and forth between the elderly woman and Jackson. After 30 minutes everything was all cooked up and moved over to the serving area.

As everyone gathered around in the eating area they waited for Jackson word for them to line up.

Jackson stood on the stage with everyone full attention "today we're doing things a bit differently, I need all the soldiers to line up first, secondly the children, thirdly the elderly then lastly the women then everyone else. I already have back up guards so don't worry about the security." Jackson had some of his group guarding the gates as the soldiers ate.

Everyone noticed Jackson had two pots next to him one holding the soup and the other meat, what nobody expected was that Jackson only gave meat to the soldiers, the children and the elderly with a couple selected people.

Some people thought about shouting but just looking at Jackson made them lose confidence.

After everyone was done eating Jackson stood back on stage getting everyone's attention.

"As most of you seen, some of you got extra food that's because they play a part around here or their children or the elderly. If you want a chance to get extra food this is it. I'm going to call some names and their job from today forward, you don't have to take the job if you don't want the food." The crowd was quietly mumbling to each other but Jackson continued.

"When your name is called stand to the side. Linda, Karen, Charles, Donald and Richard your job if you want it will be barbers." To Jackson surprise they all started walking toward the stage standing to the side.


Linda:brown hair age 24 hight 5'7/ B cup slim body

Karen:blonde hair age 33 hight 5'8 D cup slim body

Charles:dirty blonde age hight 29 5'8 body slim

Donald:black hair age 30 hight 5'9 body slim

Richard:grey hair age 36 hight 5'8 body built


"Next group is Sarah, Nancy, Mary, Donna, Robert, Matthew, Paul, Steven, Andrew, Ryan your job will be keeping everything clean as you possibly can while looking around for extra work and helping the soldiers." Yet again all the names he called walked forward standing in a different group from the barbers.


Sarah:purple hair age 26 hight 5'6 C cup slim body

Nancy:brown hair age 25 hight 5'5 D cup slim body

Mary:light blonde age 29 hight 5'7 D cup built body

Donna:orange hair age 27 hight 5'6 B cup bodybuilder

Robert:light red age 34 hight 6ft body slim

Matthew:brown age 24 hight 5'5 body builder

Paul:blue hair age 27 hight 5'9 body built

Steven:black hair age 26 hight 5'8 body slim

Andrew:blonde age 25 hight 5'8 body slim

Ryan:blue hair age 25 hight 5'6 body slim

(For those of you who don't like the way I made this character list I'm sorry. I just thought this was easier way to describe a large group of people at once. Also to make everyone not so bland they have a variety of different color hair and their hair color matches their eye color. Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed the rest of the chapter)


Jackson walked off the stage with everyone eyes still on him "I need everyone to follow me, mostly everyone is about to get a hair cut. You don't have to get one if you don't want to, but know that having to long of hair it will kill you one way or another." Jackson announced leading the way without looking back at everyone gathering into a big group following him.

Jackson lead the big group to 5 tents lined up next to each other. As they walked up to the tents, David was leaving one that was at the end closest to them. Jackson gestured to David "David has been searching through a big pile of bullshit looking for everything any barber would need. try not to break anything we don't have manny replacements." Jackson got a few nods from the new barbers as they slit up with one going into each tent.

"Everyone pick a tent and line up, only one person in the tent at a time. everyone else needs to wait outside till that person inside comes out. That'll be all, do as you wish while I plan a few things." He said walking away from the group as they started lining up in front of the tents.

Jackson was walking toward his tent when his group started walking/running toward him from different sides. In front of him was Jasmine, Lori, Fred, mark, Jake, Zack, Zeke, Eric, Breckin and his boys running toward him while everyone else came from the direction of their tents.

Jasmine casually ran up to Jackson "what are we doing next?" She asked as everyone else gathered around surrounding Jackson making him smile ever so slightly, "I want to take a walk outside the gates to see what I can find, anyone is welcome to join me." Some of them grimaced at the thought of leaving, while some relished in the fact.

"Can I come with you Jackson?" Clementine asked butting through everyone with a smiling. Everyone stepped to the side making a path for Clementine as they stared at Jackson awaiting his response.

Jackson couldn't help but smile at Clementine, "of course you can, but you have to listen to every word I say and you can't leave my side." Clementine smiled ear to ear jumping around silently celebrating as everyone gawked at Jackson nobody knowing if they should say something or not.

"Do you think that's the best idea?" Tom asked as he walked over, over hearing the conversation. Jackson looked in Toms direction "she asked to go, so I don't see the problem. It's not like she's going to be alone."

