Expeditionary Extermination

Of course, as Unferth noted, it was still highly unlikely that undeath could make its way here.

Dark Zones possessed inherently high levels of primal energy, and primal energy was effective against warding away Undeath.

Especially here, on the northern edge of Fjall bordering the Rift where primal energy became so dense that it cloyed into environmental markers like this fall of Grain.

But an Archmage's words were not to be taken lightly. They among all their Sorcerer ilk knew well the significance of their sworn duty to order.

If Thorian, an Archmage respected even among those of his ranks, possessing influence perhaps just shy of a Zenith, said there was daemonic presence here and, consequently, possibility for the spread of undeath, then Unferth was not going to question it.

Not to mention the bribes.

Unferth smiled underneath his helmet.