Past - 44

"I am sorry." Tears mixed with the water from the shower tried to cover her mouth but Regina shouted, "Please forgive me."

Sucking in large, gulping breaths as something had fractured inside her, she continued, "You can hurt me, you can torment me, but please never leave…"

Before she could complete her pleading, water entered her mouth, stopping her from continuing. 

"I need you!" In the end, only a low voice came out of her. 

While she was down to his feet, sobbing, Vulture stood there with silence without offering her any comfort, without giving her what she needed. Like a merciless emperor, he stood there with his aura of power and ruthlessness, watching her dissolve in her sobbing. As she waited for the man rescued her, who killed the men who defiled her, who carried her to the car, and then brought her there while carrying.

She wanted to get in the embrace of that man, right now she felt like she needed that man most but he was not there.