Chapter 11

This chapter may not be too long but I've got some important news. Naruto Sex Instructor is almost done. I'm not quite sure if there will be a sequel or not yet but just wanted to inform everyone!



"I really am sorry!" Naruto pleaded as anime tears comically fell down his face. He stood in front of his old class, begging the many girls; minus Aya, Hina, Amika, and Asuka. The four girls watched; slightly worried for their sensei as the rest of their classmates verbally assaulted him.

Miho looked at the man angrily and shouted, "Forget it asshole! You basically took our virginities and then ran out as fast as you could" she gave a sigh and placed her hands on her hips, "My mother was right about men".

Naruto gave the girl an expressionless stare and said, "What kind of Aburame are you, I thought you guys never talked".

Miho faced heated up as her neck snapped back towards him and she yelled back, "THAT'S NOT IMPORTANT!" Naruto shrunk back down as the little woman continued to yell at him, until Hina; finally hearing enough decided to intervene.

"Alright girls" she said walking in front of Naruto, "Sure he left, sure he hurt us, and sure he took something we can never get back without even thinking about it" Naruto looked at the ground at the last one in shame, "But…he had enough decency to apologize for it, and is willing to try to make up for leaving. Plus, if it wasn't for him, we wouldn't even be alive right now!"

The rest of the girls quieted down once Hina had finished. Naruto looked at Hina gratefully as the girl gave him a look mouthing, "You owe me".

Reina looked at the man questionable and said, "I guess we can give you one more chance, but if you mess up again we'll never forgive you". Naruto gave purple haired girl a sheepish grin with a small nod while the rest of the girls agreed.

They all reluctantly went back to their seat and Naruto smiled before he noticed something had changed since the last time he'd seen them.

"There are only ten of you…what happened to the other four girls?" Naruto asked only seeing Hina, Amika, Aya, Asuka, Miho, Reina, Rina, Koyuko, Junko, and Byento.

Miho gave a sneer at this and answered, "Supposedly they couldn't handle you leaving so suddenly and decided it must have been our faults; so they quit and dropped out of the Academy feeling bad for themselves or something. If you ask me it's pretty pathetic, I mean giving up your dreams over some guy".

Naruto glared at the younger girl and shook his head as he said, "I'm…I'm sorry to hear that. I wish I'd come back sooner".

"Yeah yeah hero boy" Miho said waving a hand at him, before she gave a smile and asked, "Don't you think it's time you properly apologize by starting the lesson?"

Naruto looked at the girl as she slowly pulled down her little ninja shorts as she grinned deviously. He looked at the other girls who were following the Aburame's actions; even a smiling Hina and a blushing Amika.

Naruto looked at the naked young girls who stood in front of him, each posing incredibly; causing Naruto's pants to shrink.

"So he should be finished in about five mouths correct?" Shizune asked Tsunade while she read a report. The busty blonde nodded as she placed her hands together and replied, "Just think Shizune…I'll no longer be Hokage. I won't have my political power any longer".

Shizune nodded sadly and said, "But milady, you did an amazing job. I'd say you're one of the most important Hokages we've ever had!"

Shizune watched as tears began to fall from the older woman's eyes and she quickly ran to her side and tried comforting her.

"It's alright Tsunade-sama! I'm sure Naruto will let you be his adviser or assistant and then you can still help the village. Please don't be sad Tsunade-sama!" Shizune said hugging the woman close to herself.

"S-Sad…" Tsunade's weak voice said, "Sad…Why would I be sad?" Tsunade looked up at Shizune and smiled as she said, "I can finally start drinking again!" before she continued crying tears; not of sadness but of happiness.

Shizune literally fell over at her master's words and thought, "I guess some things never change".

"YES!" Miho yelled as she jumped up and down on Naruto's hard shaft. Naruto couldn't help but fall victim to the young girl's lust as she had literally tackled him before anyone else could. The girl had completely stripped his pants which now hung from his ankles as they both sat upon his desk, making it rock back and forth.

The rest of the girls had broken into a group orgy, waiting for Miho to finish so they could also join in on the fun.

