Life is Unfair

Skyla gawked at him and silently thought, 'Damn me'

Daniel Wood, the captain of the basketball team. Calling him handsome would definitely be an understatement. He is gorgeous, polite and has a sense of humour making it impossible for girls to swoon for him.

And, like everyone, even Skyla had a minor crush on this demigod gracing their world.

Watching him walk towards her with his breathtaking smile made her heart soar up into the skies. And all the more, it was directed at her.

Daniel stopped in front of her with his lips curved up while Skyla ogled him.

"Hey, Skyla"

He raised his eyebrows when he noticed her still staring at him making his eyes soften.

Ellie looked back and forth between them before she slowly shoved her shoulder, startling her from her stupor.

"W-what?" Skyla blinked rapidly as she looked at Ellie.

Ellie motioned her to look forward, making her realize her blunder. Skyla turned around immediately with an embarrassed smile on her face.

Daniel chuckled softly before handing out the sandwich she was craving for.

"I think you might want this"

Skyla looked down at his hand and stared at the sandwich wondering how he knew she wanted it.

Looking at the sandwich, her eyes shimmered as her hands stretched forward to grab it involuntarily. Right when she was about to take it, she paused and looked up hesitantly, "Are you sure you want to give it to me?"

After all, it was a hot seller. One would have to queue up early to get their hands on this deliciousness.

But to her surprise, he nodded and said, "Yeah, I bought this for you"

Gaping at his straightforwardness, she stuttered, "W-why?"

Daniel pursed his lips with his eyes wandering around the canteen and asked, "Do we have to talk about this now?"

Skyla knitted her brows in confusion but not long, she understood his meaning. She looked around and saw everyone gaping at them making her cheeks burn. Her eyes fell on his friends who were waiting a couple of tables away, watching her eagerly.

Biting her lips, a blush graced her face as she quickly took the sandwich and quietly said, "Thank you"

Daniel smiled softly in response making her heart swoon.

"Can you wait for me after the match? Would you grant me the honor of taking you home?"

Skyla's eyes widened in surprise when she noticed him rubbing his head and looking at her nervously.

'Is he asking me out?'

Skyla fidgeted with the sandwich and said timidly, "Well, er.. Ellie would be -"

Before she could finish her words, Ellie decisively cut her off and said, "Sure, Daniel. She would be waiting for you in the classroom."

Daniel grinned widely, "That's a promise then" and before Skyla could gather her thoughts, he walked back to his friends who were hooting and laughing at him.

Ellie sighed before turning towards the red-faced Skyla who was still staring off into space.


Skyla blinked before slowly turning to Ellie in shock. She asked her half excitedly and half ridiculously, "Did he just ask me to wait?"

Ellie laughed at her expression and nodded making her eyes pop out more.

"But why? Why would he ask me that?"

Ellie sighed at her oblivious friend. Little did Skyla know how the boys worshipped her for her natural beauty. Even though she rarely dresses up or puts on makeup, she was well known around the university as aesthetic beauty.

Ellie smiled at her and teased, "Well, you would have to wait" making her cheeks burn. She pulled her out of the canteen saying, "Now that you have got your food, let's hurry to the court"

With her words, Skyla looked at the sandwich in her hands and her lips rose into a beautiful smile. She nodded her head absentmindedly until she shrieked out when she sat down inside the court.

"El, he asked me to wait after the match?" she asked panickingly.

Ellie looked at her anxious face and sighed, "I was wondering when you would realize that."

Skyla immediately grasped her hand and said alarmingly, "El, I can't stay. You know I don't step out of my house once the night hits"

Ellie patted her hand and said encouragingly, "But the match would only end by then."

Looking at her distressed face, Ellie knitted her brows wondering why Skyla was opposed to staying late. Even though she was curious, she never asked her as it seemed important to her.

Ellie gushed, not wanting her to miss the chance, "Besides I think he wants to confess"

Skyla looked up into her friend's eyes while biting her lips hard, struggling to decide. It was a fight between her heart and mind whether to step out of her safe cocoon into the dangerous night.

She was terrified of the dark especially when the dark cold voice haunted her at night. Finally she decided to listen to her mind as she didn't want to take any chances with her life. Even though she very much wanted to talk to him.

But she didn't want anyone to know her crazy encounters.

Seeing her decide on something, Ellie asked softly, "Are you going?"

Skyla took a deep breath and was about to shake her head when her eyes met Daniel's eyes across the court.

