Chapter 5: Drunk

"Why did you bring me here sir?" I calmly asked him after he took me to his office room. I found out that this room was his office because of the name on the table. 'Engineer Michael Andrew Claveria'

"I—" He could not go on with what he wanted to say. He just stared into my eyes. His stare was cold...yet lonely and it seems that he's in too much pain while staring at me straightly.

Because of the closeness of our bodies so I could smell him freely. Nothing has changed in the perfume he uses, he still smells the same. I could also smell the wine with every breath he took. He's drunk. Did he mean to get drunk? God!

He slowly loosened his grip on my arm. He also moved slightly away from me. He also averted his eyes first. Why is he like that? Why does it seem like he's hurts to see me? Is he mad at me? Then why did he hired me? After all I should be angry with him. I should be affected by it now that we have met again...but why does it seem the other way around? Why does he still seem to be affected by it today?

Silence prevailed over us for a moment. No one wants to talk. I remained standing while waiting for him to say something.

"I'm sorry..." He stepped three times away from me. I don't know what he's sorry for.

"...for acting weird." He added, so I was enlightened.

"It's okay sir." I smiled in response. I know he can't see my smile because he's turned his back, but I'm sure he knows I'm smiling based on the tone of my voice. He suddenly faced me. I was surprised to see that the emotion in his eyes was different. If he used to look cold and hurt ... now he seems angry. What did I do?

"Why are you like that?" He asked angrily then. He still hasn't changed. He was still so easy to change his emotions. He still can't control it. If anything has changed in him... it is his demeanor and his physical appearance. He looks manly and responsible now, unlike before.

"What do you want—"

"Stop it Sydney!" I backed away when he suddenly shouted at me. I lost my attention for a moment and he immediately approached me.

He looks frustrated. It was like he wanted to hurt me, which I didn't know. But I know Andrew, he's not the type of guy to hurt a woman. But then, I just don't know now. But even so I feel no fear of him now.

"Why are you like that?" He repeated his previous question. If before he was angry when he asked, now it is full of pain. I keep wondering why he is like this ... why he acts hurt when I deal with him.

"What do you mean sir?" I asked again.

"This...why do I feel like I'm just nothing with you? Why are you treating me like this?" I barely laughed at what he said.

"Why? What do you want me to do?" I frowned at him.

"I—" I sighed as he suddenly leaned his head on my shoulder. He seemed very tired and he just wanted to rest on my shoulder. I also felt him slowly embracing me. I could not move because of what he did. I stayed upright and just let him in on what he was doing.

"—missed you so much." Those words seemed to be a weapon against me. It was so painful to listen to. It was only then that I returned to trance. I used all my strength to push him hard. I succeeded in what I did pushing him. But my eyes widened when his back hit the table which caused his body to fall on the cement.

I was confused. I don't know what I will prioritize. Whether running outside to escape him, or approaching him to help him stand up. Eventually I chose to approach him and help him stand up. He was so drunk that he could not stand up.

"S-sorry sir." I apologize for what I did.

"S-sir?" He laughed. His laughter is like he's trying to hide his pain. Why is he like this? Where is his wife now? Miss Michelle?

"Drop that sir, Sydney! Call me me the way you used to call me." His tone was pleading.

"Why are you so unfair? Why is the world so unfair to me? I am bad? Am I a bad person Sydney?" He's now shouting. I was also confused. What is he saying? What does he mean?

"S-sir you're drunk. Maybe it's better if I just call Miss Michelle so you can go home and rest." I said confused. Just as I was about to stand up, he suddenly stopped me by pulling me on my arm.

"Please, comeback?" At the same time he said was the sudden opening of the door to his office. Miss Michelle and Architect Robles entered together. Miss Michelle's face was worried as she shifted her gaze to the two of us, me and Andrew.

Meanwhile, architect Robles immediately approached Andrew to help him. He helped him stand up after it was finally released from his office.

Miss Michelle and me left inside. She immediately approached me.

"I'm sorry for what he'd done. Whatever he said, I hope it won't affect you. Just think that he only said those things because he was drunk."

After she told me that she left me in Andrew's office room. I was just shaken. It's only my second day at work but a lot has happened.

After the party, I decided to go down to the basement because I knew that mang Bert was waiting there.

"Sydney!" It was as if I was a statue in my position as soon as I got out of the elevator.

"Sir Andrew..." I said softly. His eyes spoke but no words came out of his mouth. He was just looking at me.

"... I thought you were home?" I added. He still did not speak. I backed away slightly after he approached me. Fortunately, there aren't many people here in the basement, because it's hard for anyone to see us in this situation.

"Take care." He whispered after he put his jacket on my shoulder. It was only then that I realized why he was so close to me ... he just wanted to cover my shoulder.

"I don't want to see you wear this again. Don't expose your skin too much." He said coldly and authoritatively before leaving me stunned.

What is happening to him? Why if he acted like nothing happened six years ago? Damn him!