Naruto let his head hang back as he propped himself up on his elbows, enjoying the tightness Miho was giving him.

The black haired girl kept her quick rhythm up, fully engulfing his large cock with each movement.

"Oh god" Naruto moaned quietly as he felt her tiny pussy twitch around him. "Do you like it Naruto-sensei?" Miho asked with a cocky smile as she fucked him hard.

Miho pinched her nipple and rubbed her clit as she felt Naruto's cock grow harder inside of her. She couldn't hold it any longer as she fell atop of him, while she still raised her hips up and down.

"I'm gonna…gonna cum!" she moaned as she felt Naruto grasp her ass and squeeze her cheeks. Naruto squeezed hard, enjoying the soft fleshy ass that his fingers were currently wrapped in.

"Oh god…this fucking ass is incredible" Naruto said as he felt her walls tighten around him and heard her moan. He began thrusting up while slipping a finger into her back door, causing the girl's eyes to widen.

Naruto felt her pussy begin to milk him as she yelled out, "IT'S TOO MUCH! I'M CUMMING!" causing his eyes to roll as he released inside of her.

Sakura calmly walked towards room 221 of the academy. She had just got done talking to Tsunade who had told her she could find Naruto here.

"Room 221" she said as she walked to the door, slowly bringing her hand to the door. She was about to knock, only to be stopped when a small moan escaped from inside.

Sakura's eyebrows furrowed as she quietly and slowly opened the door, to be met by a scene she hadn't expected.

Naruto held a young girl's hips, while he repeatedly pounded into her, stretching the girl's small pussy to unimaginably sizes. A girl identical to the one under Naruto sat on her face, moaning as she ate her out.

"You're so tight Reina" Naruto groaned as he continued pounding into the girl, who was trying her best to satisfy her sister while taking Naruto on. Rina rubbed her pussy against her sister's face hard, trying to get her tongue farther inside of her.

Sakura watched with a shocked expression as Naruto fucked the smaller girl who was willingly taking him. "Oh…oh my…" she muttered as she felt her own nipple grow hard, poking out of her tight pink shirt.

"Sh-shit" Hina moaned as she and Amika rubbed their vaginas together; both girls letting out small moans. Aya and Asuka were currently on top of each other, eating the other out. Miho, Koyuko, Junko, and Byento were currently all exchanging saliva, which was also mixed with semen from Miho's pussy which belonged to their sensei.

"S-sensei" Reina moaned causing the thrusting Naruto to look up at her blushing face which was no longer covered by her sister's pussy, "I thi-think I'm go-gonna cum!"

Sakura watched with wide eyes as Reina arched her back and Naruto lurched forward, giving small quick thrusts. She mindlessly slid her hand down her tight black ninja pants. She slowly rubbed her clit as Naruto's sweaty, muscular form pounded into the girl.

"He's so sexy…" Sakura whispered as she slid a finger into herself. Naruto pulled out of the young girl and groaned out, "I'm gonna cum".

Sakura watched as all the girls ran in front of the blonde by Reina and they all eagerly opened their mouths. She watched as Naruto stroked himself quickly, pointing his cock at all the girls.

"FUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCKKKKK" Naruto moaned as he began shooting out humongous loads of semen all over the girls.

Hina was immediately shot in the face, his semen coating her. Amika's chocolate skin was made shiny as his think load flew all over her. Miho's mouth was filled to the brim with cum. Aya's rubbed the sticky substance against her breasts, enjoying the warm sensation. Asuka began licked the semen on her face off, using her hands. The rest of the girls moaned as they too were soaked with cum.

Naruto slowly quit stroking as his load stopped shooting. "Gosh damn" he said as he watched the girls rub his load into their skin.

"Naruto-sensei" Byento, slowly pulled some semen out of her shiny green hair, "Can you put it inside me next?"

Naruto was about to answer when they all heard a moan come from behind the door.

Miho was immediately pulling the door open, trying to discover who was there; spying on their love making session.

"S-Sakura-chan!" Naruto said quite shocked to see his pink haired teammate on the floor with her right breast out, pinching her nipple while she rubbed herself inside her pants.