He was watching her and when their eyes met, he let out a gorgeous smile making her resolution fade.

Looking at him, with a soft smile on her face, she said, "Yeah, I will wait for him"

'Well, it would be fine for one time'


Skyla sat on her seat as she watched the sky gradually turn black. The sunset rays fell inside the classroom lighting it up with an orange dye. Her heart accelerated in fear at the thought of staying out late.

The match had finished an hour back with them emerging as victors. Skyla tapped her fingers nervously on the table as she waited for Daniel. She looked at the entrance from time to time to only meet with silence.

When the orange rays faded into blackness, her heart trembled slightly. She raised her eyes to the deep black night making her emotions falter.

A sudden sliding of the door made her flinch as she whipped her head around in fear to face an astonished Daniel.

He raised his eyebrows when he saw her pale face. He closed the door and apologized, "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you"

Skyla exhaled realizing it was only Daniel and patted her chest. She opened her eyes and saw his feet in front of her making her already calm heart pound.

"Are you okay? " he asked worriedly, making Skyla lift her head and smile at him.

He let out a relieved smile and said, "Sorry, the boys made me late"

She chuckled, "It's fine" and looked at him nervously. She asked softly, "So?"

"Err…" , Daniel looked around nervously, avoiding her gaze as he thought of the speech he had learnt just minutes back. But sensing her gaze on him, the words were disappearing making him panic.

Not so long, Daniel groaned as he slumped against the chair near the window making Skyla raise her eyebrows. He was clutching his hair in frustration.

"What happened?" Skyla asked worriedly as she sat near him and stretched her hand to check his head.

But before she could touch his hair, Daniel caught hold of her hand making her freeze. Her eyes looked into his deep blue ones looking at her intently.

Noticing their closeness, Skyla was about to move back when Daniel pulled her forward and whispered, "I like you, Skyla"

Her eyes widened as her heart pounded inside her chest. Taking deep breaths, she was trying to calm her heart down while secretly glad that she waited for him.

Daniel looked at the silent beautiful girl sitting beside him bathing in the moonlight. He clutched her hand making her look at him with a cute expression. Resisting the urge to pinch her cheek, he urged her softly, "Skyla?"

She blinked at him and licked her dry lips unconsciously distracting Daniel. Not able to find her voice, Skyla nodded at him making him laugh.

"What do you mean by nodding, Skyla?"

Skyla pursed her lips as she didn't know what to say.

He tilted his head and asked softly, "Do you agree to be my girlfriend, Skyla?"

Skyla looked into those gorgeous blue eyes with her reddened cheeks. Closing her eyes, she nodded her head again before standing up urgently to escape this atmosphere. She couldn't breath while sitting close to this demigod guy.

But before she could take another step, Daniel pulled her towards him and let her fall on his lap, shocking her to her core.

Skyla looked at Daniel in shock before she sat upright and asked, "Are you okay?"

Daniel wrapped his arms around her waist and laughed, "You are so cute, Skyla"

Looking at her confused face, he said, "Why would I be hurt because of this?"

Skyla blushed making his heart ache. He lifted his hand and caressed her cheek making her look at him.

"You are so beautiful, Sky" making her heart leap at his sudden change of her name.

Skyla smiled shyly while looking down at her hands making his heart crave for something more. He moved closer to her as his eyes moved from her eyes to her luscious lips.

He mumbled softly, "Can I?"

Skyla bit her lips as her mind raced. 'Can I-what? Kiss?'

Her eyes went down to his lips and thought, 'Am I finally going to have my first kiss?'

Noticing her lost in her thoughts, Daniel moved closer to her face. His breath falling on her cheeks effectively startling her out of her stupor.

"Can I?"

Her heart trembled as her face reddened. She nodded subtly making his eyes shine.

He gripped her hand as his other hand crawled towards her cheek. Before he could plant his lips against hers, he heard her hiss startling him. He looked at her and asked worriedly, "What's wrong?"

Skyla hissed in pain when she finally remembered about her injured hand. Daniel followed her gaze and noticed the blood on her palm making his eyes widen.

Skyla bit her lips in pain before she noticed his strangeness. When her wits kicked in, she hurriedly pushed him away and hid her hand behind her back and watched him cautiously.

But it was too late.

The moment she pushed him away, she saw her favourite blue eyes slowly had already turned into a colour she despised. Her blood drained from her face as he turned towards her and snarled.
