Conquering Force: Taking Lake Aska II

The chieftain finished marking his face with black streaks gathered under his eyes, making his deep stare that much more piercing. Crow's feet clung to the sides of his eyes, showing that his ferocity as a fighter was tempered by years of age, for no goblin, not even a champion, survived long unless they had some wisdom to their ways.

Thragg observed with respect, knowing that one of the reasons the Frostfish tribe was able to survive so long and so well was because they, despite the foolish champion that Thragg had killed, were overall united under Drogan's keen and wise rule.

Drogan was known for making peace with humans when he had to, and that had allowed his tribe of goblins to escape targeting from Adventurers for the many years of his rule. When he first came into power and approached a human village, wishing to hash out terms of co-existence with their elder, he had at first been reviled by many, ridiculed as weak by tribes including the Frostskulls.