Where Am I?


Skyla shifted on the bed as she moved in discomfort. Her eyes squeezed shut and her lips were mumbling as she turned her head over and over. Beads of sweat formed on her face, as she clutched the blankets tightly under her fingers.

Her chest heaved as she frowned unconsciously in her sleep. She was biting her lips hard as if she was struggling with something.

She squirmed on the bed as the sound of the footsteps closing in on her echoed in her ears. A muffled groan escaped her lips as she ran across the empty dark corridors searching for an exit desperately. Her heart hammered inside her chest. She felt an impending doom hover over her head making her shudder in fright.

As she ran past the corridors, the darkness seemed to have its own mind as it swallowed her every step. She ran as if her life depended on it, with tears flowing down her cheeks. The mad laughter echoed within the darkness making her grit her teeth.But soon, her face brightened when she saw the light at the end of the long dark hallway.

With just a few steps away from the exit, as her heart was lighting up with hope, a wall emerged suddenly from the ground, dampening her hopes.

Yet again..

Skyla came to a full stop and looked at the wall lifelessly. She panted heavily as her eyes bored on the wall. Walking up to the wall slowly, she raised her fist and slammed on it lightly until eventually, her light hits grew stronger.

"Move…. Get out of my way," she cried as she continued hitting the wall.

Her tears fell as she slumped down the wall helplessly.

Skyla closed her eyes as she squeaked, "Help..."

Suddenly her tears froze when she heard the footsteps halt behind her. Skyla blinked as she turned around slowly with her heart at the tip of her mouth.

Her fingers gripped the wall tight as if she was clutching it for support. Her eyes widened when she saw a pale hand shoot out from the darkness and grip her neck.

A snarling voice accompanied his action, "Give it to me"

Skyla let out a muffled cry as she hit the hand weakly. Her heart trembled when she raised her eyes to meet a pair of blood red eyes staring at her fiercely. Her eyelashes trembled as she struggled under his grip.

She flinched when she heard his mad laughter, "Did you think entering this world would make you safe?"

Absolute silence was met with his words until her cry echoed in the hallway. Skyla gritted her teeth when she felt his nails pierce through her neck. She shivered when she felt his finger trace her face slowly as he murmured, "You should have stayed back there."

He lifted her chin letting him see her horrified gaze. Cackling wildly, he continued, "You should have stayed back there… in your safe haven"

Skyla frowned at his words as she gazed at those cold red eyes. Seeing her clueless face, the voice seemed to have found joy as he said mirthfully, "Now you can't escape me"

He pulled her towards him, letting the darkness envelope her. Skyla flinched when she felt the coldness seeping in her body. Gazing into her brown eyes, he said dauntingly, "Only death awaits you here"

Skyla widened her eyes in horror before a spine-chilling scream filled the hallway.


Skyla shot up from the bed, her eyes wide with fear as she inhaled furiously. Her eyes looked around her surroundings warily as her chest heaved up and down. When she saw the white walls and the blanket over her, she realized that she was safe and away from those eyes.

Skyla let out a shuddering sigh as she closed her eyes and drew her knees towards her. She buried her head between her knees as her mind repeated those daunting words. She shook her head and closed her ears in hopes to thwart away the voice.

She felt tired all of a sudden, mentally tired from all these nightmares. Her heart hammered inside her chest as if it was comforting her- telling her that she was safe.

Skyla touched her face when she felt something trickling down and noticed it was her sweat. Glancing at the sweat on her finger tips, she pursed her lips.

This time… it was different

The surroundings changed… the eyes… but it was the same thing again.

Skyla mumbled under her breath, "It's different"

Suddenly a voice chimed in, "What is different?"

Skyla widened her eyes before she looked up to notice a guy standing before her, gazing at her curiously. She swiftly crawled backwards towards the headrest of the bed as she guarded against the guy warily.

Xavier blinked at her swift actions and scratched his chin awkwardly. He didn't know what made this human to be so vigilant around him. He was surprised to hear her scream and rushed over to only see her shuddering in fear.

Skyla clutched the headrest tightly as she asked vigilantly, "Who are you? What are you doing in my room?"

Xavier blinked at her in confusion before he put into use what he learned throughout the ages. He smiled sweetly at her until he saw her face pale and her eyes widen in horror.


Unknown to him, when he smiled, his cute little fangs were exposed reminding Skyla of her recent adventures.

"V-Vampires," she said in an unbelievably shaky voice.

How can it be?

Yet the present shows her the truth.

She clutched her hair when she remembered the two frenzy vampires whom she met last night. She was this close to dying…


Her eyes suddenly lifted when she remembered someone helping her. She remembered vividly how safe she felt in those arms. Biting her lips, she raised her eyes doubtfully at the stunned vampire and thought.

'Was it this guy?'

Skyla rejected the thought immediately as she couldn't feel the same feeling as she felt last time.

Upon seeing the shock on her face slowly changing to doubt to disbelief, Xavier narrowed his eyes, intrigued by this human.

And yet, the human took him by surprise.

Skyla lifted her eyes and stared right at the vampire and asked sternly, "Where is the guy who saved me?"

Xavier's body shook when he met her stern brown eyes. Her aura changed from scared to fierce in a second, startling him.

'Just what is with this human?'

He let out a sigh but answered her, with his eyebrows raised, when he saw her waiting for his answer.

"Your saviour would be back tomorrow"

He was in for another surprise when he saw the human relax knowing that Ezekiel would be back. He didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Someone was actually willing to wait for the grim reaper? Would the world be shocked to know about this?

Just when he thought the girl had relaxed her vigilance, he heard her question him sharply, "Who are you?"

Xavier rubbed his temples at the thought of managing this human till the guy was back. Clearing his throat, he answered her perfunctorily,"I'm the doctor in charge of you. My name is Xavier"

Narrowing his eyes, he tapped his fingers on the bed as he said slowly, dropping the bombshell on her, "And, this is my home"

Skyla widened her eyes as she looked around faintly before her eyes rested on the vampire in front of him. She vaguely remembered the vampires mentioning something about Defrox.

Remembering her nightmare, she shuddered as she thought, 'Did she really cross worlds?'

Biting the inside of her cheeks, she asked slowly, "Excuse me… but could you tell me where I am?"