She's To Die For

"All the guards. All the people sitting here. Watching the fighting. They're all monsters."

She looked at Michael again. She could immediately tell that something was different about him than regular monsters.

"You're a monster too."

"Me a monster, no no, I'm a human."

He looked at the beautiful woman leaning over. Her glare, her stare. For some reason, he couldn't keep his eyes off of her. She was mesmerizing. Her red eyes. Her fanged teeth. Her revealing red dress.

She licked her lips.

"Why don't you come back to my place?" she asked.

"Yeah... Yeah, I'll... I'd like that."

She grabbed Michael's hand and pulled him over the table. She walked him out of the bar.


Meanwhile, Zue continued fighting. He finally made his way up the stairs and to the boss's office. Once there he extended out his hand and pressed it against the thick metal-plated door.

[Electric Force]

He shot a beam of electricity across his hand, which in turn created a powerful explosive-


The door blasted back. The hinges breaking and shattering. Zue stepped in. His finger pointed out at the small balding plump-looking man in a black suit.

"You the ogre boss?" he asked.


"Yeah yeah, don't lie."

He looked at the stacks of drugs and money around the office. He looked at the small man's greenish skin, tiger-like-fanged mouth, and large nose.

"You can't lie to me."

[Lighting Pulse]

He shot a small flicker of lighting across the room. It struck the ogre in the head. His body spazzed out. Pulsing back and forth. he fell back, smoking, twitching, dead in an instant.

Zue then walked back downstairs. He looked at Ulder who sat on bodyguard, hitting him over and over again, smacking him over and over again. Zue tapped him on the shoulder.

"We're done Ulder."


He got up from the guard and looked around the half-destroyed room. he looked at all the staring faces, at all the dead and knocked-out men. Zue looked aswell. He looked for Michael.

"Where's Michael?" he asked concerned.

He looked in the bathroom. The kitchen. All the hidden rooms. He looked outside. He was nowhere to be seen. So he jumped back to the main bar area. He opened up his mouth and said in a large yell.

"Has anyone seen a kid with white eyes and blonde hair."

All the monsters looked at Zue. Ulder looked at Zue.

"Yo what's up with you? Why you getting so worked up about some kid?"

"I... I can't lose him."

"Well, that's something new, never knew you were could be compassionate."

"Shut up. I'm doing it because he's new and the Boss is friends with his dad. He'll kill me if he dies."

Ulder pulled up a chair and sat back, "oof, that's tough. Well good luck finding him."

A man walked up. He pointed at the front door.

"The kid you're talking about. He left with a woman."

"A woman? So the kids a player. Hahahahaha!"

"Shut up Ulder. This is bad. What was she?" he asked the man back.

"She was a... Vampire I think."

"Uh oh, Zue better get running."


Michael laid in the woman's red silk sheeted bed. His face in her silk pillows as she got ready in the bathroom.

"I can't believe this is happening. What a crazy city. All I have to do is walk into a bar and I get a woman wanting to fuck me! Oh my god! Oh my god! Mom, I'm actually going to lose my virginity!"

The woman walked out of the bathroom. Her naked body silhouetted by the dark candle-lit room. She got on the bed. Michael took off his pants. Everything escalated in an instant. He leaned back in the bed as she dropped on top of him. She leaned over his face. She pressed her lips against his neck. She-




Michael sat up as the woman jumped back. Her lips dripping blood.

"Hey! What was that!" he screamed out as he felt his neck bleeding.

The woman crawled across the ground. Her body recoiling in pain as she looked up at Michael, at his eyes, his glowing eyes.

"You're... You're a-"


Zue stormed into the room, his hand pointed out.

[Lighting Shot]

A bolt of lightning struck across the room. The vampire woman jumped up to the ceiling, her naked body latching across the walls as she dodged Zue's lighting shots.

"Atlus," she cried out in a hissing screech.

Zue turned to the confused Michael as he clutched his neck, "get behind me now!"

"What... What is happening?"

"You idiot, get behind me!"

The vampire woman jumped down, her arms shooting out.

Zue cast a powerful beam of light.

[Plasma Light]

A flash cast across the room from Zue's fingertips. The vampire recoiled in pain as she felt the same feeling of the sun hitting her skin. Michael rolled across the ground as she jumped out the window.

She disappeared into the night.

"What was that?" asked the half-naked Michael.

"That was a vampire you fuckin idiot. Next time don't just go off on your own."

"Uh... Ok... Sorry... I was just... I felt pulled in by her. I couldn't help it."

"Yeah, she can do that, she's a vampire."