Present - 11 Emma

He didn't want to be there. All he could think about was the woman waiting for him. He wanted to fuck her ass again, see her in more pain than before. She cried for him when his enormous cock, tore her ass apart every time it slid deep inside. The sight of her tears brought forth the beast inside him. And now it was demanding for more pleasure, more pain.

She enjoyed him. She enjoyed getting pain from him. She intentionally made him sex-crazed so as to make him agree to her ridiculous terms. Every night he would torture her in a cruel manner, to enjoy her pain, but she still showed him a strong face the next day and got ready for that torture once again at night. Her determination for getting back her freedom was really something he had never seen in any girl before.

"Haha, she is just like Emma..." Before he could complete his whole sentence, he immediately stopped himself, the previously excited mood disappear taking away the chuckle with it. A name came out of his mouth, the name that he kept buried somewhere deep inside himself, surfaced once again changing the atmosphere of the room and taking him back to that dark night.

It was a few years ago, Paul and his men stood on the side of a huge ground, there were few lights lighting the ground but they were not enough to remove all the darkness there.

It was the middle of the night in the middle of nowhere. The hustling bustling roads were at least ten to twenty kilometers away, and the building was at least five kilometers away. Darkness prevailed all over the place.

A younger and energetic Sam stood beside him with a bag full of cash at his feet. He glanced at his smartphone and checked the time. "He's late."

"I knew he would be late. He always liked to make an entrance, to make people wait in anticipation. It was the only respect he could gain by force."

Paul's heart was beating dangerously slow. Just before danger, he was always calm. Life-or-death situations were the kinds he thrived in. But when he was alone in his palace, that's when the fear kicked in. The paranoia settled, and he couldn't shake it off. He wanted to break something or cause pain to someone to calm himself down or to feel good.

His men had gathered on both of his sides as well as behind him and were ready for all kinds of unwarranted situations. On the call, they had agreed to come alone on the spot for exchange, but to believe on those words and come to the spot alone would have been any men's last fault of life. In his business, he had learned long ago to never trust anyone or to go alone when going to meet your adversary.

Sam looked at his watch again, with worry in his eyes he spoke, "Let's hope she's alive."

"She is." He still had to see her dead, so there was no point in mourning or being gloomy just on an assumption. Unless he saw her dead body, she will remain alive for him. He did not want to go through the emotion of heartbreak when it was unnecessary. It was already difficult for him to care about anything.

He had already left all of his emotions long ago but still, there were some leftovers of those emotions somewhere in his heart, that connected him to that woman.

"We both know, sick bastards like him never let go of their toys."

"He agreed, he will let her go once he gets the amount."

"He is just toying with us. Manics like him love to see people's faces in desperation." Sam looked at him, there was resignation on his face.

"We're not the kind of people, he will dare to toy."

"Seems like we are going to find it out pretty soon."

Some activity started happening on the other side of the ground. Suddenly tens of black SUVs entered, enlightening the whole ground with their blinding headlights. All of those vehicles in a trained manner halted approximately a hundred meters away from Paul and his men.

They arrived and a sudden flow of emotion flowed in Paul's heart. 'She is finally here.'

Few minutes passed, but no one left their vehicles. After nine or ten minutes, all the headlights turned off, blanketing the whole ground once again in darkness. One by one, hundreds of men hopped out of those black SUVs, every one of them carrying an AK47 in their hands.

After that, a black limousine entered the ground and stopped in front of those SUVs. One of the men opened the back door of the Limousine. A man in a white suit came out of it. He had blonde hair, gelled and combed backward. His face was covered with a thick layer of hair. In his hand, he was holding a metal chain, the other end of which was still inside the vehicle.

Just as Paul see that man, he shouted. "Where is Emma?"

"Ah... your beautiful darling Emma. Let me call her." With a devilish smile, he said and slightly pulled the chain in his hand, "Harlot darling come out."

Slowly a quadrupedal came out of the Limousine. There was not much lighting in the ground so Paul was not sure who that quadrupedal was. But he was sure that it was human and most probably a woman, there was not a single piece of cloth on its body except a dog collar around its neck.

Paul already knew the man in the white suit was a sick freak, but seeing what he had done to that poor woman made him disgusted. But he was not there to judge that man, he was there to get back his woman and he still didn't see her.

"I'm aski..."

"God! Is she... Emma?!" Paul was about to shout once again to that white-suited man when he heard Sam's voice.

He immediately shifted his eyes to that pitiful woman, trying to disapprove of what Sam said. He looked closely. The woman was on her hands and knees, with her face looking at the ground. She looked just like a bitch standing next to her owner.

He could see that woman's body was covered in an infinite number of bruises. Her arms were black and blue, filled with scars. Her face was looking downwards but he could still see it and recognize it, her lips parched, her cheeks had swollen, cuts all over it, and there was blackness around her eyes. All in all the woman looked like she must have lost all her senses to be acting like an animal.

"Emma..." He shouted to check.

The woman turned at him, showing her face clearly. She was Emma. A tinge of happiness filled his heart, she was alright. She still had not lost her senses. She still recognizes his voice.

