Past - 16

A maid brought a floor-length red gown. It had a deep opening in the front, showing off her cleavage. Just by looking at it, one could tell, it seems one of a kind gown. By that Regina assumed whoever was coming to dinner was important.

"I'm not going to wear that."

"Come on, don't make me call those guards again. I'm not sure this time if they'll listen to me and not hurt you."

"When I'll get out of here, I'm going to kill you all with your master." Regina eyed the dress in Jane's hands before glaring at her and saying.

Jane's lips remained tightly pressed together, and her eyes didn't change. Those words didn't affect her in the least. "You want him to treat you better? You just need to obey him till he gets bored of you."

"Or one day I can just find the right moment and escape from here."

"Escaping?" Jane chuckled as if she heard a joke. "You can't escape from here."

"You don't know that."

"You can try, but remember once you get caught your fate will be worse than death."

"What more can he do? Except fucking me and beating, this I'm already suffering."

"They call him Vulture for a reason." She continued to hold the dress. "He loves to prey on his enemies and torture his slaves. If you try to escape, you'll give him a reason to unleash his full torture potential on you."

This was the first time Regina heard her captor's name, "That's a funny name for a man." She almost chuckled while saying that.

Jane looked at her with her sharp eyes, "He has an entire room for displaying his bloodsoaked canes, with which he has beaten his rouge slaves to death."

Terrified. A chill ran through Regina's spine when she imagined that scene with herself.

"Don't be like those rough slaves. You think he treats you badly? If you try to escape then after catching you first he'll break your leg. Then he'll make you crawl all over the mansion."

Hearing that Regina swallowed the lump down her throat.

"Oh, remember the chasing game he plays with you. Now imagine it with your broken legs, with a cane instead of the leather whip, and instead of one hour, imagine it till either he get bored or you die."

The more Jane tried to explain the consequences of her escape, the more Regina's face darkened with horror. She imagined herself begging for her life while he cruelly kept beating her. She remembered the cat and mouse chase game, he used to play with her, but that game used to end after an hour, and even though sometimes she used to severely get injured, he didn't use to beat her to kill, he used to do it to see her in pain.

"You are still unaware of his full potential."

When Jane completed her sentence, it sent a shiver down to Regina's spine. Now she was totally terrified.

She realized her captor was just a sick maniac. It would be only a matter of time before he grew bored with his usual torments and started torturing her more cruelly.

"Please tell me how can I make him, treat me better?" She had to get an answer to that question of her life. Right now that was even more important than her escaping.

"You're a smart girl." Jane smiled.

"Are you going to answer me or what?"

Jane didn't reply to her, instead, she pulled the dress over my head. She turned her around and zipped up the back, making it snug around her waist. She smoothed out the layers. It fit like it was made just for her. In the end, Jane placed a silver necklace around her neck.

When Regina looked at herself in the mirror after the makeover she couldn't recognize herself. It was the first time she had looked so beautiful. The transformation was prominent, just like a caterpillar to a butterfly. She looked like a totally different person now.

"Master is a lonely man. Lonely men are always vulnerable in front of love."

Regina immediately understood what Jane meant but she was not sure if maniacs can feel anything especially feelings such as love.

Soon a maid came and brought Regina downstairs, where Vulture was waiting for her. Along with her gown, she was wearing an expensive-looking silver necklace and a pair of red-colored high heels.

Seeing Vulture at that time, Regina was filled with different feelings. She was scared of him, so much so that she was not thinking of escaping in front of him, but for the sake of remaining alive, she also had to make him fall in love with her.

With those thoughts in her mind, she locked her hand in his hands and they walked towards the hall where the dinner party was.

"Ahh... there you are. We thought after inviting us, you're not going to show up at your own party." When Regina and Vulture entered the hall, an old-looking man greeted Vulture. The hall was filled with men and women, sitting on round tables with a group of five people at each table.

At the end of the hall, there was a big round table with ten chairs all of which had an occupant seated on them except three. That table was decorated more lavishly than the other tables and even the chairs were more decorated than other chairs.

The old-looking man guided Regina and Vulture to that table as they sat down on the remaining three chairs, Vulture in the middle and Regina and that old-looking man at both his sides.

"Let me introduce you to my friends." After settling down he said to her, which surprised her quite a bit as she never thought he would have such mannerism.

"These gentlemen here are my friends and business partners. This is Mark, Richard, Gordon..."

Each man bowed his head in recognition while looking at her with a smiling face as when he was introduced.

"Well, as for the introduction of this beautiful woman sitting next to me. I'm pretty sure you all have heard that I got a new slave. Well, here she is." Vulture said while pointing his hand towards Regina in an elegant manner as if he was introducing her as a very respectable woman.

Regina's expression blanked when she heard what he said. Previously she had thought that they would be some respectful men to whom she would ask them for help. But the way she was introduced, she understood that they were just like him, some crazy maniacs.

She was pretty sure they didn't care that if she was kidnapped and raped. They didn't even blink when they heard Vulture. Now she was pretty sure that the men she was sitting in between also must have slaves of their own.

"What happened to your last one? I thought that red-headed woman was liking it here." A man in a black suit, sitting next to Regina asked.

"After the last dinner party, she got broken so I had to throw her away." Vulture replied as if she was a toy that got broken and so she was thrown in the trash.

Hearing him say that in a matter-of-fact manner, warning bells rang inside Regina's mind.

"I liked her red hair, it was really pretty. I just wanted to keep pulling that hair while fucking her. Well, I had high hopes for this time."

Hearing these men's talks, an ominous feeling started growing inside Regina.

"Don't worry, this time will be much better. She's fierce and combative. It's the first time I've ever seen a slave with a backbone."

The man sitting next to her looked at her from head to under the table while taking a sip from his wine glass.

"She even killed one of the men who captured her, so maybe you all will have to be careful tonight." He said with a chuckle.

The moment he finished what he was saying, the ominous feeling inside her grew gigantic.

A waiter brought out dishes and placed them in front of everyone sitting. But Regina's mind was somewhere else.

'Is he going to share me tonight with these men? Will I be raped by ten men tonight?' Thoughts like those started filling her mind as she started praying those thoughts to be just her misunderstanding.

'Of course... of course, this has to be my misunderstanding. Why would someone pay four million dollars on something just to share? Yes, this is just a misunderstanding. Vulture will never do anything to me.'

"You'll have to entertain them tonight." He said in near ears while pushing the food plate in front of her.

As if the sky fell on her, Regina felt electrocuted, her mind went blank. There were nine men excluding Vulture and she was just one.

"If any of them touch me, I swear I'll myself."

"Haha... see has totally fallen in love with me. She doesn't want to be with anyone else but me."

All the men laughed together.

"I'm serious," She snapped. "If anyone of you touches me, I'll bite off his manhood."

"We will like to see that." One of the men said while laughing.

Her hand went for the knife at lightning speed. She didn't care anything now, she didn't want to be raped by ten men. That would be worse than death. She thought she would rather kill one of them and then die than being raped by them.

But before she could do anything, Vulture grabbed her hand as if he had already expected that.

"What a shame. I thought you were learning." With brute force he almost crushed her hand, causing her to scream but he didn't let her as he grabbed something from her food plate and stuffed it inside her mouth.

"Tonight you'll suck their cocks until they are satisfied. You'll be fucked in your ass, in your cunt, in your mouth. You'll drink every single drop coming out of their cock. And since you dared to refuse me, I'm going to strip you naked and punish you in front of everyone after this party."

He released her wrist with a forceful shove, pushing her back into the chair. "If you dare to refuse me again, I'm going to make every single man present in this hall fuck you. Now eat."