The panting pink haired woman opened her eyes looking at the many girls and a sweaty Naruto. She was surprised to see Miho smiling evilly as she said, "Well, well; it seems someone is a peeping tom." She looked at the rest of the class and said, "I think she needs to be taught a lesson".

"W-Wait a second! I just came to talk to Nar…" Sakura's stuttering was interrupted when Miho pulled her forward into the class room. "W-Wait a second" Naruto said quit confused by the whole situation; why was Sakura here?

He watched as Miho stripped the older woman of her cloths and licked her lips at seeing the pink haired girl's wet, hot body.

"Come on Naruto-sensei" Miho said with a devious smile as she forcibly opened Sakura's legs causing the blushing woman to stutter.

Naruto watched as Sakura's light pink, small pussy was exposed to the class as Miho continued, "We'd learn so much more if you were to fuck a grown body".

Naruto was about to detest but he looked at Sakura, who almost seemed to be enjoying herself as Miho rubbed her.

"Naruto-sensei" Amika said gaining her teacher's attention, "W-What should we do?"

Naruto looked back and forth between Sakura and the girl before saying, "Y-You guys watch…you're gonna get a new lesson".

"Na-Naruto-kun" Sakura quietly moaned as he stood above her, his erection sticking out full force. "Shhh Sakura" Naruto whispered as he kneeled down grasping his cock, "Trust me, you'll enjoy this just as much as I will".

Sakura's eyes widened as Naruto pushed her legs apart and said, "Listen up girls, I'm about to show you what to expect if you're captured".

"What do you mean Naruto-sensei?" Junko asked putting her purple hair into a ponytail. Naruto looked at the short girl as produced some ninja wire seamlessly out of air.

"The whole point of this class is to make sure you're able to handle being captured and sexually tortured by bandits or other ninjas. It doesn't happen as much as it used to but trust me, it can" Naruto said checking out Junko's pussy causing the girl to blush.

Naruto turned back to Sakura and said, "Usually they'll try humiliating you before they even start the real torture".

Sakura's eyes widened as Naruto's strong arms picked her up. The girls watched as their teacher tied the woman up, throwing Kunai into the ceiling with ninja wire tied to it holding Sakura in the air.

Sakura could feel air blowing against her now exposed pussy. She dangled in the air with her arms tied above her head, and her legs spread open, with her nipples tied to the kunai in the ceiling.

Naruto smirked at the hanging woman as he said, "Alright girls, I want you all to do anything you want to her. Humiliate her anyway you want".

Sakura's eyes widened as the girls stepped forward, some looking confused while other grinned evilly. She was about to scream for help when Naruto walked forward and placed a red gag in her mouth.

"What are you gonna do while we do this Naruto-sensei?" Koyuko asked curiously. Naruto grasped his hard cock and said, "I'm gonna enjoy the show for a bit and when I feel the need; I'll take over".

The girl nodded and walked next to Miho, who was currently rubbing the pink haired woman's clit.

"Can you believe this?" Miho asked with a crazed grin, "We get to play with this woman! I hope to god someday my body looks like this!" Sakura was currently screaming/moaning into the gag while Hina was behind her, rubbing her breasts playfully pinching the pulled nipples.

Byento got down on fours and spread Sakura's cheeks apart. She licked her lips at the small hole and gave a growl before digging in.

Naruto stroked himself hard as he watched Hina, Byento, and Miho play with Sakura's body. The rest of the girl simply played with themselves and before he knew it Junko was at his side; rubbing her legs together.

"Please Naruto-sensei!" she begged once; not needed to do a second since he picked her up and laid her on a desk. Naruto groaned as he thrust inside of the small girl.

Her purple ponytail swayed with each thrust as he breasts, which were big for her age; bounced. She moaned his name loudly as he grasped her breast and squeezed her ass. Junko shut her eyes enjoying the feeling of being full her sensei was giving her.

The feeling didn't last long for Naruto as he whispered, "God I fucking love you!" in her ear; causing her to squirm and orgasm, before fully passing out.

