It was just a normal day for falguni. She being the 20 years old, elder sibling of the house was just going through stuff and just going through this normal day. But that doesn't mean that she didn't have Milan on her mind.
Subconsciously Milan was always with her. She used to pretend to talk to him, listen to him, spend moments with him, express her feelings for him while pretending to talk to him, it was very hard for her.
People used to tell her that now you have moved on and it's just that that he is stuck in your mind and you don't want to let him go. But only she knew how much she tried to make his thoughts to leave her mind. She knew that she used to imagine scenarios which would never be true in real life.
She used to believe in beautiful and successful and romantic love stories which she saw in movies and in TV programs, but now as she was 20, everything had changed. Her perspective towards love stories had changed. She didn't enjoy those romantic movies with happy endings anymore, she didn't believe in happy endings anymore.
Life had taught her a lot, actually more than any girl of her age would wanna learn.
Her parents had a loveless marriage according to her. They used to fight and disrespect each other. She saw them growing apart and getting bored in their marriage. She had seen people falling apart and out of love. She had seen her one sided love giving her pain and making her cry. Everything had turned her against relationships, marriages and the feeling of a happy life.
But That didn't stop her from thinking about the only love of her life Milan because she didn't expect anything in return from him. She was a silent admirer who just believed in her feelings. She couldn't get her feelings to go and she couldn't make him develop feelings for her. It was very hard for her. She had absolutely no expectations but she couldn't stop herself from feeling sad while watching him with other girls and she couldn't stop herself from feeling what she felt. Her's was pure and selfless love. But She had made peace with whatever was happening with her, she had to.
People can believe in God till a certain limit, her life experiences had made her loose her belief in God and his miracles. But at this point in her life she didn't make any 11:11 wishes or anything. She had become a more practical one. She was done with everything.
All she wanted was someone to believe her when she said that even after 11 years she was still in love with him, she wanted someone to believe that even after 3 years of leaving school and not having any kind of contact with him, she was still in love with him. She wanted someone to hug her really tight and tell her that they can understand what she means, that someone can relate and that there is some hope.
All she wanted was some kind of affection and warmth which she didn't get from anyone, even her parents.
Her parents loved her a lot. But she always thought that probably they did need some parenting sessions. They never pampered her the way she wanted to be at that phase of her life. She wanted her mother to hug her and say that everything would be fine instead of telling her that this is the age of dumb attractions.
She had no one, absolutely no one to share this with. Though she was a really popular girl with that spunk, who always looked happy, always had a smile, shine in her eyes, was sassy, bold, intelligent, good looking, a very kind heart, had a great sense of humour, she was everything a guy could ever want. She was perfect in every way. She always had guys running after her all the time yet she never had a relationship.
But all she waited was for that stupid guy who probably had no idea that there is a stupid girl somewhere crying for him like crazy.
She had a lot of friends yet she felt lonely because no one could ever help her in a way that she wanted help. She knew she had to vent everything out but she never knew when and to whom. No one could ever guess that this girl who always keeps smiling, always looks happy Nd makes others happy was internally completely broken and very sad.
She wanted to distract herself Nd that's all she had done since school.
Even after they both were in different sections, their classes shared the same wall. She preferred not to go out of her class most of the time but in 5th standard when their classes were in front of each other, she would come early to stand on the gate just to see him enter. She wouldn't leave till he came. She had her eyes on all the staircases so that she wouldn't miss a glimpse of him.
Whenever the teacher used to tell her to bring something from his class, butterflies erupted in her stomach but she would move her eyes in all directions, in every corner just to get a glimpse of him.
The special memory she had was that of that road they had to cross where there was a possibility for them to cross together if their timings match. This possibility came when she shifted her society in 6th standard.
The road in front of their school had to crossed so that she could reach her home Nd he could reach his grandfather near his car. Those 5 seconds of her day were like the most awaited moments for her and the happiest ones. She always hoped that someday he would say something or talk and they did talk sometimes. She would carry a packet of chips or kurkure as she knew he loved them and used to offer it to him. She would hide near the buses and wait for him so that they both could cross the road together.
For 6 years all she did were efforts to either talk to him or spend a minimum of 5 seconds with him.
And one day something did happen that left her stunned, happy for that moment and heartbroken for the rest of the time, after learning the truth.