Past - 9. First time she met Paul (3)

"It is beautiful. You have a wonderful home."

Regina's tour of Paul's home concludes at his guest house. His apartment was complete with a living room area, fireplace, walk-in closet, and deluxe bath. When they returned back to his majestic home's great room, her eyes were flickering over the two bodyguards, who were now standing just outside the door, their eyes following her as they roam inside his house.

"Stop." Paul's voice commanded her from behind.

She stopped, standing in the kitchen before a large dining table, its surface was smooth and, like most of the things in the house, of glass. She felt his hand on her back, sliding upward and then the release as her top unbuttoned.

She turned to face him, his eyes meeting hers as he reached back and unties the strings around her neck, his fingers trailed over her skin as he pulled the final piece that held her top in place. She sucked her lips inside and wet them, unsure of her words.

"We haven't discussed money yet." She finally uttered the words.

"That didn't stop you from sucking my cock." He doesn't smile.

She hesitated feeling the fabric slide against her nipples as her top falls at her feet.

"I don't normally do this," She whispered.

"What?! You left the club?" Paul exclaimed and retorted.

"I don't do full sex with clients. Not something I am going to do for free. No matter how big your house is." As her mind argued, her body physically pulled the man, wanting to reach forward, and took his cock into her hand.

Her mind understood the reality of her situation; her body was consumed with lust. His eyes bore into hers, blue depths with flecks of domination in them, his olive skin bending as he spoke. "Ten grand."

Hearing that she stared at him, wetting her lips as she felt his hands slid down her sides, felt the dip beneath the lace of her panties. Ten thousand dollars. It was a figure she can't turn down. At least, not at this stage in the game, turning him down was not an option.

"Okay." She whispered.

He yanked outward, the quick motion startled her as she heard a ripping sound, and then she was naked, felt a tickle of lace as the ruined cloth that was her panties drops to the ground between her heels, her eyes passing over his shoulder and alighting on the two men who stand at attention, watching them.

"Your men," She whispered, feeling the strength of his hands as they moved over her body, gentle and caressing, her breasts the current object of their focus. His fingers spread, running lightly over her nipples, which stand to attention under his touch.

"They will stay there." Continuing with what he was doing he said.

"But…" her voice weak. "They can see us." His hands still and he stepped forward, till her face is tilted up to his.

"That's the point. I thought you, of all people, wouldn't be shy." Hearing that Regina shut her mouth, holding her response, not wanting to ask the questions that were on her lips.

'Why do you need protection? Why do they have to watch us?'

She started thinking of the money to distract herself, pictures of crisp dollar bills started coming in her mind and she forgot about the two men and their eyes following her movements. Those men had already seen her give him head, so this wasn't much different.

But inside herself Regina knew, this time they will be doing sex which was much different than a blowjob. That's why she never had sex at the club.

And right now she has gotten to the point where these were as casual to her as dancing, even though they play havoc on her self-esteem. Sex had always been that one line she had not crossed till now, that was proof to herself that she was not ruined, that she was still pure in some form.

He leaned forward and kissed her, and suddenly she didn't need the image of dollar bills to distract her mind. Everything floods the moment his lips touched hers.

Soft, sweet lips. Not what she had expected from this commanding man. He brushed her lips softly, her lips parting for him, immediately wanting more. A groan slipped from her mouth before she had a chance to capture it. His hands moved up through her hair, gripping and pulling its strands.

He tasted her, spreading her lips gently with his and dipping his tongue inside. She responded eagerly, her body took over her mind, shoving it aside forcefully as a wave of arousal hit her. His touch turned harder, his mouth more demanding as he moved her backward, her heels skittering over tile, till the edge of the table was against her.

"Lay down," he bit out against her mouth, taking one, last, torturous sweep of her mouth before he pulled off, stepping back and watching her.

She gripped the glass top, sliding backward until her elbows were resting on the glass. She watched him, watched as he unbuttoned his sleeves. He breathed hard, his eyes glued to hers as he walked towards her, stopping a foot from the table.

She couldn't figure out this man. Or rather, she couldn't even figure out how she feel about him. He was cold to the point of being an asshole. A demander instead of an asker – expecting her to perform as instructed. But that was what she was, a hired pleasure-giver. Pleases and thank yous are not required, only appreciated. But despite his cold exterior, she was drawn to him, insanely attracted to him. Maybe it was the money, maybe it was as simple as that.

More likely it was that face, those blue eyes set under thick brows, a mess of dark hair that begs to have her run her hands through it, a strong jaw and kissable soft lips. Lips he happens to know exactly how to use.

Regina's thoughts abandoned her as his fingers undo his buttons. In his suit, he commanded respect with his strong words and unyielding eyes. Without a shirt he had her full attention, a perfect build unveiled as his shirt falls to the floor. She pulled her eyes from his chest and return to his face, seeing the set of his jaw, the intensity of his eyes. Then there is the yank of a zipper, and her eyes drop.

He was magnificent, every line and muscle defined, framing a package that made her mouth filled with water. That was the organ that she had already experienced, the one that had kept her awake at night and ended many self-pleasure sessions. She swallowed as he strode over and stopped before her, his eyes studying her carefully, his hand reaching out and pressing her back, till she lay flat before him on top of the table.

"Touch yourself," he rasped as he stepped back, and watched her, his hand settling on and gripped his cock, which juts out, swollen and hard. The knowledge that she caused that reaction, that his touch on her skin aroused him, was powerful; the vision of him stroking his cock was carnal in its exquisiteness.

She closed her eyes and attempted to relax. Attempted to ignore her open legs, the view on display for the three men in the room. she touched herself tentatively.

"Is that what you like?" She flinched at his voice, which was closer than she expected, right beside her. She opened her eyes and turned to the sound, seeing him above him, his eyes on her moving hand, his own hand moving up and down his delicious shaft.

She nodded.

"Keep going."

She closed her eyes again. After few minutes she released a low moan, the building pleasure was too great to contain, and arch her back, lifting slightly off the table as her fingers dance lightly through a torturous tease.

She was reminded of her situation by teeth. He gripped her wrist roughly, yanking her hand off of his head and shoving it back between her legs, his message clear. She moaned in frustration, stopping the sound when his mouth returns.

His mouth, that incredible, hot machine of ecstasy, moves, traveling into the curves of her neck, and all she can think about was how it would feel between her legs.

"Come," he ordered, his mouth lifting off her skin, one of his hands gripping her face and turning it to his, his blue eyes capturing hers and holding her hostage. "Come," he repeated, with his strong face.

She tried to keep eye contact, tried to give him what she thought he wanted, but it was too strong, that final moment that she has been waiting for, that perfect swipe across its swollen surface had her eyes rolling back, her world temporarily going black, his green eyes disappearing from sight as her back arches and she exploded in one perfect moment.