[Bonus chapter] Integration

[Bonus Chapter #1 for meeting powerstone goals last week. 1 more to be released over the week]

The Collector, now in privacy, shaped its Command Chamber. It shaped it exactly accordingly to how it would look in a typical Vanguard unit. This cavern hallway was already in its isolated dimension that used the center of the Vanguard as a physical anchor, though even if one destroyed that anchor, this dimension would still exist.

First, the structure of this hallway had to change.

The Collector stomped its foot, sending out threads of its mana into the ground. The hallway changed its structure into a spherical room, its ceiling and walls morphing and shifting in a nearly fluid efficiency. The walls became more organic in texture, turning into dark, ribbed flesh filled with pores and glands that filtered oxygen and occasionally emitted bursts of steamed healing water.