He couldn't think about what that man had done to her. He couldn't think about the months of torment that man had made her suffer. All those nights he slept, she was tormented and beaten. He worked tirelessly to get her back. He used everything he can just to make that happen. Even when everything seemed hopeless, he didn't give up. Because he knew she wouldn't also give up on him.

"I..." But before he could complete his sentence, his heart dropped. She did not even look at him for two seconds before shifting her eyes back to that white-suited man.

"Darling, look your man is calling you." The man said in a mocking voice.

She didn't bother to look at him.

Rage took over his body. His hand immediately went for his gun.

"Paul, think about Emma, we need to get her out of here safely." Sam brought him back to reality. He controlled his urge to empty his gun inside that man's head. He wished blasting his head off. He fantasized about his body hitting the ground.

"Bring her here." Realizing, the crisis Paul was going in, Sam said to that man.

"Harlot, darling come, let's go and meet your lover." The white-suited man walked forward, Emma followed next to him on her limbs. Both of them were followed by the man who had previously opened the Limousine door.

"Here she is." After a walk of a minute, the man came next to him and said without handing him over the chain. "I brought my end of the bargain. Where's yours?"

Sam picked up the bag full of cash and gave it to the man.

Taking the cash, the white-suited man, gave it to the man behind him. Taking the bag the man left.

Soon the man reached the Limousine. He opened the bag and counted every single bill, making sure he received each penny. He even used a machine to quickly count it and make sure it wasn't counterfeit.

Paul looked at Emma, her hands and knees covered in soil. Her eyes filled in tears and her head turned to the white-suited man. The strong and proud woman he used to know was completely gone. She was broken beyond repair. Even though he was getting her back, she would never be the same. Maybe she would be like that forever.

"Emma." He called her.

She ignored his call. Paul felt tiny needles piercing his heart. He dropped on his knees and put his face in front of her.

"Emma." He once again called her in a soft voice.

She looked at Paul, with eyes that were asking who he is calling or why he was looking at her like that.

"You got your money." In his fiery voice, he said to the white-suited man. "Now let her go."

His blood was screaming for murder. He wanted to kill him, he wanted to shot him the moment he reached his vehicle. He had to do it. He had to shot him till he dies.

"You heard him, darling, now it's time for our goodbye." He threw the chain on the ground next to Paul and left.

Emma started whimpering as she turned her head to look at the back of the man leaving her.

Paul felt as if someone slicing his heart with knives. It was crying in pain. His spine tightened in ferocity. He was so angry he could breathe fire. He wanted to start firing and kill every single person on that side of the ground.

"Emma." His shouting rang the ground. He desperately tried to bring her back to the present. He knew she wasn't the same person. The woman he had known was dead. Now all he had left with was her corpse.

Hearing his shout, tears came into her eyes. She came to her senses he thought. She was almost there.

"Harlot darling~"

But before he or she could say anything to each other, the melodious voice of the white-suited man resounded in the ground. As if he was about to sing a song for her.

"I don't feel this atmosphere is right. I think we should leave." Sam warned as he pulled his gun out of the holster.

Hearing the man's voice, happiness appeared on Emma's face. She immediately turned her head to look at that man.


A firing sound reached Paul's ears. He thought Sam fired his gun, he turned his head to look upwards at him. He saw his face, horror was written all over it, he saw his eyes, they had become totally round. For a moment Paul thought someone shot Sam, but he realized his eyes were looking downwards.


The sound of something falling on the ground came from in front of him. He immediately realized who was shot. Tears started flowing from his eyes. Anguish and anger burst inside his body. It was the worst pain he had ever experienced, it was the fiercest anger he had ever experienced.

He slowly turned around, praying all gods to turn all of this into just a nightmare. But it was too late. Emma was lying on the ground. There was a hole in her forehead, blooding oozing out of her orifices. His hands grabbed her frail body as his eyes kept looking at her beautiful sleeping face. Tears continuously flowing out of his eyes dropping on her face

Fire!" Sam shouted.

He knew she was dead, but he couldn't accept it. he shook her, hoping she just passed out. He pressed his ear to her chest and listened for a heartbeat. He tried to listen for anything that would tell him she was alive.

There was nothing. There was just a warmth that was slowly disappearing. There was just silence. Dead silence.

Gunfire erupted around him as the battle raged. He forgot about the war. He forgot about everything altogether when he saw Emma dead in his arms.

While the gunshots still rang in his ears. The Limousine disappeared in the darkness taking the white-suited man with it.

He didn't know for how much time he had been sitting on the ground. But eventually, everything turned silent. Sam kneeled beside him and looked at Emma's dead body. There were scars and cuts all over her face, but she still looked beautiful.

A lifetime in that business had made both of them forsaken human emotion. They didn't understand sadness or despair. They didn't understand happiness or joy. All they understood was rage.

But there were tears still coming from Paul's eyes. Looking at his face, Sam closed his eyes, he just kept his eyes closed not a single drop of water fall from his eyes.

In the end, a name came out of his mouth.