"Plus I'm going with him" Jasmine added as Fred raised a hand "me two" Lori walked forward "me three" she said with a smile making the group sigh.

"Be carful out there, you never what what could happen" Jessica said in a soft tone looking down at Clementine patting her head. The group said their goodbyes before they split up getting prepared for the outing.

Clementine followed Jackson and Jasmine toward their tent with a bright smile and a skip in her step making Jackson curious. "Hay Clementine do you know whats outside the gate?" He asked in a friendly manner making Clementine turn to him.

"Of course I do! Theirs the zombies that I should always be ready for at all times and don't trust any strangers." She said with confidence with her chest puffed out with pride making Jackson and Jasmine chuckle a little before Jackson put his hand on her head.

"Don't forget, the only way to kill a zombie is the brain anywhere else isn't going to do anything and don't get bitten. But besides that good job." He said ruffling up her hair before he walked past her toward his tent.

Approaching his tent he seen David walking over with a long bag across his back, Jackson entered the tent with Jasmine and Clementine as they were packing David walked in. "I've got something for you master" he said handing a long, thin bag to Jackson.

Jackson knew exactly what it was by just grabbing the bag. He opened the bag from top to bottom showing a 8ft rounded staff with lines carved into it for easer handing.

"I carved it myself using sandpaper and a knife I hope It's as sturdy as it looks." David said scratching the back of his head having second guesses about the gift.

Jackson grabbed his bag in one hand with the staff in the other walking out the tent. He leaned his bag against the tent taking a couple steps into the open as David, Jasmine and Clementine watched wandering what he was going to do.

As he stood there he took a deep breath before sighing. Then all the sudden he started balancing the staff on the back of his hand, flipping it around to his palm, then back to the back of his hand. He kept speeding up till the staff was difficult to see do to how fast it was spinning before 3 loud slapping sounds where heard before he stoped and started smiling looking at the staff. "The craftsmanship is excellent David, thank you for your gift I'll serve me well."

David let out a sigh of relief before standing up straight taking pride. Jasmine and Clementine ran up to Jackson "that was so cool, what made that sound though?" Clementine asked looking at the staff.

"Oh that I just slapped it against my back a few times testing it durability." Jasmine and Clementine where star struck by the display of power as David nodded his head before walking away in a better mood. "I'm glad you like my gift master, good luck"

Jackson grabbed his bag putting it on his back sliding the staff between his back and the backpack holding it in place. "You two ready?" He asked turning to them. Jasmine gave him a thumbs up as Clementine nodded.

Jackson kneeled down to Clementine "your never ready to leave unless you have a weapon to defend yourself." He said handing her a ice pick that was in a leather case.

Clementine grabbed it not knowing fully what it was so she unbuttoned the strap pulling out the ice pick looking at it. "This is a deadly weapon Clementine you have to respect it, and always remember it's just a tool for your survival it's not good or evil. it's the person who uses it that decides that." He said standing up watching Clementine losses her belt to put the ice pick in the loop of her belt before looking up smiling. "Thank you, I won't forget."

Jackson smiled, walking toward the front door with Jasmine walking up putting her arm around his with a smile, Clementine grabbed two of his fingers smiling away. As they walked toward the door Fred and Lori spotted them, running toward them eager to leave.

The group was all together by the time Jackson reached the front door leaving the building when Breckin and his boys ran up to Jackson. "Hay boss is it ok if we stay here with David?" He asked almost like how a child would ask his parents making Jackson chuckle. "That's not a problem, but I never got a chance to get the name of your friends."

Not missing a beat the taller of the two stepped forward saluting, "my name is Noah i'm 24 my hight is 5'9 and I can bench press 180 pounds, X military sir!" He practically shouted making Jackson sighed as the other stepped forward, "My name is Anthony I'm 25 my hight is 5'7 and I can bench press 160 pounds, X military." He said in a nonchalant tone with a smile.

"It's nice to meet you two, you can come along if you want or stay here with David. You don't have to follow Breckin all the time if you don't want to." The two took a step back and Anthony replied "thank you for the offer boss but I think we're going to stay."

"Alright, find David and tell him I said I'll be returning in a couple hours be ready for my arrival." The three nodded before turning away running in the direction of the tents. "Everyone ready to head out?" Jackson asked turning back to everyone as they gave him a nod they left the Walmart entering the parking lot.

The soldiers guarding the fence couldn't help but stare at the group of 4 teenagers and a child walking toward the front gate. The soldier at the gate didn't hesitate to open it for him witnessing his fight with Breckin.

