Surprise Visit

Skyla closed the door behind her as she moved towards the living room. Her fingers tugged at her blue dress that covered her bandages so well. She fiddled with her dress as she wondered how to return back to her world.

Skyla licked her lips as the smell of deliciousness wafted to her nose dispelling her worries. Her stomach grumbled as she hurried her steps towards the smell. Instantly, her eyes lit upon seeing the various food on the table.

Skyla sat down eagerly and reached out for a bun when a voice jolted her from her seat.

"Well…I guess I should be glad that you are treating this place as your home" Xavier said, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

Skyla choked on her food as a fit of coughs attacked her. Her eyes teared up as she lifted her eyes and glared at her silent host.

Gulping down mouthfuls of water, she asked furiously, "Would it hurt you to make some noise as you walk?"

Xavier raised his eyebrow as he sat down opposite of her. He narrowed his eyes as he bit down on an apple and observed the human in front of him.

She looked like a furious little rabbit glaring at him with her red face and pursed lips.

His lips twitched bemusedly as he took another bite of his apple and mused, "You don't seem to be frightened of me"

Well, except the time when she woke up but… Xavier furrowed his brows as he wasn't sure whether it was fear that made her gape at him. Remembering her widened eyes when she realized his identity, he murmured, "It was more like shock?"

He hummed thoughtfully when his eyes widened at her response.

"I don't think you would hurt me"

Xavier's actions froze as he blinked at this human unbelievably. 'What did she say?'

He scoffed as he threw the half eaten apple away, 'I wonder how she would react when I snap her small neck into two'

Imagining the despair on her face, Xavier let out a smile. He leaned back against his chair as he tapped his fingers on the table in a slow rhythm.

"Why do you think so?" he asked curiously yet her answer surprised him again.


Xavier gaped at this human unbelievably, who was facing him seriously before his shoulder shook and laughter echoed inside the room.

"You sure know how to crack a joke" Xavier said as he tried to control his laughter.

Skyla ignored him as she continued to fill her stomach. Well, it wasn't a lie when she answered him. If he helped her and stayed by her side while she was unconscious, then it meant he wasn't all bad.

She didn't want to view him as a monster. After all she was one of them, the ones who adored the vampires. In all the stories she had read, the vampires had a charm, a charm to make all the girls swoon for them.

Skyla still couldn't believe that she met one in real life. Peeking through her eyelashes, she observed the vampire in front of her which she couldn't do before as her mind was muddled.

As they say, Vampires are beautiful… too beautiful that they could charm one to sin.

Xavier was indeed handsome with his blonde hair and brown eyes. He had a gentle aura around him which caused one to let down their guard subconsciously. But she doubted.

She squinted her eyes as she wondered whether his gentleness was to mask his devious ways.

Skyla bit her lips as her eyes feasted on his beauty. She had never seen someone as handsome as him in her life. His skin was as pale as chalk showing the purple veins underneath his skin.

Skyla studied his facial features, starting from his sharp jawline to his eyes. She gasped when he saw her smirking at her. Instantly Skyla bowed her head down as embarrassment washed over her.

Xavier chuckled, "Well, if you are done ogling me, let's get down to business, shall we?"

Skyla cleared her throat as she lifted her head, trying her best to not look at him. A smile played on his lips as he watched her innocent antics.

"How did you enter this city?"

Skyla froze for a split second which didn't go unnoticed by Xavier. He narrowed his eyes on her.

Skyla slowed down her chewing as she decided to be honest. She looked at him and shrugged, "I don't know"

Xavier frowned at her words. He observed her and couldn't figure out whether she was playing or pretending with him.

On seeing his suspicious gaze, she continued, "I remember wandering inside a mansion when a light wrapped around me." She tilted her head and said in a small voice, "When my vision cleared, I was in front of two vampires."

Skyla shuddered when she remembered the hungry gazes on their faces and the pain they had inflicted on her.

Xavier pursed his lips as he very much wanted to call out her bluff but looking at her shaking shoulders and her widened eyes, he couldn't.

This was trouble… if the royals got news of a human trespassing their boundaries, then the consequences would be dire.

Xavier sighed as he shook his head. He couldn't understand the intentions behind Ezekiel's actions.

'Why did he even bring her here?'

Instantly his face turned grave when he heard soft noises from the front yard.

'Didn't he divert them?'

He clicked his tongue in annoyance as he abruptly stood up from his chair. He grabbed Skyla in the next instant and in the next instant, appeared in front of an empty alley.

Skyla blinked her eyes as her vision shifted suddenly from inside a house to a lonely alley. She took out the bun stuffed in her mouth and turned around questioningly at Xavier who was busy rampaging his bag.

He suddenly took out something and sprayed all over her, making her wrinkle her nose.

"What is this?"she asked, waving her hand in front of her.

Xavier ignored her as he mumbled, "That should save her for sometime" as he proceeded to stuff a small bottle in her hand.

"Remember to take this after two hours" he ordered, making her frown. Skyla peered into the bottle containing blue liquid and asked doubtfully, "What is this?"

Xavier racked his fingers through his hair as he gritted out the words, "The thing which would save your life"

Skyla furrowed his brows making him roll his eyes. He turned her around, making her face the alley. He pointed in an direction and said, "Walk straight ahead and once you reach the exit, remember to keep your hood up and walk left"

Skyla wanted to turn around and question him when the pressure on her shoulders halted her. She gulped when he heard his low voice by her ear, "Just because you are not my type, it doesn't mean it applies to everyone, little human"

Skyla paled under his words making Xavier pat her shoulders understandingly.

"Don't worry, little human. I will be back for you soon. Just make sure not to die"

Pushing her into the alley, he disappeared with the words, "Don't forget to drink it"

Skyla gripped the bottle in her hands as she glanced at the alley.

"Well Skyla, you got this" and she walked into the alley.