The Trial of Strength

"If battle is inevitable, then it is battle you shall have," stated the Collector with equal calm as the tinkerer. "Yet, I shall say now that you should not withhold your strength against me. For doing so may well lead to a lethal end for yourself."

"An end I have been prepared to meet for the past twenty years. I advise you also to not stay your might, Strong One, for all must be bared within this trial." The tinkerer's toes curled, digging into the ice as he anchored his stance in. "I, Kui, shall test your worth.

Now come at me."

The tinkerer known as 'Kui' began to finally project his magical energy. It shimmered around him in thick green aura, indicating his mana affinity was that of Flow.

The density of the magical energy was intensive, such that it managed to warp the ends of space around the edges of the aura, and yet, the Collector knew this was not the full extent of this tinkerer's might.