Remembrance II

Krala woke up in her mother's arms, and she could no longer feel the whistle of winds buffeting her.

But everything was so much hotter. She coughed as she took in air that felt like it burned her insides.

"Easy breaths, my moon. Calm. You are unused to the air outside the palace, and all the destruction has driven up ash and mold that has made it even worse. But you are strong, you can handle it. Calm," said mother.

Krala felt calm flow into her again, and she nodded.

She looked down and realized they were on the ground now. She looked up at her mother's smiling, gentle face, and behind her, far in the sky, there were huge chunks of broken metal wreathed with crackling electricity and big shards of wood floating in the air.

And…and Krala thought she could see bodies between the debris, but before she could begin to make them out, mother blocked her view with her face and gave her a kiss on the forehead.