"Good luck out there sir" a soldier said as Jackson past him with a thumbs up "thanks keep everyone safe for me." He said back as the soldier gave a quick nod before they went through the gate with the soldiers immediately closing it behind them.

There was two directions they could go right, which was the way back to the beige were they came from or left which was unexplored by them, of course they picked the ladder.

Jackson walked down the street leading the way with his hands in his pockets and Jasmine's arms around his left arm and Clementine walking next to him. While Lori and Fred were a couple feet behind them walking beside each other with their hands on their weapons ready at any moment.

"Look at them, they look like a couple from before the apocalypse." Lori whispered to Fred making Fred smile. "Yep all their missing is a phone." He said with a snicker not whispering making Jackson slow a little.

"What are you two talking about back there care to share?" Jackson asked making Lori sweat a little, "we just thought you to look like a cute couple from before the apocalypse just without you zoned into a phone." Fred said with a chuckle making Lori sigh in relief.

"A phone huh? Never had one. my master gave a pager that I hardly ever used." Jackson said making everyone stop looking at him in disbelief. "What's a pager?" Clementine asked making the group bust into laughter.

"A pager is like a phone that can only text. its from like 1940" Lori said laughing even harder then before making Jackson chuckle a little. "I don't know if it's that old but your probably close." Jackson replayed back calming the group down a little.

"Why is that so funny?" Clementine asked making the group turn to her. "The date of this year is 2033 so it's funny that someone as powerful as Jackson was being seen with a device 5X older then he is, thats funny." Fred said after fully composing himself with the rest of the group.

Clementine shrugged before getting closer to Jackson, almost like she was hiding making Jackson look forward at the 3 zombies approaching then. "Are you scared of them?" Jackson asked walking forward with the group close behind.

Clementine shook her head side to side "I wouldn't say scared, maybe just cautious." She said keeping pace with Jackson getting closer to the zombies approaching them.

"Leave the one I knock on the ground alive." Jackson ordered as they made contact with the zombies, Jackson pulled the staff out from his back sweeping the leg out from under the zombie as Jasmine and Lori killed the other two with one stab to the head.

"Alright everyone back up, I want to demonstrate everything a zombie can do." Jackson ordered making everyone step to the side watching with their full attention.

Jackson let the zombie stand back up "you never need to look at the zombies legs, they will never kick or move faster then a average persons jog. So all you need to focus on is their hands and mouth everything else doesn't matter." He explained as he broke the zombies hands by slamming down with a immense strength and speed from his staff making a loud crunching sound as the zombie hands went limp, Jackson put the end of the staff on the zombies forehead making it stop moving.

"They are very stupid, as you can tell he doesn't know what to do." He explained as he pushed the zombies back making it stumble backwards, growling loudly.

"I'll show you a easy way to bring them down to your level." He said as the zombie stumbled back into his direction. Jackson put his staff back onto his back before sending a kick to the zombies right knee at a angle breaking the bone making it stick through the skin and making the zombie fall head first to the ground.

"This can work with the living as well but I'll take more force into your kick for it to break properly." He explained turning back to the group that payed full attention to the demonstration. Unexpectedly to Jackson, Clementine was standing in front of Jasmine more curious then scared, which surprised him.

"Would you like to kill it Clementine?" He asked more curious if she was willing to do it then actually wanting her to.

Clementine took a couple steps forward before the zombie tried getting up, Jackson lightly stomp't on its head making it stop moving. Clementine approached the zombie, everyone watched her stomp on its arm before stabbing it on the side of the head. falling backwards removing the ice pick as she fell to the ground, shaking a little with deep breaths.

Jackson walked over kneeling down putting hand on her head "that was a smart way to approach, good job." Clementine looked up at Jackson as he removed his hand she had a grin "I did it"

Jackson chuckled before standing back up as everyone walked over. "Good job Clem, didn't think you had it in you." Fred said as Lori punched him on the shoulder making him laugh a little.

Clementine stood up looking at blood on her ice pick, "clean it off on the zombies clothes." Jasmine suggested pointing at the zombie laying on the ground.

Clementine hesitated for a moment before kneeling back down cleaning her ice pick on the zombies shirt, putting it away turning to Jackson. "Ready to go" she said with a thumbs up shaking off her uneasiness running to Jackson side with everyone else not for behind.

The group went building to building for a couple blocks, but every building was ether looted or it was to burnt to a crisp not a zombie or car in site a couple corpses here and there but non were living. "This is so fucking lame" Fred said with a sigh looking at a burnt building in the corner of his eye.

