The Dead End

Michael stood in Yanka's arms. His neck held like a dog to a lease, with a gun pressed against his head.

Yanka looked around the surrounding area as cop cars slowly pulled in, their lights flashing a bright red and blue. Meanwhile, up in the sky, Yin looked down on the situation. Her deagle grasped tightly, she thought about just shooting Yanka, but then she thought about Michael's safety.

"That's one lucky kid. If Zue was here instead of me, he wouldn't hesitate."

She looked down at the White Rose laying on the dust-covered street. It's exposed internal wires, blinking a sharp red light.

"Shit... It's armed."

The cops slowly approached the Yanka and his hostage. Yanka pointed out his gun firing off a warning shot.


The cops moved back as he placed the gun back against Michael's head.

"If one of you take another step forward I will shot this kid!" he screamed.

Michael started tearing up as Yin pulled out her phone. She dialed up Zue.

"Hey, can you get down here quick. The situations turned into a dangerous hostage situation."

Zue responded back, "just get the White Rose. Don't worry about some hostage. We can't have it going off."

"Ok... I got it... I think I have a plan."

She hung up as Yanka leaned into Michael's ear.

"Kid, I'm going to walk over to that white box on the ground. If you move an inch or even struggle, then I am going to shoot you. You got that?" he whispered intensely.

Michael shook his head in fear and tears.

"Yes. I got it."

"Good-good... I don't want your life to go to waste."

He took one step over. All the cops pointed out their guns. Yin leaned in closer. Her glowing green eyes contrasted against her black suit. She stared at the White Rose, her eyes glowing a brighter and brighter green.

Michael looked up at the woman standing ten feet above him. He watched as she watched the White Rose. He watched as Yanka tugged on his neck, forcing him to move closer to the White Rose.

As they stepped in unison all the thoughts that were perpetually pulsating through his head all came out at once. He realized what he had to do. He realized his fate. The cops. The people-watching. The woman in the suit. Yanka. Yanka's friend. The nuke.

He realized that the only way to save the city was for him to sacrifice himself. It was for him to struggle. To break free. To resist.

"I'm sorry ma, pa..."

Michael started wiggling as Yanka began fighting back against him. He pointed out his gun as the White Rose sat a few feet away from him. Michael broke out of his grasp, his tears rolling down hard. Yanka pointed the gun at his head. Yin pointed her green eyes at the box.

Then everything happened in unison.

Yanka jumped for the White Rose, as he held his gun still pointed at Michael's head.

Yin cast her power on the box.


The box suddenly disappeared from his grasp.

Michael jumped forward, his feet running.

The cops all pointed their guns at the laying Yanka.

They all fired. He fired.


Michael was shot in the head as Yanka was massacred at the same time. His skin riddled. Yin sat atop of the light pole, the White Rose now in her hand. She looked down at the dead Yanka and Micheal.

"Sorry kid... It's a tough city. Death is inevitable."


She vanished and reappeared on the street below as the cops encircled the dead Yanka. Zue finally made it onto the scene. His lungs out of breath as he watched the cops arrested the bleeding Yanka.

He looked at the smashed car. The hundreds of cops. The White Rose. And...

"Yin, what happened to the hostage?" he asked.

She stood with her back facing the crime scene, her green eyes glaring up at the yellow-haired man in front of her.

"The kid... He didn't make it."

Zue looked with confusion. He pointed at Michael's corpse. She turned around.


His corpse. His death. They looked at him. His face as confused as theirs. His eyes bleeding red. The hole in his head. He was dead. But not dead. Michael sat up, his lanky scratched-up arms coated in his own blood.

"What the fuck?"


My name is Hazel Horngreeves and I am the narrator of this story. I am also a vampire and the antagonist. I have come back to tell you what had just happened to Michael.

He was shot. And dead. But within himself. Within the seconds between his demise and his resurrection, a short burst of spiritual power exploded within him. This in turn brought him back to life and changed the entire DNA and construction of his cells. He was no longer Michael. No longer a kid from a small town in the middle of nowhere. He was a monster.