A Choice

"All of this is the destiny of Ragnar-Uruk," said the voice from the rune. There was a distinctive shift in the voice's tone that the Collector immediately noticed. The voice went from powerful projection more fit to inspire action among subordinates to one of softer tone generally indicative of personal speech patterns among tinkerers.

"But know well that this need not be your destiny," said the voice. "We, the Jotnar, and life upon this world and its realms, would find you as a shining star of hope should you undertake this destiny.

If you can rid this world of the New Gods in great End and bring forth a new Beginning from which life can truly flourish once more, then yes, we would feel heartened that there was one that could use our Shard and our might to realize what we could not have.

Yet, I, Eru Wun Thamir, last king of the Jotnar, do tell this to you, O great Successor, Successor that comes from the Outer.