
When enough layers of liquefied ice and rock were sprayed over to core to grant it a rough shell of a humanoid, grasping and hooked tendrils dropped down from the flesh ceiling and held up the humanoid shape by the limbs and back, and the half-made golem hung limp on the tendrils like butchered meat on hooks. 

The first golem the Collector would create would be the standard type that the mountains could create. By thoroughly observing the flow of magical energy inside the golems it had encountered, the Collector could quite accurately tell the exact blueprints of how to construct these golems from the ground up. 

In principle, it was rather simple. Golems were essentially a matrix of interconnected threads of magical energy webbing around a core. This operational matrix provided a 'skeleton' around which the 'flesh', that is, the compositional material of the golem itself, could form and solidify.