It was exactly five o'clock when I got home. I slowly opened the door to make sure Sunny couldn't see me. Especially since there are still bruises on my face.
"Momma!" I was so shocked when Sunny greeted me as soon as I opened the door. I was grabbed by my chest in shock.
"Momma what happened to you?" Extreme concern began to draw on my daughter's face.
"Momma, what's this? Where did you get these bruises? Momma!" I didn't know how to answer her because tears started to well up in her eyes.
"B-baby calm down, okay? Momma's fine." I calmed her down. But she just shook her head as her tears continued to flow.
"Is this the reason why you didn't get home last night? Who did this momma? Why did you let them hurt you like this momma? Momma why?" I gently touched her cheek to calm her down from her crying. I also hugged her tightly because I knew she was worried about me. It's a good thing she settled down ... but that concern can still be seen in her eyes.
"Baby I'm sorry, okay? Don't worry ... next time momma will be careful so you don't worry anymore." I said smiling while still hugging her.
"I don't want anyone to hurt you momma. I really love you—so promise me that no one will hurt you again, momma." She says sobbing. I let go of her hug and I turned her to me.
"Promise baby." I said smiling. She smiled because of that.
"Baby what are you doing?" I laughed as she suddenly kissed me on the face.
"I miss you momma. Besides, your bruises will heal right away. Didn't you say that my kisses heals you immediately?" She said cutely making me smile.
"You're so sweet." I said smiling before I pinched her nose.
It's already 8:00 PM in the evening. Sunny is asleep but drowsiness still does not visit me.
Grace is still downstairs, watching the drama shows she looks forward to every night. I got up to mix the milk downstairs.
"It's a good thing you're still awake, ma'am, someone is looking for you. But I'm not letting him in. I thought you were asleep." Grace immediately opened up to me as I descended.
"Who is it?" I wondered.
"Gabriel Robles?" She replied. I quickly peeked out the window, Gab being outside. I opened the door and called him.
"Evening. What are you doing here? It's already late?" I asked him one question after another.
"For you..." He smiled and handed me a bouquet of red roses.
"... I don't know anything about your favorite flower, but the seller at the flower shop said ... you'll like it so this is what I bought." He scratched his neck for a moment, a sign that he was embarrassed because he might think I wouldn't like it.
"What's this for?" I asked as the flower moved slightly away from me. I don't want Gab to disappoint me so I avoid inhaling its smell.
"D-didn't you like it?" He asked in surprise.
"Of course not. I like it,—" I made a series of sneezes that caused me to throw away the flower that Gab gave me.
"I'm sorry Gab, the truth is, I'm allergic to flowers. Sorry..." I repeatedly apologized to him. He laughed a little and quickly picked up the flower I had accidentally thrown away.
"It's okay..." He sounds disappointed to himself.
"Come in," I invited him inside.
"Not anymore Syd, I'm fine here." I nodded at what he said.
"So, again, what's that flower for?" I asked him for the second time.
"I wanted to court you." There was no trace of doubt, he said. Yes, I heard his confession about what he felt for me. But I'm not expecting him to court me.
"Gab..." I called to his attention. He looked at me seriously as if waiting for what I wanted to say.
"What is it?—Are you rejecting me already? Oh c'mon Syd...not now." He laughed and said, but despite that—it was the pain he was hiding.
"I'm sorry." I bowed. I was just surprised to see him laughing. That laugh is natural and free of any pain.
"Actually, I'm expecting this. So, don't be sorry." He said seriously.
"I just want to tell you that if you need help, I'm just here. I'm a friend Syd ... so don't hesitate. Okay?" I smiled at what he said. I'm happy for having friends like him and Michelle. They were the people I only met once but I immediately felt comfortable. Despite the trial I face today, I can say I am still lucky to have friends with open hearts.
"Thank you." I smiled at him before I hugged him tightly. A friendly hug.
"You're always welcome, Syd." He smiled.
"All right, I'll go ahead. I'm still going somewhere." He said.
"Where else? Is it Michelle?" I'm teasing him. He laughed slightly then shook his head.
"She hates me." He says laughing.
"Psh, she don't hate you." Gab just answered me with a loud laugh before he finally left.
A few minutes before he left I decided to go inside. It's getting late because Sunny might wake up when she feels I'm not beside her.
"Sydney!" Suddenly my heart beat faster because of that voice. When I looked back at him I seemed to be squeezing my chest with the pain I could see in Drew's eyes.
"Is it already Robles?" His voice was full of pain. But still I did not answer his question. I let him think what he wanted to think.
"So, it's him?" He laughed before slowly kneeling in front of me. I felt a mixture of pity and shock when he did that.
"Sydney please..." He took my hand and placed it where his heart was.
"You're the only woman who throbs and will continue to throb...please, give me another chance to show you how much I need and love you..." He begged and begged.
"...please just once Sydney. Please?" He's not showing any tears but I felt it that he's crying inside. He pleaded again and again ... but I seem to be deaf to the amount of problems I'm thinking about now.
I want to give him another chance. But when I do that, we will both be hurt ... and even worse, our daughter can be affected too.
"I'm sorry Drew. But, I'll tell you again ... that you're no longer the one I love."
After I said that I violently withdrew my hand from him and without hesitation I entered inside the house. I don't care if I leave him still kneeling in front of the door. I just don't want to! I'm tired of everything that's going on in my life.