A Fated Journey

Within a storm of whirling Grain, there flew something in the skies that should not have been there: a ship.

No dwarven ship, either, that relied on internal engines to fuel their way through the effects of Grain, but a ship that precious few across any of the Common Body had or would ever see.

A ship from Alo, the realm of eternal waters whose denizens and ways were still a mystery, their realm unreachable even through the Convergence, with not even the New Gods capable of reaching them unless they desired it so.

The ship appeared as a pearl white pod fashioned from the shell of an aquatic creature, and translucent, jellyfish-like tendrils emerged from its back, whipped back and forth to push the ship through the air in a movement that did not resemble flying so much as it did swim through the air.

"This is the area," said Alana, an Aloan, another rare sight.