He slowly pulled his rock hard cock out with a loud pop and looked back at the scene he left behind. Sakura was literally crying in pleasure as Miho's fingers were roughly stretching her pussy. Byento was deeply fingering her as while giving her a rim job. Hina had pulled Sakura's face down, making her upside and she forcibly rubbed her pussy against Sakura's face.

Naruto stepped forward with an all too happy grin and said, "Alright girls, I think she's had enough". This earned a groaned from all the girls as Reina whined, "But sensei we didn't even get to play with here yet!"

Naruto shook her off and stood above Sakura's dangling form, "Don't worry, you'll get a chance to have your fun. Just enjoy the show for now".

Sakura groaned as she lifted her head to see Naruto's cock about to enter her. "Don't worry babe" Naruto said gripping her ass while he slowly pushing himself in. He heard her yelp as his head popped inside of her. Sakura's eyes stretched as she felt her tight pussy being opened once again by the huge cock.

Naruto closed his eyes as he slowly began pumping, losing himself in his own pleasure. He couldn't help but moan as he felt something small and wet flick across his sack. He looked down, keeping his thrusts slow and hard; to see Amika lightly licking his balls.

He smiled as he gripped Sakura's hips and began moving quicker and harder. Sakura's groaned loudly as she was fucked by her old teammate. "How does it feel Sakura-chan?" she heard the blonde ask as he continued his rhythm.

"It's so fucking deep!" Sakura couldn't help but strain out as she felt her pussy tighten around his cock. She noticed Naruto felt it to considering the smile he was now sporting and the way he began picking up his pace.

Naruto let his smile grow and the thought of finally cumming, and in Sakura's tight pussy. He began picking up his thrusts, feeling his semen slowly traveling up his shaft.

"OH FUCK" Sakura screamed as she let her head hand, having an intense orgasm. Naruto jerked forward and allowed his semen to shoot into the hot pussy.

The girls watched as their teacher emptied himself in the woman now identified as Sakura. Amika began slurping on his hanging testicles, and could feel every spurt that went into the woman.

Naruto slowly pulled out, allowing his semen to come oozing out. "Girls…" he said slowly stroking himself as he walked towards them, "I want you all to enjoy yourselves so I'm gonna teach you a little Jutsu that should give you ultimate please with the same sex".

Naruto walked to this desk and began searching in the multiply cabinets, "gosh damn it, where did the last teacher leave it? Ah, here it is!"

The girls watched as Naruto forward with a long black dildo attached to bottoms that connected the sex toy to the girl.

"Miho, you seem pretty ready" he said motioning for the girl to step forward, "Come put this strap on and perform Tiger, Monkey, Ox and then Ram".

Miho did as she was told and put the strange device on and performed the multiply hand signs. The girls watched as Miho dropped to the ground, letting out small grunts and moans.

"There ya go" Naruto said walking away and pulling Aya away from the group, laying her on a desk; slowly thrusting inside of her. "You now know what it's like to have a cock. The Jutsu will last until you cum three times, so you've better start soon so the rest of the girls can get a chance".

Miho blushing face watched as Naruto began fucking the moaning Aya who was begging for more. She slowly looked back at Sakura who was still shaking from the intense orgasm she had recently received.

Grasping her six inch artificial cock she walked forward, aligning herself with Sakura's pussy. Miho didn't wait long as she quickly plunged inside of Sakura's creamy pussy.

"OH MY FUCKING GOD" Miho yelled loud enough to gain everyone's attention, "IT FEELS SO FUCKING GOOD!" The rest of the girl walked to the desk and began grapping their own strap on.

"Oh my god" Miho sputtered as she thrusted wildly into Sakura, precum literally pouring from her fake cock. She had no idea how the non real object could give her such pleasure but she didn't question it as she jerked forward like she'd seen her sensei do so many times.

Naruto; who was still pumping in and out of a blushing Aya watched as Miho began cumming inside Sakura, causing the grown woman to scream in pleasure. He smiled as he watched a smile line form behind Miho who was now pulling out and moving in front to have Sakura suck her clean.


Alright guys, I know I surprised some of you but a fan requested futa, and I didn't really feel comfortable with it so I came up with my own way.