"I agree, we have a coupe options to choose from. We can go back or go forward and lastly we can make a bunch of noise to clear out the area." Jackson suggested turning to the group that looked bored.

"The last one sounds like fun" Fred said stretching his arms behind his head. "I think we should let Clementine decide that." Lori said with a smile looking at Clementine putting her on the spot making her nervous. "I wouldn't mind some more practice." She mumbled out making the group raise a eyebrow.

"I was not expecting that" Lori said with a sigh making Fred chuckle a little. "What are we going to do?" Jasmine asked looking at Jackson who was looking around carefully but nothing in site that's could be useful.

"I guess I'll show you something, cover your ears" he said putting his index finger and his thumb in his mouth, the group had a feeling what he was going to do so they covered their ears. Jackson took a deep breath before whistling so loud it made their ears ring.

Uncovering their ears, "do you think that was loud enough?" Jackson asked making everyone turn to him "WHAT?!" They asked in unison making Jackson laugh a little.

After a minute or so their ears stopped ringing "what the hell was that man?" Fred asked cleaning his ear with his pinky finger. "That's just a little skill I have. it comes in handy when people tried using a wire way back when." He answered as zombies started crawling out the ruble and falling through windows.

"Since were going to be doing this often, might as well make it a habit in calling out the zombie you want." Jackson announced making everyone turn to him, confused. "What?" Lori asked making Jackson point at a zombie "I want the zombie that has his ribs exposed." They all looked forward at one of the zombie stumbling toward them with his entire rib cage fully exposed.

The group got the hint and started walking forward toward the group of 9 zombies stumbling toward the delicious humans. "I got the brunette" Lori said moving off the the right. "I got tall and skinny over here." Fred said breaking its knee with a well placed kick.

Jackson walked toward his zombie pulling out his staff sweeping his legs out from under him, stabbing it in the head with the end of the staff.

Jasmine walked past everyone with Clementine on her heels. "I got blondie here" Jasmine said as she stabbed the screwdriver into the top of the zombies head letting it slowly fall off her screwdriver as she smiled.

Clementine stepped to the side taking a step past Jasmine "I got this guy in the jacket." She said pulling out the ice pick taking a deep breath unknown to her Jackson and Jasmine were right behind her ready for anything.

Lori and Fred killed the remaining zombies leaving Clementine with the last one. as the zombie approached her she stepped forward it and to the side avoiding the arms, she kicked as hard as she could at the side of the zombies knee making his leg snap, falling over. Clementine took another deep breath before stepping on the zombies back stabbing it in the head.

The group clapped for her making her blush a little as she cleaned off her ice pick on the zombies jacket. Jackson walked up to her with a smile. "That was well executed and I'm glad your not to scared of them." Clementine looked up "you guys make it look so easy, but it's a lot harder then it looks." She said with a sigh putting the ice pick away.

"I think that's enough fun for today let's head back next time we'll get farther." Jackson announced making the group have mixed emotions. "Can we at least go to the end of the block?" Fred asked with Lori right behind him supporting the idea.

"I'm fine with ether" Jasmine said with a shrug Jackson looked down at Clementine, and she smiled "ONWARD!" She shouted making the group laugh a little, Jackson taking the lead.

They kept walking down the street chatting not carrying about how much noise they made. As they approached the end of the block they found a strange sight. In front of them was a muscular zombie feasting on a corps, but not your average corps it was a zombie eating another zombie.

"That's so nasty" Lori said looking away coving her mouth with her hand trying not to vomit. "I got this one" Fred said waking in front of everyone. As Fred approached the zombie it turn to him with a mouth full of flesh with blood running down his neck.

"Meal time is over buddy." Fred taunted pulling out his screwdriver gaining speed, now running toward the zombie. the muscular zombie grabbed his zombie happy meal throwing it at Fred, who was still 10 feet away. The zombie spun and twirled in the air, Fred rolled under the zombie, getting back up, running toward the zombie with more vigor taking his opponent seriously.

The undead bastard stood his ground waiting for Fred, Fred faked going for a quick head shot but went for the zombies knee instead breaking with a clean kick. on the way down the zombie grabbed Fred's arm with the grip of a vice. Fred didn't panic he leaned with the zombie stomping on its free arm while pulling out his spar screwdriver stabbing the zombie in the forehead killing it.

Fred fell backwards sitting down out of breath from the short battle as everyone ran over Fred turned to them "what the fuck was that guy on?"

(thank you for reading another chapter I hope you enjoyed and sorry about the late chapters)